Hello, and welcome to my personal World!

Here's where I'll share some personal notes, fun/random stuff, and my original writing. Enjoy!!

Featured Fiction:
Dreamer | Eternal Rain | Pet Projects | Search for the Sky | So Distant | Unraveled

Role Plays:
dis-colour | Prismatic Haven

Original Character Profiles & References:
OC Library | Character Refs

Just for Fun
Ask Us! | 30 Days of Art Event | DA 30-Day Drawing Challenge

You can also find me on DeviantArt.

OC Analysis: Counseling for Grumps

Why are these characters perpetually wearing a scowl? Riffing off of a recurring series within Adventures in OCdom, we’ll put our grumps under the magnifying gla...

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OC Analysis: Found-Family Dynamics

This month’s OC Analysis puts a spotlight on found-families. We’ll look at brother figures, sister figures and parental figures and how these relationships affect the characters. Beware, for there be spoilers afoot! ...

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OC Analysis: Family Psychology Session

It’s time to talk family dynamics. In this OC analysis, we’ll specifically be looking at sibling relationships and how these characters interact with and influence each other. Watch out – there may be spoilers ahead!...

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OC Analysis: Characters Most Likely to be Crossover Friends

Worlds are colliding on this edition of OC Analysis! Taking a page from my crossover side-project, Adventures in OCdom, here are some unlikely friendships between characters from different series. Haruko and Asha The ...

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OC Psych Analysis: Characters Who are Driven by Their Weakness

This OC psychological analysis is for the underdogs. Here we’ll look at four characters who are driven by their lack of strength to be the best they can be. SPOILER ALERT IN EFFECT for the content that follows! Most p...

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