
Title Keyblade Master (Otaku Eternal)
Birthday 09/22/92
Member Since 06/19/07
Guestbook 376 signatures
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Gifts A friendly otaku: happy birthday! LightFykki: Happy happeh birthday! ^_^ DeathSeraph: Happy (late) Birthday!! >w< :D nikkeh09: Happy Birthday! DemonsandAngels: Happy birthday! Hope it's wonderful!! Rainbow Dragon: HappehBirthday2YouZ.Want a cookie? 8D Groovy Boar: happy birthday! :D Darkarax: Happy birthday!  :) Kaerlyn: Cookie for energy :3 LGA775: Thank you my dear friend..:) nikkeh09: Thanks for entering my challenge ^^ Snowzi: Thank you! LGA775: Merry Christmas my dear friend^^ XXOX OoAnBuOo: Thank you for participating : ) DemonsandAngels: Happy belated birthday!! Hope it's great code93: sorry for the late gift. Happy B'day :D nikkeh09: Happy Late Birthday!!! Kazamas-Keyblade: Haps 2 U on your birthday! DeathSeraph: Happy Happy Birthday!! have fun!! :D ^w^ Darkarax: Happy birthday!  :) Kazamas-Keyblade: Just gotta keep your head up, ay-ay! Kazamas-Keyblade: You're Gonna Get Through This~~! Kazamas-Keyblade: To 8 years 'n Counting! Kazamas-Keyblade: Hipster Panda says hard work pays off! code93: here, for you.. tehee.. :D : Thank you ^-^ tethysal: ty for the sub! : Stay Awesome! nikkeh09: happy valentine's day ^^ toyotami kun: Merry Christmas and happy new year! nikkeh09: Merry Christmas nikkeh09: Happy Halloween! toyotami kun: Happy late birthday!!! :) DeathSeraph: Happy late Birthday!I hope it was great~ Artgrrl: Happy Birthday! nikkeh09: happy birthday!!!!! Darkarax: Happy birthday!  :) DemonsandAngels: Happy birthday! Hope it's wonderful!! nikkeh09: Yay Congrats For Winning My Challenge! Keba Si Rota: 2nd Place! Hifsa: Thanks for participating in Blue! :) MangaKid: Thanku 4 signing 4 Pit Bulls!! :) : Happy Easter~!!! ^^ : I'm so sorry.... DoubleOtaku: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY XxArrancarFanxX: Happy Valentine's Day! Soulanime14: Happy New Year!! MangaKid: Merry Christmas, my friend!! <3 toyotami kun: MeRrY chRiStmAs and HaPpY nEw YeAr! Artgrrl: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Thanksgiving!!! TheDarkVoid98: Thanks! lets share cake :3 Soulanime14: Happy Halloween!!!!!! DoubleOtaku: happy halloween! madalinehatter: Thanks for the sub (>^ _^)> toyotami kun: thank you for catching Raimundo! lol ReiKiba: Happy belated birthday! >w< Valerie014: Belated happy birthday! :) blue tea: Happy birthday! ken206573: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY ANIMAL!! Have fun! Japanfunny: Happy late b-day!! (^â—‹^) DeathSeraph: Happy Birthday to you and Patrick!! ^w^ DoubleOtaku: HAPPY BIRZDAY!!!! ^^ CrimzonN3k0 z: Happy Birthday!! XxXWinXGirlXxX: Happy birthday!!!!!! chihiroyin: Happy b-day :) toyotami kun: HaPpY bIrThDaY cLuE!!! Kazamas-Keyblade: HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY CLUE!!! AriaFlosh: Happy birthday â¥ãƒ¾(@°ω°@)ノ DemonsandAngels: Happy birthday Hope you have a great day Archmage225: Happy Birthday! ^-^ Kumori5: Happy happy B-dayz!!! superstarpanou: Thank u for participating in my contest! : thanks for sub. have a good day. luicifers wife: Thankyou for entering Old School! Sabriela Hellena: First place winner! MangaKid: You are awesome!! Keep it up <3 : Thanks for entering my contest! ChiPolVee: Thank you for the kindness! Artgrrl: Happy Valentine's Day! DangerousTinkerer: Happy Valentine's Day 8-) aka yuki: Happy Valentines Day 21Emmz12: Happy Valentine's Day!! :D DeathSeraph: Happy Valentine!:D another kitty 4 ya XD toyotami kun: mErY cHrIsTMaS&HaPpY NeWyEaR!~ ToYa Naomi Bear: Merry Christmas! ♥ Nae and Estelle :D : Thank you so very much! Kazamas-Keyblade: Happy Thanksgiving! The Detective: Happy Birthday    ~L DeathSeraph: happy birthday!! have an awesome day! :D Kazamas-Keyblade: Haps 2 U!!! ken206573: Happy Birthday Clueless101! Best wishes 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D DemonsandAngels: Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one reichiinya: Happy Birthday! toyotami kun: HaPpY b-dAy!!! I hope you enjoy it! ^_^ CrimzonN3k0 z: Happy Birthday <(=^.^=)> aka yuki: Happy Birthday!! RayMan87: Happy b day :) neko Misty kitten: congrats on promotion- Eternal!!! :D Captain Ronnie: Thanks for being awesome! :3 kita mikichi: Congrats on Otaku Eternal! metalb2: Thanks for taking part in my challenge iamEssence: Here is your cookie ^^ morningmusicheart: Happy pie day ;) ItachiSasuke: Thank you for entering my challenge~! XD Kazamas-Keyblade: NEW YEAR byakuyarox1: Happy New Year! Otomi Babii: Merry Christmas ♥ -Nellie :3 ItachiSasuke: Thanks for your entry in my challenge~! Otomi Babii: HAPPY HALLOWEEN♥ -Nellie ^__^ XxXWinXGirlXxX: Thank you so much for the bday wishes! DemonsandAngels: Thank you so much for the bday wishes! Vivianlove: Love for October <3 RayMan87: have a lucky b day :) wingedshadowwolf: Happy Birthday! MintIceCream: happy happy belated bday!!!!!!!!!!! Eneko: Happy Birthday!!!! :3 PGR: Happy Birthday!! :) Bleachic: Happy Birthday ;^o^/; : happy birthday reichiinya: Hope you enjoy your birthday pocky! marcinha: Happy Birthday!^_^ WhiteFlame96: Happy Birthday!!!!! : D DramaticCheezcake: Happy birthday from me to you! :D ForeverForget: happy birthday! don't eat too much cake! 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D LightFykki: Happy birthday. May it be really good :) Artgrrl: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! : Happy bday~ dfdfdfdf: happy birthday owo Minnano Kimochi: happy birthday! ReiKiba: Happy Birthday n have a nice day! C; Kami-chan.x3: RAMEN DAY! ~ *throws noodles in the air* kandafan: thnx for participatin in my challenge! dusktilldawn713: thank youuu :))) hahaha wolfpupable: thanks for subbing dusktilldawn713: extra congrats on graduation!!! xp EverybodysFool: Thanks for the gift ^^ Deaths Strawberry: Sending a strawberry back, no mocking 21Emmz12: RANDOM GIFT! =^D ForgottenAngel1: Happy Easter!!!! liveeverysecond: Happy Easter to you too!^^ EclipseDragon: Haapy Easter! XD : Happy Easter! ^_^ : Happy Easter! IChiTa: Happy Easter~ ecnelisterger: Happy Easter~ :) Hv a gr8 day. Hulaberry32: Panda for youuu! ^^ Hulaberry32: I heart you! x33 Hulaberry32: Sweet treat for a sweet girl! :) Hulaberry32: Thanks for being an awesome friend! ^^ lapaperninja: Happy V-day!  ^w^ Aiden Elric: happy valentines day!! Artgrrl: Happy Valentine's Day! <3 : Happy Valentines day lapaperninja: Happy New Year! ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D ecnelisterger: Art-stored honey of the human soul Star Crossed: Merry (late) Christmas & Happy New Year! : happy holidays Poyongluv: Merry Christmas!! aminesick: Merry Xmas to you! =P hope it was grand! lapaperninja: Merry Christmas! :3 Haxelo: Merry Christmas!! <3 *huggles* Artgrrl: Merry Christmas! ^_^ ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ : Hello! Long time no see!! >w< ecnelisterger: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hulaberry32: Happy Thanksgiving! :DD Artgrrl: Happy Halloween my friend! ReiKiba: Happy Halloween~!!! xD lapaperninja: ~Happy Halloween! ~ :) ecnelisterger: Happy Halloween!!! XD : Thanks for your subscription! : Thanks for your subscription! vanieturnip: happy b'day! firefox360: A PANDA!!!! XD : happy b-day!! Captain Ronnie: Happy late birthday! xD PandaChanX3: Happy birthday !~ firefox360: pm me to figure out what  it is :3 Deaths Strawberry: Yo, Happy Birthday WhiteFlame96: Happy Birthday! kandafan: (sory is late) happy B-day!!!!!!!! Arctic Summer: Happy Birthday :) : Happy birthday sorry it's late! ^^ marcinha: Happy Birthday!!!^_^ 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~! =^D Hulaberry32: Happy Birthday! ^^ wh2000: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Cat14: Happy Birthday! : Happy B-day Clueless :3 Artgrrl: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :D : Happy Birthday!! ^_^ dyanaanime: Have a b-day with many friends around ^^ Poyongluv: Heres some pocky fer ur b-day! ^^ : happy birthday ^^ TomaKuchiki: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wingedshadowwolf: Happy B-Day!!! MaraBruckner: happy birthday lapaperninja: Happy B-Day Clue!!!! RayMan87: happy B day. I miss you ecnelisterger: Happy Birthday!!! stinamuffin: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D saki 1234: Welcome to AAAAA!(Kingdom Academy!) firefox360: you get pawky for subbing :D Darknessdancer: Thanks for joining in Epic Love Story! : Thanks for joining my challenge~! ^_^ firefox360: you get pawky for subbing :D Hulaberry32: Thanks for joining Maid Latte! ^^ inufluffy12: o(≧▽≦)o Bricked kita mikichi: Congrats on your Member Promotion! wh2000: aF, Hall of Fame wh2000: Best sketch artwork wh2000: first place in "Favoite Character" ecnelisterger: thanks for the subs and everything!!! MidnightNobody: thx!! SonoNaiZaChi: gotcha Artgrrl: Happy Easter! :D gabylopez: thanx 4 talking 2 me and being nice 2 me : Thanks 4 taking part in my challenge! ^^ aoi bara: thankz for taking part in Anime Centre! TigersKiss: Thank you for welcoming me.......=^-^= LGA775: Thanks for the comment..^^ Gift 4 u : Great wallpapers! their all really good! EclipseDragon: Feliz Ano Nuevo!!! Ole! miableachgirl: Happy New Year! ReiKiba: smile always in 2010! winterlionheart: Happy Holidays aoi bara: happy holidays ^_^ kukki-chan: =D happeh holidays~ marcinha: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year^_^ liveeverysecond: HAPPY MOLE DAY SARA!!!!!!! xxNoExistencexx: Use the brick!! :O dyanaanime: Happy B-day ^-^ aoi bara: happy bufday!!! =) marcinha: Happy Brithday!!!^_^ Shadowcatgirl: Happy Birthday! I hope you have fun! zero guardian: Happy Birthday!!! ShingetsuHime: happy birthday!^_^ kuribohluver: Happy Birthday!! EclipseDragon: Pocky for your b-day! :D VWBSZWAS: Happy Birthday! halcyondays: I know how you like these things so...:) EclipseDragon: Here's the cookie you ordered! Shadowcatgirl: Thanks for being my first friend here :) michaelis: heh SonoNaiZaChi: u love ramen. i know it. EclipseDragon: One Great Artist liveeverysecond: Had lotz 'o fun this weekend! YUMMY! ^_^ halcyondays: because you're an awesome artist! liveeverysecond: BFF's 4eva, Thats a promise!
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Creator - Where Are They Now? Creator - Otome! Contestant - Challenge: Anything Goes (Free Draw)2 Contestant - Challenge: O.C. for you (: Creator - Inspiration Is Everywhere Contestant - Challenge: Couples Creator - Time to make a Mary Sue! Contestant - Challenge: Traditional ShowCase! Contestant - Challenge: Oc Lovin\' Contestant - Challenge: ust go with it #2 Creator - Let the Music Move You Contestant - Challenge: The People of all Fears- Villains Contestant - Challenge: Doing the impossible Creator - Age Change! Winner - Challenge: -C O L O R  P O P- Winner - Challenge: O.C. Date Night! Creator - I'm Thinking Disney~ Winner - Challenge: Connections Winner - Challenge: Blue! Contestant - Challenge: Anything Goes (Free Draw) Contestant - Challenge: Anything Goes (Free Draw) Creator - Create Your Vocaloid! Contestant - Challenge: In your art style! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s my OTP Winner - Challenge: Generation Sensation Gijinka Challenge Contestant - Challenge: Genderbends / Alter Egos! Creator - Behind the Mask Contestant - Challenge: Negatives Contestant - Challenge: Suits Required Contestant - Challenge: Alter Ego Contestant - Challenge: OC Fans Contestant - Challenge: Make it Bright! Contestant - Challenge: Make it Bright! Winner - Challenge: Get Accessorized! Creator - Create your own Star Racer Contestant - Challenge: Oldies! Creator - Digital Monsters, Digimon! Contestant - Challenge: Choose Your Character! Contestant - Challenge: Only Using Pen Contestant - Challenge: Only Using Pen Creator - Animefy Contestant - Challenge: Sexy male Contestant - Challenge: !!!!!Old school!!!!!! Contestant - Challenge: !!!!!Old school!!!!!! Winner - Challenge: Miss a dead line? Contestant - Challenge: Your OC Challenge! Winner - Challenge: PGR Fan Service~! Contestant - Challenge: Show Me Your OC!!! Creator - quote challenge!!! Creator - Your very own Keyblade!!! Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon VII Contestant - Challenge: Pay it Forward Contestant - Challenge: Pay it Forward Contestant - Challenge: little bit o\' country. Contestant - Challenge: little bit o\' country. Contestant - Challenge: Summer time!!! Creator - PGR Summer FUN!!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Amnesia Forgotten Time Winner - Challenge: Traditional Contestant - Challenge: Tribute to Paul McCartney Contestant - Challenge: Create theOtaku\'s New Header Mascot (Prizes!) Contestant - Challenge: a Little Request! Contestant - Challenge: Casual & Street Style Contestant - Challenge: Beautiful to me Creator - Disney Music Contestant - Challenge: PGR Pairings~ Contestant - Challenge: Beatles! Winner - Challenge: Stick People Contestant - Challenge: OMG Kelly Clarkson Contestant - Challenge: Because I\'m stupid Contestant - Challenge: CLOSEUP Contestant - Challenge: Final Fantasy Contestant - Challenge: Crazy thinga-ma-jig. Contestant - Challenge: Challenge #1: Pride Contestant - Challenge: Make/Draw me a... Dragon Winner - Challenge: vampire knight :) Creator - Draw my Gijinka Contestant - Challenge: Dedication to a friend Contestant - Challenge: Dedication to a friend Contestant - Challenge: Simply Gothic Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon II Contestant - Challenge: Ice To See You Contestant - Challenge: Show Me Wha\'Cha Got, Cardmakers Contestant - Challenge: An Angel or a Demon? Contestant - Challenge: [My Life] Wallpaper Marathon I Contestant - Challenge: AMV\'s Tribute 2! Creator - Crossover!!! Contestant - Challenge: manga is....ART! Contestant - Challenge: Best character of avatar: the last airbender Contestant - Challenge: Tried to be perfect.... Creator - Create Your Own Super Hero Contestant - Challenge: theOtaku Summer Fun Contest Contestant - Challenge: theOtaku Summer Fun Contest Winner - Challenge: The Black Cat Contestant - Challenge: The Rice Ball X The Cat or The Rat? Winner - Challenge: All You Need Is Love~! Winner - Challenge: It's OVER 9000!!!! Winner - Challenge: Animalistic Contestant - Challenge: your OC Creator - Animal as a human Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: Be my Valentine. Creator - Scribble Time Contestant - Challenge: Your OC with their OC! Contestant - Challenge: Your OC with their OC! Contestant - Challenge: Lolita Design Creator - Opposite Gender XD Contestant - Challenge: Life\'s Inspirations Contestant - Challenge: Otaku Host Club Contestant - Challenge: Otaku Host Club Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: ABCs Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: ABCs Contestant - Challenge: Dream Free Winner - Challenge: 2-Can you make him sexy? *please read Contestant - Challenge: Seriously Cool! Contestant - Challenge: Stress-free riddles! Contestant - Challenge: Epic Love Story Contestant - Challenge: Epic Love Story Contestant - Challenge: Epic Love Story Contestant - Challenge: YOUR favorite character Creator - Favorite songs Winner - Challenge: Imagination.. do you have one? Winner - Challenge: Action Animated T.V. From North America Contestant - Challenge: Little Kids, Big Kids, or Animals Contestant - Challenge: Little Kids, Big Kids, or Animals Contestant - Challenge: Prom Night, Carnival Day Contestant - Challenge: make me LOLROTFLMAO Contestant - Challenge: I HATE YOU!!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Can you do it? Contestant - Challenge: Can you do it? Winner - Challenge: Sexy challenge Contestant - Challenge: Usernameness~! Winner - Challenge: Favorite Character Creator - Can you draw my oc's? Contestant - Challenge: Just Black and White Contestant - Challenge: Just Black and White Winner - Challenge: Draw my new Villain OC Contestant - Challenge: Sexy Model\'s Contestant - Challenge: Top Male Anime Character Contestant - Challenge: Here Is Your Test Contestant - Challenge: Here Is Your Test Contestant - Challenge: Here Is Your Test Contestant - Challenge: Official Contest: Tsubasa DVD Giveaway Contestant - Challenge: Official Contest: Tsubasa DVD Giveaway Contestant - Challenge: Draw your Favorite Contestant - Challenge: Draw your Favorite Contestant - Challenge: Your favorit Contestant - Challenge: Anime and Manga Creator - Kingdom Hearts Contestant - Challenge: Warrior Contestant - Challenge: OMG LAME!!! Contestant - Challenge: OMG LAME!!! Contestant - Challenge: Certain Bleach Characters~! Contestant - Challenge: Boy\'s Love! Contestant - Challenge: Elements in Anime and Manga Contestant - Challenge: Celebration of Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen! Contestant - Challenge: ThE fInAl CoUnTdOwN!!!! 8D Contestant - Challenge: A Birthday Gift Contestant - Challenge: Cover This Contestant - Challenge: Knights of Zodiac ! Creator - Devil May Cry Contestant - Challenge: No Love Permitted Contestant - Challenge: No Love Permitted Contestant - Challenge: doodle dumps Contestant - Challenge: OC.gender bender Contestant - Challenge: FMA VS BLEACH Contestant - Challenge: FMA VS BLEACH Contestant - Challenge: Sportin\' it. Contestant - Challenge: Stand Out Contestant - Challenge: Purely Sexy~! Contestant - Challenge: The Military Winner - Challenge: Fave Zanpakuto Contestant - Challenge: Darker Than Black Winner - Challenge: final fantasy!!! Contestant - Challenge: Artists Wanted Contestant - Challenge: The Personal Touch Contestant - Challenge: Character theme songs! Creator -  Favorite Espada Contestant - Challenge: Make Me Laugh Contestant - Challenge: Naruto! Next generation! Contestant - Challenge: What Makes You \ Contestant - Challenge: Bleachness Creator - Parings Contestant - Challenge: Hottest Anime Guys 2009 Contestant - Challenge: Personality Contestant - Challenge: Personality Contestant - Challenge: Personality Contestant - Challenge: Personality Contestant - Challenge: Personality Contestant - Challenge: Soul Reapers Unite! Contestant - Challenge: Grimmjow and Byakuya Month Contestant - Challenge: favorite Villian or Hero challenge

Subscriptions 979 subscriptions

  • Captain Yamamoto
  • ThousandBlades
  • Ladii Sesshy
  • TifaLockheart15
  • Neko Hikaru
  • jawodkun
  • Kami-chan.x3
  • chihiroyin
  • azumi meteorz
  • KiraMaster
  • kandafan
  • LGA775
  • Darkfoot21
  • quietinthedark
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  • halcyondays
  • deaththekid0880
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  • jessieteam
  • can i haz a kooki
  • blacksnowxX
  • twilight tiger
  • chihiroyin

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