Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

i want bacon, give me bacon...T-T

i suppose all you minions are curious what happened between my last post and this new one, seeing as everything i talked of beforehand did not occur.

well, let me elaborate on my troubles...


OHMYGOSH! Guys..GUYS...seriously..GUYS... YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS! Or you probably will, but you are my unwitting pawns in this tumultuous world of me so it matters only that stuff is things...or something...i have no idea where that was going.

Anyways, the problem is, technology is rearing it's ugly, crippling head into my realm.

My computer has started becoming..evil. I have suffered the horror of laptop problems three times. Two of which were catastrophic, and the second one was a complete shock as it kamikaze-ed on me. T - T Due to such past experiences, i immediately went on high alert and have been trying to continually back my files the hell up. However, i have had my laptop do it's sudden shut down/restarts whilst moving things...which, obviously, gives me a horrid panic. Due to the size of all my files, it takes about two hours to move everything over, not including the fact i have to delete the entire folder from my flash drive just to be able to move those files over--since my flash isn't big enough to hold two sets--and doing this takes some time as well. So, whenever i do a backup, i prefer to do it when i have several things to have saved. Sounds weird, i know, but i don't want to spend all that time for a few things, when several stored up ones and then a backup has more purpose. It's odd sounding, and i am positive and know there are other, easier ways, but this is my way and i have my OCD routine pattern weirdo stuff..and that's just how i roll. Don't mess up my roll, man. YOU MUST NEVER INTERFERE YOUR MASTER'S ROLLERY! >:U

What does this mean for the art i have mentioned? It means i am extremely hesitant to make any changes to anything whilst in such a predicament. I may still try to do some work, and i may not until i can get this checked out. I spent a large majority of the time it has been freaking out trying to decipher the problem myself, because that is also how i roll. Plus it has the added bonus of being free. Yet it has all been to no avail; every time i think i have it fixed, it hasn't happened for a bit, and BAM, abrupt restart. Therefore, things shall be slow now, well..slower, until i can do all that crap, with ..the techy people dealing...and...ughs.

AND. Yes, i'm afraid there is an 'and' to the cruelties technology seems to have for me lately.

The desktop computer, which i use for scanning my arts--as the scanner is hooked up to it--and then doing minor edits/lately tinsy bits of shading with photoshop, has had an aneurysm. ...Technically, the computer is quite likely just fine, merely a bit dated; no my dears, it is the monitor that has decided to hate all over me. Hence my use of aneurysm...cause..head..brain..face...i don't know... All this is not completely confirmed, but seeing as the last time i tried to get on the screen it was being almost entirely unresponsive no matter what i did, i am betting on my diagnosis. :/ This whole chaos just sucks...it sucks sucks sucks SUCKS SUCKS SUUUUUUUCCCKKKSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh...why hath such a curse befallen me? Because it appears to be my lot in life to be screwed over by the universe. You all must being collecting your sacrificial offerings because i need me some magical wonders done, plus i got some lovely new altars in the dungeon. Yes, yes. Yessssssss..........i think i am delirious from lack of scintillatingly succulent sustenance, a necessary helping of alliteration a day keeps the cannibals away. Wait. That's one of my cults. ...I mean, look a duck! *wanders off suspiciously*

Whelp. Those are the current trends in my life that i am going to blather about. As soon as i am able and with real info of a change, then i shall update this update. I don't know when such a time will be...my mother and i are both procrastinating, lazy goobers in our own way, therefore making us each enablers of the other. Plus, it's not like buying a pair of nice jeans or anything, it is a computer monitor. at the very least. Takes time to find the good ones and all that crap. Soooooooooooooo...yeah.

Wish me luck, my darling pigglepops of blind following.........i will need as much as possible o - o


and that is my plight of life. i bet you are now wondering 'what on earth does this have to do with bacon and my intense desire for it?' ...what would have ever made you think anything i do makes sense with anything? seriously. what kind of brainwashed followers are you if you can't recognize when your leader of all encompassing evi-err, i mean, loveliness, if you can't pick up on the absurd subtlties that aren't actually subtle at all ways of my being.

now. does this all mean that the title is utterly irrelevant? HELL NAH! I WANT ME SOME FREAKIN SEXY BACON! >:U

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*forms finger pyramid of evil contemplation*

excellent, excellent...my lovely minions continue to be sucked in the vortex of this world of nonsense >:3
and to reward you all for your unconscious deeds, have this...

yeah, you like that o 3o

The Twilight Zone: The Lost Chapter from HELL!...or well...someting like that...0,o

OH MY FREAKIN GOSH!!!! THERE ARE SOOOO MANY LIFEGUARDS HERE!! Now I know that people are employed as lifeguards, ecpecially in an area where practically everywhere has at least one or two swim parks or water parks. BUT!! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!! I'm SERIOUS! You can't turn a freakin corner without seeing a pack of them walking or riding bikes, and in those stupid red shorts and white red cross t-shirts. This place is like wired to disturb it's visiting residents. I wouldn't be surprised if EVERY FREAKIN teen- young adult who lived here was a lifeguard! BECAUSE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's alright if you don't see the perturbed insanity of this, as my sister Inu--Yasha and I do. It just means you must be in on the diabolical sceam and shall therefore be destroyed along with the rest of them. ^-^ Hahahahahaha, fear me evilness.

Alright, now that I have gotten past that land of warpe reality, I shall get to my real reason for posting! Basically, I am on vacation, typing from our condo-like hotel/lodge room at 11:47 here time and 12:47 my normal time. And, I have decided that I will post everyday and update you on the activities that we part-take in! Fun, huh? Yeah, I know......it's not... T.T But whatever, live with what you bring pon yourselves I suppose. As it's your fault for reading what I type. Which is, of course, never healthy.

Also, just wanted to say that I have chapter six of The Catalyst up! I am going to do the Blade chapter five now, and then the In-Progress drawings are moving...sort of^-^

Be prepared for tomorrow! [there may be magic! *shifty eyes* ...no really...there might be actual magic...liek poof what you see was actually an illusion, a slight of hand, a poof poof....yeah....that....well...I guess I totally ruined that for you...ok, shuting up now.]

Make outrageous statements like "I invented the question mark" or "Chesnuts are lazy&

Alrighty, so here's the deal.

I have now finished putting up all the blob doodles I have done and uploaded for my fan comic The world of Blobs. I am going to make more, currently I have to in my head which i must get down on paper before I forget them...and i'm sure I can start spirting out several new ones after that. ^-^ I want to thank all of you who have viewed, favorited, or commented on the comics I appreciate it so very very much!!! I'm glad I could rot our mind with pointless, disturbing, and occasionally morbid humor.

I finished loading my big batch of drawings and put up my four which I did after those, currently I have two of those up and I still have two to go, one that I'm currently working and one that is in my brain. I can't wait to get them all up for you too see, I would greatly enjoy some comments on them!! If you don't want too that's alright, I'll just send an ill-tempered, mutated sea bass to devour you whole. (yes, I made an Austin Powers reference....they make me giggle:P Especially Dr. Evil--hint the title is a paraphrased version of Dr. Evil talking about his father, the entire quote, for the most part, "He would make outrageous statements like "I invented the question mark" or "Chestnuts are lazy"...)

Now, on behalf of my story The Catalyst, I have finished chapter four and it has been edited, though I need to speak with my editor, MerokoYui4, about some of it...anyway what I am here to speak for my story since it recently had plastic surgery and is unable to move its lips, it is annoyed to a great length at the fact that Mero has yet to edit the prologue and chapter one so that itsuma may create the The Catalyst world and load the chapters so that they may be read and loved...0,o So COME ON WOMAN!!!!

Currently watching/listening to the hysterical movie Tropic Thunder while waiting to nap and then head off to see friend(s) in and at the school play, A MidSummer Nights Dream. But first I must use the restroom and think up more doodle ideas for the wondrous world of Blob.

P.S. if you ever feel the need to contact a banana flavored lima bean, I warn you they have a nasty temper and terrible manners...
