Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]


you can completely ignore those minecraft vid links, that series is over...it was terrible and didn't go over well to begin with XP

my merokins got a new, better, bigger computer and we are getting a new server from a different host *nod* one that is widely known among the minecraft community and from the looks of it is the only one which has mods/plugins available... and we terribly need the teleport mod T_T mero keeps running off and getting lost and/or dying and respawning in the middle of nowhere and we spend most of our time trying to find eachother rather than being able to record, and by the time we do something happens with her computer and i have to leave as the server is hers, and upon returning all we had done is partially not saved..... -___- so.freakin.annoying.

SO, we shall be having a new series soon, with much better quality--we hope--
it shall have a fun and eccentric texture pack, and a few mods i should think yes *nodnod*

therefore, my minions, if you are minecraft obsessed as i, your leader and master, then you should check it out...whenever it occurs..AND when it does, i shall of course inform you as i have nothing else better to do o 3o


in other, not as shiny news, i still have not yet scanned anything in AND have not been drawing much as it is...instead i have been minecrafting like the dork i am X3

i know i need to scan and lick the paper with my pencil, but i am such a moron, you know that things will continue to be generally slow...

BUT, i have been writing more than usual, nothing of the stories which i posted here and those shan't be restarted and rewritten and worked until much later yes, but fanfic related things will hopefully begin shaping and similarly, whenever those are begun online i shall tell all of ye faithful ones *pats affectionately*


and now i frollic off, to continue with my ritualistic site checking, and hopefully after that mero will have gotten the server made, uncertainties, it is more difficult to do than the one we already made *strokes chin sagacously--I CAN MAKE UP WORDS, DO NOT QUESTION ME*

perhaps shall draw some tonight...may likely write, as i must awaken earlier than usual..hmm hmmmm *wanders off*
okay, i give in, here is something awesome, cat, and window related...how i spoiler you T 3T

it's raining paper..AHAHA....wait...where are the men? o-O

okay, i got the last of the scanned in bunch i did a little while back put up for eyeballs. they are just two rough sketches, but i always really liked them :3

then, i have a bunch of finished works waiting in my binder and an even larger amounts of WIPS that i am trying like hell not to add to eventhough my brain feels like it's full to the brim with ideas x_x HOWEVAH! part of the reason for the withholding was because my sketch book which had to be mutilated, as it was falling apart and the pages organized in a nice binder, and only had about six pages left after some erasing of never to be finished messes, which is now down to...four maybe...so i couldn't let myself do stuff incase something came up! ...yes...a drawing emergency T 3T ..it could happen. But, this evening, after a breakfast dinner at IHOP, we went and replenished my sketch pad stock! i know have two more replacements, as well as a larger horizontal drawing pad for bigger things! i don't know how on earth i will get any drawings from that online as it is almost twice as big as my scanner. -___- but, i will figure something out...even if i have to use magic and a phone camera. excited for it really, because i have some large scale drawing ideas in mind that i couldn't fit on my usual sketch pad page.

in better news, wait..i didn't give bad news. okay, hold on. *digs through enormous folder of life crap* alright then, so my laptop is ill. my guess is that it's terminal, longterm though at least, so i have time to revive it's health. from all the errors i get, all the time, i am betting now that it is indeed a hardrive problem rather than some sort of virus. i mean, your computer driver should not sound like it's puttering...like a little ball that came loose on a circlular, rotating thing with grooves that it bounces on. and according to the very few things i could find online in reference to my specific errors, they are ones that can lead to the evils of blue screens, random shut downs, etc. all things i am familiar with from my last laptop that killed itself as well. i seem to have some horrid technological curse upon me T_T all my stuff keeps screwing itself over.DX i am going to have to back up all my crap..AGAIN..so we can take it in, since it is very likely a wipe or new hardrive or something will have to be done/installed.

NOW, in better news, i have lost some weight!! FINALLY...it's not much really, but it's some and that makes me feel better because for once something turns out the way it should...it's is still, only a small amount, more noticable in my legs because of my bike riding and not my stomach so much which is where i prefer to get rid of T 3T stupid little belly pouch of evil. sooooooooooooo, yeah.

going to go do things now. and maybe some stuff.

Make outrageous statements like "I invented the question mark" or "Chesnuts are lazy&

Alrighty, so here's the deal.

I have now finished putting up all the blob doodles I have done and uploaded for my fan comic The world of Blobs. I am going to make more, currently I have to in my head which i must get down on paper before I forget them...and i'm sure I can start spirting out several new ones after that. ^-^ I want to thank all of you who have viewed, favorited, or commented on the comics I appreciate it so very very much!!! I'm glad I could rot our mind with pointless, disturbing, and occasionally morbid humor.

I finished loading my big batch of drawings and put up my four which I did after those, currently I have two of those up and I still have two to go, one that I'm currently working and one that is in my brain. I can't wait to get them all up for you too see, I would greatly enjoy some comments on them!! If you don't want too that's alright, I'll just send an ill-tempered, mutated sea bass to devour you whole. (yes, I made an Austin Powers reference....they make me giggle:P Especially Dr. Evil--hint the title is a paraphrased version of Dr. Evil talking about his father, the entire quote, for the most part, "He would make outrageous statements like "I invented the question mark" or "Chestnuts are lazy"...)

Now, on behalf of my story The Catalyst, I have finished chapter four and it has been edited, though I need to speak with my editor, MerokoYui4, about some of it...anyway what I am here to speak for my story since it recently had plastic surgery and is unable to move its lips, it is annoyed to a great length at the fact that Mero has yet to edit the prologue and chapter one so that itsuma may create the The Catalyst world and load the chapters so that they may be read and loved...0,o So COME ON WOMAN!!!!

Currently watching/listening to the hysterical movie Tropic Thunder while waiting to nap and then head off to see friend(s) in and at the school play, A MidSummer Nights Dream. But first I must use the restroom and think up more doodle ideas for the wondrous world of Blob.

P.S. if you ever feel the need to contact a banana flavored lima bean, I warn you they have a nasty temper and terrible manners...
