Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

why am i posting this

greetings, my darling minions <3

the christmas eve and day have now passed, and i hope you all had a lovely time of it, doing things and stuff and thinking of me because that is the way obviously; if you don't celebrate christmas, but some other holiday, or perhaps none at all, then i hope it was an enjoyable holiday/few weeks for you also ^-^

i have nothing really to say again, because i hath been too busy to do much honestly, but i felt i should say SOMETHING since holiday stuff.....and sooooooo...have another video from the same guy because i like his stuff plus i rewatched it recently, so therefore it is latched in the brain of me...it is also vaguely christmasy..in that the set is christmas themed....yeah, that's it o-o

enjoy the crap out of it, my dears

what is this? i don't know...

hey peeps, how are you doing?
good? what?
how have you been good? i haven't posted for a while and without my words to sooth your insanity you must surely be falling apart...right? RIGHT?! mmhmm, thought so. T 3T

anyways, i am updating you on pretty much nothing and for no other reason than to reassure all you dear little minions that i am alive...at least according to biological standards

so, whilst i try to finish things, have this, because i find it humorous and therefore you should also:

enjoy, darlings :3

WHOOPS, I forgetted to say...

Oh my dear dear darling sweetlekins...

I realized i completely forgot to post here that, for any interested, the rest of my old The Catalyst chapters are up on its world now. Also each previously posted chapter was updated with minor edits, except the prologue which i totally revamped for no real reason other than it bugged the hell out of me the way it was. XP

Should you be one of the few beings who enjoyed said series, regardless of the fact it will never be updated and is in hiatus to undergo major reworking, you can still view all of the completed fourteen chapters. Head on over by clicking this linky here: the Catalyst, page one of three Scroll to the bottom to get started.


ANYWAYS, now that that is aside, i am here to say greetings. Been a little while hasn't it, my lovelies? Not too long, but still a bitty bit, though much less bit than i have been before.

I am certain that some of you shall have already seen any of the pieces i have posted since my last update here. If not, then why the hell are you still reading this? Get over there and bask in your master's works. But you had best make sure you get back here and finish devouring this post.

As you may no doubt notice now that your eyeballs have absorbed all there is to see, my latest drawing indicates the marvelous coming of Halloween! Yes, that's right, your dear leader is quite the fan of the holiday. So i shall of course be posting a few pieces in celebration, for such is the way. You all know the way. If not, you should really get on that.

Other than the previously mentioned doodle...
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A few other pieces were posted since my last update, a few of which i am in fact a bit proud of, so check those out as well. Dooooooooooo it...
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Now, is all that shameless self promotion? Yes. Yes it is.


Turning away from the past and returning to that glorious Halloween mentioning, do know that i hope and intend to get a few more such pieces posted for all you loyal beings. *cuddles your face obnoxiously*

The main of which will be a currently in progress SessKag piece. The WIP is barely started, and the basic idea is still a little fuzzy, however i believe it shall clear up as i go. If you'd like to view the WIP, head on over here: SessKag Halloween piece WIP Other than that i have one idea for a little thing, but nothing else yet.

Whelps, i believe that is all for now!

Please enjoy this kind of halloween-esque nonsense for being such good nuggets

if you have a wicked soul, it's probably because...

Since i said i was back, i figured i should go ahead and be saying why i won't have anything up for a while still…despite the previously ranted documents thing. *blahblahblah*

That reason being, i am 99.999999999…% sure i am getting a new, personal scanner for Christmas as it was the only thing i actually wanted--plus i spent hours searching for one that wasn't over a thousand dollars and specifically told my dad *cough*-- …i don't really ever WANT things, i usually just say things i still need for this or that, or just money and gift cards for whenever i am needing to get something. i'm weird like that i guess *shrug*

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh, a scanner just for me *dances obnxiously* easier, quick access, and the secret reason…so i can post any naughty stuff XD when you scan in things they are automatically always there every time you scan in a new thing…like a, history listing but you can't delete them. i have a great relationship with my mom, and we are both perverts, but even still there are things you just don't thrust in your parent's face. Like yaoi drawings, or sexy, naked men drawings..which are often one and the same.. or something. >:3

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways…just be sure to expect an onslaught when i do scan things in, as well as several..several outdated seasonally themed ones, and then some others too... yesyes. *nods*

Thursday morning: i am eating ginger snaps, the less fun brother of gingerbread cookies. Makes me want gingerbread cookies. *nomnomnom* i need to get some gingerbread dough. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. i am considering stay awake and mysteriously decorating the house a bit(inside of course, i am no house climbing piñata-----no, i don't know what that means T 3T) so far that looks like the plan seeing as it is 6:33 am and i am watching a movie, looking at webcomics, writing this, eating cookies, you know…those active things not associated with getting ready to go to bed. Hmmm..i need more water.

not Thursday morning: Sooo, yeah, that stuff never happened...the staying awake to do things i mean. i decided to go to bed cause i was tired and mother was home sick again anyways..and stuff. i then proceeded to sleep through the rest of that day. No Thursday for me! *evil laugh of evil* now it is Friday morning, and I am again writing on this journal post that I didn't end up posting yesterday eventhough that's when i wrote most of it.

Last night i dreamt about being in someone's giant home that had--for some reason-- a personal grocery store thing…and i got foodies. ^ 3^ i bet it's because our house has no food. No. Food. Sad thing is, i didn't eat any of it in my dream...WHY SELF WHY!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *mourns shiny uneaten foods of my sleeping night*

Now i am going to post this. To no one. Cause no one reads these. Hehe. i know i'm sad T___T

Oh, if anyone read my last post, i give you a cookie *hands prettiful big cookie..with only one bit of lint on it--flicks it off* now if you DIDN'T read it, then NO COOKIE FOR YOU! D:<

don't forget to grab your complimentary cucumber on the way out --should your soul be wicked that is C:<

it's raining paper..AHAHA....wait...where are the men? o-O

okay, i got the last of the scanned in bunch i did a little while back put up for eyeballs. they are just two rough sketches, but i always really liked them :3

then, i have a bunch of finished works waiting in my binder and an even larger amounts of WIPS that i am trying like hell not to add to eventhough my brain feels like it's full to the brim with ideas x_x HOWEVAH! part of the reason for the withholding was because my sketch book which had to be mutilated, as it was falling apart and the pages organized in a nice binder, and only had about six pages left after some erasing of never to be finished messes, which is now down to...four maybe...so i couldn't let myself do stuff incase something came up! ...yes...a drawing emergency T 3T ..it could happen. But, this evening, after a breakfast dinner at IHOP, we went and replenished my sketch pad stock! i know have two more replacements, as well as a larger horizontal drawing pad for bigger things! i don't know how on earth i will get any drawings from that online as it is almost twice as big as my scanner. -___- but, i will figure something out...even if i have to use magic and a phone camera. excited for it really, because i have some large scale drawing ideas in mind that i couldn't fit on my usual sketch pad page.

in better news, wait..i didn't give bad news. okay, hold on. *digs through enormous folder of life crap* alright then, so my laptop is ill. my guess is that it's terminal, longterm though at least, so i have time to revive it's health. from all the errors i get, all the time, i am betting now that it is indeed a hardrive problem rather than some sort of virus. i mean, your computer driver should not sound like it's puttering...like a little ball that came loose on a circlular, rotating thing with grooves that it bounces on. and according to the very few things i could find online in reference to my specific errors, they are ones that can lead to the evils of blue screens, random shut downs, etc. all things i am familiar with from my last laptop that killed itself as well. i seem to have some horrid technological curse upon me T_T all my stuff keeps screwing itself over.DX i am going to have to back up all my crap..AGAIN..so we can take it in, since it is very likely a wipe or new hardrive or something will have to be done/installed.

NOW, in better news, i have lost some weight!! FINALLY...it's not much really, but it's some and that makes me feel better because for once something turns out the way it should...it's is still, only a small amount, more noticable in my legs because of my bike riding and not my stomach so much which is where i prefer to get rid of T 3T stupid little belly pouch of evil. sooooooooooooo, yeah.

going to go do things now. and maybe some stuff.
