Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

The Twilight Zone: The Lost Chapter from HELL!...or well...someting like that...0,o

OH MY FREAKIN GOSH!!!! THERE ARE SOOOO MANY LIFEGUARDS HERE!! Now I know that people are employed as lifeguards, ecpecially in an area where practically everywhere has at least one or two swim parks or water parks. BUT!! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!! I'm SERIOUS! You can't turn a freakin corner without seeing a pack of them walking or riding bikes, and in those stupid red shorts and white red cross t-shirts. This place is like wired to disturb it's visiting residents. I wouldn't be surprised if EVERY FREAKIN teen- young adult who lived here was a lifeguard! BECAUSE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's alright if you don't see the perturbed insanity of this, as my sister Inu--Yasha and I do. It just means you must be in on the diabolical sceam and shall therefore be destroyed along with the rest of them. ^-^ Hahahahahaha, fear me evilness.

Alright, now that I have gotten past that land of warpe reality, I shall get to my real reason for posting! Basically, I am on vacation, typing from our condo-like hotel/lodge room at 11:47 here time and 12:47 my normal time. And, I have decided that I will post everyday and update you on the activities that we part-take in! Fun, huh? Yeah, I know......it's not... T.T But whatever, live with what you bring pon yourselves I suppose. As it's your fault for reading what I type. Which is, of course, never healthy.

Also, just wanted to say that I have chapter six of The Catalyst up! I am going to do the Blade chapter five now, and then the In-Progress drawings are moving...sort of^-^

Be prepared for tomorrow! [there may be magic! *shifty eyes* ...no really...there might be actual magic...liek poof what you see was actually an illusion, a slight of hand, a poof poof....yeah....that....well...I guess I totally ruined that for you...ok, shuting up now.]

"...like having an onion fall on your head or your head falling off at an awkward moment...&quo

Sooo this is my SECOND time writing this darn post...stupid thing.

Anyway, I'm here to say stuff and things in regards to my various works as I am a goober when it comes to posting updates here...well anywhere actually if you know of my other sites. Hehehe. ;P

Now then, for writings! I have gotten chapters four and five of The Catalyst put up in the time between my last post (I believe)! Which is always nice for those who actually read it^-^ Especially since the other night I wrote chapter six! Fastest I have ever written a chapter lately. In other story related news, Tewoeklon chapter four has been started but I have yet to get back to it though. Silly, silly me :P Oh, yes and before I forget, I will be putting up chapter five of Blade for those who still follow it. ^-^

In doodleland, I have currently 3 in progress drawings...soon to be 4 actually. Hehehe^-^ because i'm a stupid person really. HA. Yeah. Other than that though I have one finished one, a SessXKag fanart. First one actually, which is sad considering it's my favorite InuYasha pairing. You'd think I would have gotten around to it at one point...alas I have sucked too much I think. ^-^ Two of my in-progress drawings are from The Catalyst, another is one I STILL haven't completed for someone at my school. The last one of those four will be for my friend AvariceTears! She gave me a lovely comment and in it was mentioned drawing her character. So I thought, why not! So soon I hope to have a drawing of her character Auxvita in my style with my funky background work similar to how I did my drawing Simple Pleasures . Let's hope things all get done!

In the realm of me, my first vacation is going to be coming up next week. I'm not sure if i'll have any wifi where I am...I think I will but i don't know. I'll just have to find out when I get there! My next one isn't until august, although I don't really know whether i'll have any wifi there either. Sadness really. :P But things will work themselves out one way or another. YEAH FUN ME TIME!

i'm currently working through my mental illness


Well, I have been writing like a crazy person again. Chapter nine is technically not finished since it still needs tons of editing and a change on the ending...but I had an idea and just went right into writing chapter ten, of which there are about 6-8 pages written. I just really like blade! I have had two screens runnign in my mind, Blade and Empty Sound. Although it had been a while since I wrote for ES. I think i'm going to re-write it in first person. I just don't know yet. Anyway Blade is going very well, I'm trying to get it moving a little faster.

I still haven't had any drawings... Before I was drawing but not much writing, now i'm writing without much drawing. I want to get them both on track again!! This is the longest, most tempramental artist's block I have ever had. *sigh* But fear not, I shall prevail.

I just read through ALL of my posts and noticed that I have a surprising number of 'sorry for being gone' posts. That's just sad. I don't mean to leave you guys! But I did find them entertaining, and the title are fun too^-^ I hope you all enjoy that about my posts!

I'm still kinda busy, but things are slowing a little, I have been writing more and now editing my friends story again...I still have a bunch of books to read and then the Twilight movie comes out. So much......but i'm doing good!

See you all soon my loves^-^

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: well, me and my mom were out buying things for my operation christmas child boxes and we were waiting in line at the walmart and there was this magazine about britney spears working through her mental illness. And my mom was turnign to me to say something about working through her mental illness and I had been staring at her with this ridiculous look on my face. So she turns and just burst out laughing the checkout line. My mom told me what she had been going to say and then she's like ' apparently it's hereditary' and we kept laughing. And I was like' well we are currently working through our mental illnesses' or something like that. It was so funny! ^-^ Really...it was. 0.o

Just a warning, but you may hear light whistleing when i'm near...

Hello^-^ Not are you how? ...if anyone told me how they were then you fail the test and will have to have a frontal lobotomy before you can continue on.

For those of you without cognitive functions then you obviously did what you weren't and were told. So be happy. Play with your brain matter. It's fun (:) ( :)...[he's raising his eyebrows...I know it's weird, deal with it.]

Now for the real point of this post, sorry to disappoint those thinking it was only for self mutilation. Anyway I did post Insane's birthday drawing, incase you didn't know or notice from the last post's EDIT. Yes I’m too lazy to post a post saying it's up, my posts are meaningful...entirely blissful and not morbid little posts. 0. o I said post a lot. Geez, do I keep straying form topic? Yes, it would seem.

Back to issues, I have also written about 12 or so pages of the very first draft for Blade chapter nine. If you've begun foaming at the mouth then you are evidently too addicted to this story...and yet I don't seem to care...huh, weird. ^-^

I have no new drawings, though I have been attempting to draw something...just not sure what yet. However...ooh, I just got an idea right now. And it's from the new chapter too...HAHAHA! Don't worry I won't torture you few, I’ll wait until I put up chapter nine, but then it's fair game! Ooh, I got another one. Man, I’m on a roll!

Well, I’ll shut up now. I must have ruined you too much already. ^-^

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: This one has very little to do with the post. See, yesterday I had a doctors appointment and I was telling my mom while we were waiting for the doctor that if any of my friends had asked where I was going and why I would tell them, 'oh just getting all my organs removed. You'll know it was successful if when I stand near you, you hear a faint whistle.' I thought it was funny^-^ And the frontal lobotomy was actually from the same time. My sister was cursed to wait in the waiting room and she would text us asking if we were done yet. And at one point my mom was like 'well once he comes and gives her the frontal lobotomy, we'll be able to leave.' It made me giggle. I thought lobotomy was just so funny to tease people with a few years ago. No one knew what it meant...do you...0.o

...eating plastic...

Chapter eight of Blade is up, for those of you how didn't see the edit I added to the last post. If you're one of the 3-5 who have read it then yeah for you^-^ You guys are my favorite...not so fond of the rest of you though...0.o

Anyway, the main reason I posted this was because today I started writing chapter nine! It's only about two and a half written pages in my nearly full notebook(seriously, over half of it is going to have to be in another book). I really like it so far though. As per usual I still update my sister regularly, so those that like that story I apologize that you weren't born my sibling.

Insane's birthday drawing should be up THIS WEEKEND!! Yes, I will get that thing done and up for all to see.
EDIT: It's FINALLY up!!!!!!!

For you Twilight fans out there, I am so excited to see the movie (aren't you?)!! Every little clip or picture or youtube video I see just gets me even more addicted^-^ If you haven't read the Saga(4 books) then you should, they are so extraordinary and wonderfully written. We eccentric, mouth-foaming fans unite!


HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: This one has very little to do with the post. The story is I was getting ready to put my two little pizzas in the oven and I saw that my mom had put the spaghetti fork...thing on the pizza stone right next to my pizza! I know, so terrible. Anyway I looked at it and pointed with a silly look on my face like 'what the heck is this thing doing so close to me beloved pizzas'. And I said that(sort of) with some what/huh mumbling and she's like 'what, I thought you ate plastic' or something like that. You concerned folk thinking my mother believes I eat inorganic material don't worry she knows I stopped that^-^ This was all a joke though. And I thought it was funny...so boom, title. And then I figured I could incorrperate it into my post when I added in the Twilight section. I'm so excited it's like being too anxious to eat chocolate(or something covered in plastic) and just eating the whole thing to get to the good stuff faster. .....wow I rambled.