
Title Senior Otaku+
Birthday 10/12/91
Member Since 03/19/10
Guestbook 507 signatures
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Gifts ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion~! ^_^ Kami-chan.x3: RAMEN DAY! ~ *throws noodles in the air* Sarasface: Random gift! Enjoy pie! byakuyarox1: Konbanwa! : Hey, how are you? ;3 sasoriofredsand: >3 hanawa: Eat this magic sushi to cure art block~ akatsuki15: Thanks for the gift! Blue Latte: Haha! Your welcome :) : panda for you!^__^ hanawa: Ehto... happy belated Easter? Miss yah! beloved blood: Yo, kohai<3!! Happy Easter, too!!!<3!! Morbid Dollie: LOTS OF LOVE FOR YOU TEDDY-CHAN X33 Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: LOVE ATTACKS! XDD Morbid Dollie: Onto teddies for my Teddy-Chan x33 Morbid Dollie: I hope you're doing well <3~ Morbid Dollie: And because I love you looots X3 Morbid Dollie: Cause lots of people love youuuuuuuuu Morbid Dollie: So lots of love for yoooouuuu Morbid Dollie: But it's time to flood you now XD Morbid Dollie: And I'm sorryyyyyy Morbid Dollie: It's been so long since I've flooded you Morbid Dollie: HI E-CHAN! X3 asa247: Ecnellie~ : Happy belated Easter~! XD lilyliod: thanks!!! : thank you for the gift asa247: Not telling! Shizuki12: Cookie face! Shizuki12: I need to take a bath and eat~~~~~ Shizuki12: Need to go now~~~~ Shizuki12: E-chin almost sounded like E-chan.... Shizuki12: I prefer Risan thou~ Cause.... Shizuki12: Risan, E-chin?? Which one??? asa247: Wachaaa~ Shizuki12: Happy (late)Easter~ :3 bunny angel: u 2 : Happy Easter to you too ^_^ Morbid Dollie: Are you OK, Teddy?? ;___; firefox360: thk u ^^ TamaDoodles24: tank ya so much! happi b-lated easter!X3 nin-chaz: thanks have a slice lol sim94: Hey! you too!! :) NoirAngel: Thank you ^^ Hope you had a good Easter zorosister: thanks happy late easter Carbon Frost: better late than never :p.. happy easter Morbid Dollie: A teddy for my teddy <3 angluvdeath: thanks, happy easter to you too AutumnFalls: Thanks =) Hope you had a good easter too Morbid Dollie: Aww, how hot?? D: Morbid Dollie: That doesn't sound fun >3< Morbid Dollie: Rain? Awesome *3* Zakuro Spade7: Happy Easter to you too~! Morbid Dollie: Quite the opposite ;3 Morbid Dollie: Yeah, I'm not complaining! Morbid Dollie: Wahahaha! Just a bit ;D Morbid Dollie: XDD Morbid Dollie: Are you flirting with meeee? *Shot* Morbid Dollie: FULL OF SOME MUCH DESERVED LOVE!!!! X3 Morbid Dollie: It IS gigantic! It looks awesome and.... Morbid Dollie: I knew what you meant <3~~ Morbid Dollie: Heehee! Silly! x33 krow666: thank you!! Morbid Dollie: And 20 just to be sure you get there xD Morbid Dollie: 19 Morbid Dollie: 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Morbid Dollie: 17 x3 Morbid Dollie: 16 Morbid Dollie: <3333 Morbid Dollie: *GLOMP* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: *huggle* Morbid Dollie: So here are some love attacks~ Morbid Dollie: That's what counts most x3 Morbid Dollie: But, I know you'll be alright~~ Morbid Dollie: I hate to see you sad D: Morbid Dollie: I hope you cheer up soon >3< Morbid Dollie: Because I love you so much <33 Morbid Dollie: And lots of it! Morbid Dollie: So, here's some love <333 Morbid Dollie: Just 19 more x33 saki 1234: Happy (late) Easter! Hanaro Souhi: Happy Easter for you too! ^ w ^ krokun: ty my friend!!!!! the same 4 u! *glomps* Kitty K.O.: Happy belated Easter X3 swizzledhazelnut: Happy Eatser :) : Happy be-lated Easter!!! ^^ MiseryMiss: Happy Easter to you, too! :) Sakaira: Happy (late) Easter! Saerily: Happy Easter~ kandafan: happy easter to you too!^^ JanetChan: Happy Easter to you to, E-kun! ^_^ JanetChan: THANK YOU E-KUUN!!! ^_^ ♥ Kokkoii-Matoku: ^w^ Ellenor Mererid: Happy late easter!! LoveKouichi: Happy Easter //_^ : Happy easter to you too! Cinnamon Sparrow: Happy Easter~! : ) FrozenRoze: Happy Easter! dfdfdfdf: hope u had a great easter : Thank you! ^^ reichiinya: Happy Easter to you too! Karorin: Happy Easter ;3 Murder Princess: happy easter!! :D NeKo MoonShine: Happy Easter.owo tis a it!x3 ItachiSasuke: Happy Easter~!! <(^_^)> asa247: Happy Easter day to you too... ^^ LightFykki: Thank you! Happy Easter to you too! :) TwinkLes: Happy Easter! : Happy Easter~ :D yuuki fiedell: HaPPy EasteR!! ^-^ nirvana donut: you too! just dont eat too much choco! animegirl171: Happy Easter to you too ~ :) NedzumiNya: Happy Easter! : Happy Easter to you, too! :3 akatsuki15: Happy late Easter : Happy Easter! :3 inufluffy12: Happy Easter! Snuggle the bird~ SNUGGLE! Blake Jack: Happy Easter!! Viollet: Happy Easter!! clueless101: Happy easter : Happy Easter! Kaerlyn: Happy Easter   :3 Lavender Girl: Happy Easter~~~~~ ^-^ Yammi chan: Happy Easter =^___~= : Have a happy Easter :3 : Happy Easter! ^_^ Star Crossed: Happy Easter Ramenchii~! :D : Happy Easter =D IChiTa: Happy Easter~ littlepooch: Happy Easter to you too! :D <3 SaiKat: Happy Easter to you too! C: : happy easter! ;3 ashio: Happy Easter! :) SaxGirl: Happy Easter E-kun!^__^ rosel D: Happy Easter! :D ShiningHime: Happy Easter E-Kun! (: AlexaClyne: Happeh Easter E-kun! :D liveeverysecond: Happy Easter Buddy! <3 Timcanpy14: Happy Easter~ fma17: Happy Easter! sasoriofredsand: :) : I hope everything's alright, E-chan..... Ritona: Happy Easter, E! :) Blue Latte: Happy Easter!! ReiKiba: Yay! xD Hope you are feeling better! Bleachic: A peep for my friend. :3 Kiiika: Happy Easter my friend... =) Morbid Dollie: YUMMY CHOCOLATE!!!! Morbid Dollie: And of course, bunnies!!! Morbid Dollie: So, I hope you like them!! Morbid Dollie: The eggs are too cute NOT to send! XD Morbid Dollie: Happy Easter!! (if you celebrate it~) Morbid Dollie: Are you OK, Teddy-Chan?? :( ItachiSasuke: may your artworks continue to inspire!~ ItachiSasuke: Thanks for entering my challenge, and Morbid Dollie: <33333 Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: MY PANDA ARMY!!!!! Morbid Dollie: NOW! LOVE ATTACKS FROM Morbid Dollie: I hope you don't mind heehee X33 Morbid Dollie: So you're getting tons and tons of panda Morbid Dollie: A Little less than 50 to go xDD Morbid Dollie: Happy 7 Month Anniversary <3333 Morbid Dollie: I LOVE YOU E-CHAN!!!! <333 Morbid Dollie: I LOVE YOU E-CHAN!!!! <333 Morbid Dollie: You deserve them! Morbid Dollie: Too many? NAW! XD Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: AND THEIR LOVE ATTACKS!!!!! Morbid Dollie: Ok, time for pandas~~ Morbid Dollie: But you get hearts tooooo Morbid Dollie: Cause that's my favorite thing to send Morbid Dollie: I'll still give you pandas Morbid Dollie: Even with the heart flood <33 Morbid Dollie: More than you'll ever know <333 Morbid Dollie: More than words can say <333 Morbid Dollie: More than gifts can show <333 Morbid Dollie: Cause I luvvles you LOTS <333 Morbid Dollie: With lots of luvvles for YOU <3333 Morbid Dollie: So I may as well finish up the job ^-^ Morbid Dollie: That you have already XD Morbid Dollie: I'm sure I'm the source of half of them Morbid Dollie: So I'm gonna help you get there~~ Morbid Dollie: You have only a few more gifts til 1000 Immortal Queen: Happy Easter!!!!! Morbid Dollie: Love attacks are hugs! Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: *Huggle* Morbid Dollie: AND THEIR LOVE ATTACKS! Morbid Dollie: SO HERE COMES THE PANDAS! Morbid Dollie: So the teddies aren't forgotten <33~ Morbid Dollie: You'll still get your panda flood though Morbid Dollie: And I hope you don't mind a heart flood! Morbid Dollie: Or overworking yourself! Morbid Dollie: And I hope you're not too busy Morbid Dollie: I hope things are going well for you <3 Morbid Dollie: I miss my Teddy~ Morbid Dollie: And mooooore~ Morbid Dollie: More premium love for you <333 Morbid Dollie: I LOVE YOU E-CHAN! X3 : Thankiis! ;3 saki 1234: Thank you! :) Felcie: Congratz for the prom to you too !! =D Star Crossed: Congrats on your promotion too! :D Blake Jack: Thank you for the gift! Sakaira: Thank you for the gift <3 Morbid Dollie: Luvvles for my Teddy~   X3333 Morbid Dollie: It's my teddy <333~ kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! yuuki fiedell: congrat e-san!! =D twinklesakura: Congrats on the promotion!! X) AlexaClyne: Congrats on the promotion~!! :DD IChiTa: *this cat ish mine XD* IChiTa: no... make it three~ XD IChiTa: two cats~ IChiTa: I have an urge to give you a cat~ :3 winterlionheart: Here's to your premotion! ^-^ Morbid Dollie: OMG! Congrats on the promotion! <3333333 littlepooch: ^.^ Congratulations on the promotion! <3 Morbid Dollie: How are you, Teddy-Chan~ X3 Morbid Dollie: Hi my little Teddy-Chan <33~ Morbid Dollie: Teddy-Chan <333 winterlionheart: poke Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: *HUGGLE* Morbid Dollie: Love attacks are lots of huggles C: Morbid Dollie: Love attack from pandas <3~ Morbid Dollie: Time for your gift flood haha xD Morbid Dollie: Heya =3= HelloKatty: Congrats on winning my challenge! Morbid Dollie: Thanks Cutie! <33~ I appreciate it! X333 Bleachic: Thank you so much, my friend *^^* superstarpanou: A cookie for being epically awesome~ ^_^ Morbid Dollie: How's my cutie doing?? =3= Morbid Dollie: *Poke* Hiiiiiii E-chan!! xNotUnderstood: *wuvvels from cloud* JanetChan: I'll keep your cute secret, E-kun!  ^ ^ Morbid Dollie: For my wuvvable Teddy <33~ Morbid Dollie: I misses you so much! D= Morbid Dollie: I hope we can talk tonight T^T Morbid Dollie: And another one!! ^3^ Morbid Dollie: Teddy for my Teddy cause I love my Teddy Morbid Dollie: Is you Ok?? :? Morbid Dollie: Gift for my precious Teddy <33~ Morbid Dollie: Sure you're not mad at me? DX Morbid Dollie: POKE MY PRECIOUS TEDDY Morbid Dollie: *GLOMP* Morbid Dollie: HI TEDDY-CHAN!! <33~ Morbid Dollie: GIFT ATTACK!!!! : Thanks for the bday wishes! Morbid Dollie: I hope you rest well <33~ Morbid Dollie: And that you're OK <33 Morbid Dollie: I'm so glad we got to talk again ^3^ Morbid Dollie: Gosh, I can't stop smiling <33~ Morbid Dollie: I'm so happy! <33~ Morbid Dollie: Is you mad at me? D: Morbid Dollie: Cute little cupcake! CUTE LIKE YOU! X3 Morbid Dollie: More for my Teddy <33~ jikosangel: thanks for entering my 2nd challenge!! Morbid Dollie: I hope you do o3o Morbid Dollie: Hey! Do you like the name Teddy-chan? x3 Morbid Dollie: My special little Teddy-Chaaaan <33~ Morbid Dollie: But you knows how special you are <33 Morbid Dollie: Sorry, I know you're busy D: Morbid Dollie: I've missed you much ;--; Morbid Dollie: So, how are you? =3= Morbid Dollie: Its felt like a lot longer in a GOOD way Morbid Dollie: A whole half-year! Amazing, isn't it!? X Morbid Dollie: Tomorrow (the 21st) marks 6 months! Morbid Dollie: Time to flood you in gifts again o3o Morbid Dollie: ;__: Where are yooou~ Morbid Dollie: Cute little Teddy-Chan =3= Morbid Dollie: Precious little Teddy-chan! <33~ Morbid Dollie: Hiii Teddy-Chan~ <33333 Morbid Dollie: So please, let me know if it does o3o Morbid Dollie: Embarrass you or make you uncomfortable Morbid Dollie: And I don't want to do anything that Morbid Dollie: I know you're easily embarrassed Morbid Dollie: Doesn't bother you, does it? Morbid Dollie: And exactly how I feel for you Morbid Dollie: Exactly how much you mean to me Morbid Dollie: And showing the world Morbid Dollie: My flooding you with gifts Morbid Dollie: But I wouldn't want him any other way <3 Morbid Dollie: And he's getting spoiiiiled XDD Morbid Dollie: Cause my Teddy-Chan is that special X3 Morbid Dollie: Yeaaah, even after only two days o3o Morbid Dollie: I miss youuuu~ Morbid Dollie: We haven't talked in a couple days ;_; Morbid Dollie: Posting walls and stuff ;__; Morbid Dollie: Please don't leave when you're done Blue Latte: It's okay as long as you have cupcake <3 Blue Latte: Happy St Patrick's day!! Morbid Dollie: And lots of loove <33 Morbid Dollie: He gets lots of gifts ^3^ Morbid Dollie: And since he is sooo special~ Morbid Dollie: My Teddy-Chan is special <33 Morbid Dollie: And of couuuurse~ Morbid Dollie: I needs to speak with someone special =3 Morbid Dollie: I really REALLY hope we can talk tonight Morbid Dollie: Nightly spam of gifts and looove~ Morbid Dollie: Cute little Teddy-Chan ♥♥ Morbid Dollie: *POKE* I know you're theeere xD Morbid Dollie: My precious Teddy-Chan =3= Morbid Dollie: Spoiled enough yet? Morbid Dollie: Oh I could stick with E-chan xD Morbid Dollie: OH! Cupcake-chan! Morbid Dollie: But what about Choco-chan? XDD Morbid Dollie: Sent a gift twice, sorry o3o xD Morbid Dollie: Cause that'd be funnyyyy~ Morbid Dollie: Cause that'd be funnyyyy~ Morbid Dollie: I can't call you Chocolate-chan xD Morbid Dollie: And Katty-chan uses Panda Morbid Dollie: But that's my new name for Lion o3o Morbid Dollie: Cause I love giving you pandas Morbid Dollie: I was thinking of teddy-chan Morbid Dollie: I wanna give you a new, cuter nickname Morbid Dollie: Or even pocky!! X33 Morbid Dollie: Or cupcakes cause they're chocolate! Morbid Dollie: I like pandas best x3 Morbid Dollie: A rose for my Mikuo? X3 Morbid Dollie: Just don't get brain freeeeze~ Morbid Dollie: Oh just as tasty - ice cream! *3* Morbid Dollie: But you can have more cupcakes!! Morbid Dollie: Cause I ate part of the cookie o3o Morbid Dollie: A blimp to apologize..... Morbid Dollie: Here's a cookie....most of it o3o Morbid Dollie: Want a cookie?? :D Morbid Dollie: Baked with lots of love XD Morbid Dollie: So here's a ton of chocolate cupcakes X3 Morbid Dollie: Everyone loves chocolate! X33 Morbid Dollie: Now it's time for chocolate! ^3^ Morbid Dollie: My precious little E-chan <33 Morbid Dollie: Cause I love giving you things <33~ Morbid Dollie: But gosh, I hope they don't~ Morbid Dollie: Lemme know if the gift floods bother you Morbid Dollie: My special little E-chan....<3~ Morbid Dollie: Time to spoil you mooooore~ Morbid Dollie: You're not spoiled enough!! Morbid Dollie: *dances* Pocky pocky pocky pocky~ Morbid Dollie: Who doesn't love pocky? =3= Morbid Dollie: Or even some pocky! Morbid Dollie: Cause they're cuter, like you! Morbid Dollie: And pandas~ Morbid Dollie: I think I'll go back to cupcakes Morbid Dollie: You like fruit? Have a banana~ Morbid Dollie: It's a CHOCOLATE cupcake! x33 Morbid Dollie: How about something sweet! <3~ Morbid Dollie: No attack this time, just a huggle *hug* Morbid Dollie: Oh gee! Another attack~ Morbid Dollie: And another attack! Mwahahaha!! Morbid Dollie: Love love love loooove attaaaack!!!!!!!! Morbid Dollie: I let these pandas give you love attacks Morbid Dollie: Because I love you SOO SOO MUUUCH Morbid Dollie: I'm soooo glad I met you <3~ Morbid Dollie: And you're so special to me <33~ Morbid Dollie: You're cuter than I am x3 winterlionheart: i need to give you more gifts! ;o; winterlionheart: here's a pickle in the box winterlionheart: just cause I wanted to Morbid Dollie: And last pig =3= Morbid Dollie: 9th pig, which loves you super duper! x3 Morbid Dollie: The 8th pig Morbid Dollie: 7th attack from a pig Morbid Dollie: 6 little piggiesssss Morbid Dollie: 5 pigs cause they're funny =3= Morbid Dollie: 4 piggys for you =3= Morbid Dollie: 3 pig-pigs Morbid Dollie: Two little piggies! Morbid Dollie: One little piggy Morbid Dollie: Pig attack cause I love ya~ samgirl: BECAUSE I MISSED YOU~ <3 Morbid Dollie: I am doing fine, thanks to you! <333 Morbid Dollie: Panda Cloud loves yoooou!!!!!! X33 Morbid Dollie: Another cupcake! X3 Morbid Dollie: CUPCAKE LOOOVE!!!!!!!~ Morbid Dollie: I've already told you all about cupcakes Morbid Dollie: Wait! o3o Morbid Dollie: Cupcakes are cute and tasty! Morbid Dollie: Panda Clouds gives you cupcake Morbid Dollie: That panda was named Cloud-chan <3 Morbid Dollie: This panda loves you extra much! ^-^ Morbid Dollie: This one does, too! <3 Morbid Dollie: Pandas love you very much! Morbid Dollie: Panda love!!! Morbid Dollie: Time to flood you in looove~ Morbid Dollie: You will never be able to disappoint me! Morbid Dollie: Since it doesn't bother me at all! o3o Morbid Dollie: A silly little challenge!!! Morbid Dollie: That there was no way you'd dwell on Morbid Dollie: I was hoping, you'd be so happy for me Morbid Dollie: I had a reason for saying that!! Morbid Dollie: And ruin my mood...... Morbid Dollie: I was the one who told you not to be sad Morbid Dollie: Oh how silly of me! DX Morbid Dollie: Especially since I was the one late DX Morbid Dollie: PLEASE don't feel bad! D: Morbid Dollie: Your health is more important to me! Morbid Dollie: Not once! Morbid Dollie: I never blamed you Morbid Dollie: Why didn't you tell me you felt so bad? nirvana donut: thanks, i love the card! good luck! : Thank you for subbing! ^_^ ReiKiba: You're very welcome! ^u^ Thank you too! asa247: ...what promotion? LOL ShiningHime: Thank you! <3 yuuki fiedell: haha thanks.. ^-^ : Thanks~ ^w^ firefox360: what promotion? JanetChan: OMG! I didnt even know! Thank u so much! 2otaku2: Thank you! no clue how the Ups wrk :P : Hehe, thank you >3 akatsuki15: Thanks for the gift! AnnaKanda: Thank you!!! ^_^ : Thanks a lot ^_^ Blue Latte: Thank you :) ReiKiba: Thanks for your participation!!! <3 SaiKat: Here's a brick! A magic brick >:D ashio: For an amazing comic! Ritona: I love your fan art. DO MORE. :D nirvana donut: best of luck to you! Tsukihana Amame: Belated Valentine...;A; Yakumo Star17: warm thanks ^^ : Happy Valentine's Day~ Kiiika: Happy Valentine's Day... ;* rosel D: Happy Valentines~ <3 Bleachic: Hope you're feeling better too amico :3 Bleachic: Happy Valentines Day :3 saki 1234: Happy Valentine's Day! SaiKat: Happy Valentine's Day ^w^ lilmekenny: Happy Valentines day! ^_^ Yammi chan: Happy Valentine's day ! ^^ Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day! Ritona: Happy Valentine's Day! Ritona: Awesome Cookie For Awesome Person ReiKiba: Happy Valentine's Day! :D twinklesakura: Happy valentines -- spread the love! =) TamaDoodles24: wanted u 2 have this just cuz... X3 Kaerlyn: I hope you feel better soon :3 Morbid Dollie: So here's pocky to make up for it x3 Morbid Dollie: I ate the fourth one *nom nom* X3 Morbid Dollie: I'd give you more than 3 buut..... Morbid Dollie: Have a cupcake! X3 Morbid Dollie: Waah~ Did I make you mad?? D: Morbid Dollie: Last one ~ I wuvvles you! <333 Morbid Dollie: My adowable Mikuo! Morbid Dollie: Last few cupcakes for Morbid Dollie: It's funny x33 Morbid Dollie: Now lots of people think that about us Morbid Dollie: I had to do one! Morbid Dollie: And then, since you're so dang CUTE Morbid Dollie: It's your fault for the 'cute' post! XD Morbid Dollie: Well, that's how everyone sees us now <3 Morbid Dollie: Of the cutest couple on theO! X33 Morbid Dollie: Cause you're one half Morbid Dollie: You get more cute cupcakes~ : 新年快樂! Happy chinese new year!! Morbid Dollie: So do cupcakes! X33 Morbid Dollie: LIKE YOU ARE!!! Morbid Dollie: BUT CUPCAKES ARE CUTER! Morbid Dollie: Just as awesome as cupcakes! X33 Morbid Dollie: But you're super cute, so you need them! Morbid Dollie: Probably more than I can count! Morbid Dollie: Gosh, I don't even know how many x33 Morbid Dollie: You deserve them all! Morbid Dollie: Because you're so cute! Morbid Dollie: Them Morbid Dollie: Of Morbid Dollie: Lots Morbid Dollie: And Morbid Dollie: Lots Morbid Dollie: And Morbid Dollie: Lots Morbid Dollie: Adowable you gets adowable cupcakes! Morbid Dollie: Cupcakes are adowable!!! Morbid Dollie: I wuvvles you and your cuteness! X33 Morbid Dollie: I missed you last night, cutie! Morbid Dollie: SUPER CUTE STUFF! Morbid Dollie: MY CUTIE-PIE!!! Morbid Dollie: CUTIE!! VivaLaParadise: You deserve and honorable mention! ReiKiba: Love the art styles! ^w^ ReiKiba: Congrates n thanx 4 joining d challenge! Morbid Dollie: I love you Mikuo-chan! <333 crixy: 10q ^^ izsah: 3rd Place of KIMONOholics... Congrats! : Thanks, but how did I get promoted? TamaDoodles24: tank u 4 the gift! heres 2 ur awsumness! Morbid Dollie: Last one.....for now *shifty eyes* Morbid Dollie: You get double cupcakes :D Morbid Dollie: However many strawberries I get Morbid Dollie: You'll receive double cupcakes xD Morbid Dollie: Does that make me a cupcake? O_o? Morbid Dollie: Wahaha! Cupcake loves you! <3 : thnx!! So nice of u E-San!! : thank u ^^ Morbid Dollie: I don't have to know Morbid Dollie: Forget what I said >W< Morbid Dollie: I'm really really sorry Morbid Dollie: Weird or annoying or something Morbid Dollie: I'm probably just.... Morbid Dollie: Sorry Morbid Dollie: For my sanity, I kinda wanna ask it. Morbid Dollie: BIG? AND EMBARASSING? >w>; Morbid Dollie: Can I ask you something? :3 Morbid Dollie: If we get to talk tonight.... : Thanx for the gift CrimzonN3k0 z: Thanks so much for the gift Yammi chan: Thank you ~___^ Haxelo: Thank you *huggles*! KrondorianV: thank you so much! : Thanks~! ;3 Quiet Noise: thank you my friend ^_____^ pocky 4u sim94: Thank you so much... :) hanawa: I'll write, yes, NOT type, to you soon~! Morbid Dollie: From a panda! ^3^ And me, of course! Morbid Dollie: Lots of wuvvles for you! <3 Morbid Dollie: HIYAH! CUPCAKE KARATE CHOP! XD Morbid Dollie: Out of cupcake facts..>..> Morbid Dollie: And they smell good! X3 Morbid Dollie: And they look cute :3 Morbid Dollie: They taste so yummy! -3- Morbid Dollie: But who can complain? :D Morbid Dollie: I fight back with cupcakes! Mwahahaha! Morbid Dollie: I wuvvles yooou! <33 ItachiSasuke: Feel better! Get well soon E-kun! AnnaKanda: Hope you get better! ^^ Morbid Dollie: Oh look! You got 9 instead XD Morbid Dollie: Next to my sister of course (no offense) Morbid Dollie: And the most important person to me! <3 Morbid Dollie: You're my best friend! <33 Morbid Dollie: You're such a sweety! <33 Morbid Dollie: So he receives 6 gifts! XD Morbid Dollie: My Mikuo deserves 2nd place at least! Morbid Dollie: Congrats on 2nd place! X3 NoirAngel: Hope you get well soon! gabyukie: Happy New Year! ^^ ReiKiba: u r very well-loved, so dun let us worry ReiKiba: fruits keep u healthy too! :D ReiKiba: Get better soon! We're always here for u Morbid Dollie: It's my E-chaaaaan!!!! akatsuki15: Happy New Year! : Hopefully, the best for 2011, too. Morbid Dollie: Miku loves her Mikuo-chan! <3 Morbid Dollie: For my E-chaaan! <3 NoirAngel: Happy New Year to you too ^^ Lilian Felix: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! infinatelove42: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! ^^ winterlionheart: hungry XD winterlionheart: hey man how are you *talking with banana winterlionheart: yeah! *calls you with my banana* winterlionheart: its a banana, also a phone!!! Kiiika: thx for the gift... all the best 2u2 ^^ winterlionheart: cause your epic like icecream winterlionheart: cup-cake as sweet as you winterlionheart: Pocky!! : Happy new year! ShiningHime: Best Wishes For 2011~ : Happy 2011 ! :DD Nynx: Happy New year ^.^ Chikorisan: All the best to you too!! :)) Murder Princess: happy new year!! ^^ Death Nut: Happy new year! hanawa: Have a Bunnylicious New Year~! =D : Happy New Year!!! saki 1234: Have a great year! 2011! WOOO! beloved blood: Happy New Year, kohai!!!<3<3<3<3 killerja3: Reads, Happy 2011 my friend killerja3: let this be ur new years gift : For being an attentive friend <3 lilmekenny: Happy New Years Eve!!! : Hope we have a good year for 2011!! :3 : Whooo! 2011~! xD wolfpupable: happy new year Xiu: Happy New Year Year ! mickyodragon: My you keep shining in this new Year!! krokun: my best wishes 4 u 2 for this new year! Saerily: Happy New Year! sim94: Thanks..You too!..Happy New Year! greenLeAfe: Happy 2011 :D SarahPatricia: May 2011 be a wondrous year! ReiKiba: Happy New Year!!! <3 Miss Lily: Happy new year!! yann0: happy new year :3 Blue Latte: Have a great new year!! : Hope you have a happy 2011 ;3 Carbon Frost: happy nu year!! :] rosel D: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! wahooooo~~~~ XD Cinnamon Sparrow: Happy New Year 2011! : ) : Happy New Year, all the best ;) : Happy New Year ^_^ LittleWiseOwl: Happy New Year and all the best :D asa247: hm... thanks I guess? LightFykki: Thanks! Happy new year to you too!^^ Yammi chan: Happy 2011 to you too ^___^ : happy new year twinklesakura: Hope you have a fantastic year! X) krokun: Thanks for the gift!!! :D ashio: All the Best for 2011 beloved blood: DX Sorry I missed ur challenge TT^TT Shizuki12: Merry X'mas (belated)!!! X3 Star Crossed: Merry (late) Christmas & Happy New Year! : Merry X-mas n happy New Yearz 2 u 2 Bleachic: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :3 sim94: Merry Christmas! ;-)) littlepooch: <3 Merry Christmas~~ :] : Happy Holidays :3 Support KIRA: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! <3 : Merry Christmas =3 Murder Princess: Merry Christmas!!! ^o^ SolemnSerpent: Have a Holly Jolly Christmas~! //smiles lapaperninja: [*~::Merry Christmas! ::]*~ Haxelo: Merry Christmas!! <3 *hugs* itemilicious: Merry Christmas~ :D Carbon Frost: merry christmas!! :] harvestmoonluvr: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <3 KrondorianV: Merry X-mass and  a Happy New Year!!! : happy holidays reichiinya: Happy Holidays! Morbid Dollie: You're too sweeet! ;A; Morbid Dollie: Let's try it again >w> Morbid Dollie: That last gift failed.... Morbid Dollie: ;A; YOU IChiTa: Merry Christmas and Happy New year~ Morbid Dollie: And don't do anything to hurt yourself! Morbid Dollie: You have a wonderful time, too! <3 : Happy Holidays~! :D Morbid Dollie: Cause I'll be thinking of yoooou! Morbid Dollie: Hope ya think of me lots! ;3 Morbid Dollie: And full of fun and love! Morbid Dollie: Hope your day is wonderful! Morbid Dollie: Happy Holidays!!! luffysister: Merry Christmas to you too! envythejealous: Happy Holidays!!! Hulaberry32: Happy Holidays~<3 LightFykki: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! narutofangirl8: thanks so much for all the gifts! aizome: May you have a Fairytale Christmas ^w^ Yammi chan: 1dev13 Ritona: Merry Christmas! Ritona: Merry Christmas! keeksta: Merreh Christmas -w- Nynx: Merry Christmas~! <33 AnnaKanda: Happy Holidays! ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year again! xD wuzzle320: Happy Holidays!!! SarahPatricia: Merry Christmas! ^_^ rosel D: Merry Christmaaaaasssss!!!! XD krokun: the same for you!!! thanks!!! *huuuuugs* ashio: MERRY CHRISTMAS BUDDY! : Merry Christmas!! 8D dfdfdfdf: same to u Yammi chan: Thanks ^__^ Have a Happy New Year too) sakurasista: merry christmas and a happy new year :D Oasaka45656: Merry Christmas, my friend! ^^ Immortal Queen: Have a very merry Christmas bunny angel: merry christmas and a happy new year 2 u AlexaClyne: Advanced Merry Christmas!!! Saerily: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! : Merry Christmas n happy new year~ Carina1301: Merry Christmas :) And Thank You killerja3: Happy Holidays (U Must Wait To Touch) Morbid Dollie: Thinking 'bout you lots ;-; greenLeAfe: Merry Christmas/HappyNewYears:D Momiji Fangirl: You won 3rd place in my OC Challenge! Blake Jack: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! hanawa: Thankies for the dedication~! *hugs* hanawa: HoHoHoo~! Merry merry Xmas~! =D : Happy new year to you too : happy new year to u too!! cutexkawaii: merry christmas! KiKaiya: Oh and thanks for the gift before!^^ lol KiKaiya: to you too E-kun! Have fun! ^^ KiKaiya: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year- : Merry Christmas to you, too (^.^) nomx3 ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & Happy New Years! :) Quiet Noise: Thank You! Happy Holidays 2u2 my friend! crixy: same 2 u hpy xmas and new yr ^_^ Chikorisan: Have a happy merry Xmas! :) nin-chaz: have a great christmas and new year Zakuro Spade7: Merry Christmas and a Happy New you to u reichiinya: Happy holidays! IChiTa: merry chistmas~ twinklesakura: Merry christmas to you too! have fun! =) : Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!! ^^ winterlionheart: Happy Holidays!! Have a great one! : Happy Holidays ^_^ : thanks for the gift and happy holidays!! wolfpupable: merry chrystmas and a happy new year Kiiika: Happy Holidays 2 u too... *-* TamaDoodles24: may ur holidays b full of AWSOMENESS!!! : Merry christmas & Happy New Year 4 U 2 ! : Thank you, enjoy your holidays! :) beloved blood: Merry Christmas and happy new year! XD Felcie: Merry new year and happy Xmas !! XD belletoile: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ♥ Demiyah: HaVe a HapPy HoliiDaY!  .(^.^). Xiu: merry christmas to you too !! Miss Lily: MerryChristmas&HappyNewYear 2 you too! : Merry Chistmas! :3 SaiKat: Merry X-mas! Thx for the gift :3 FrozenRoze: Thank you and happy Christmas ^^ Hunter Kaskura: Merry Christmas =D : Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too! Ellenor Mererid: Early Merry Christmas and happy new year LightFykki: Thanks! Happy holidays to you too.^^ luffysister: Merry Christmas 2 u 2! Here's a banana! OlleyLee: Thanks Carbon Frost: have some ramen before u go!! :D Carbon Frost: merry christmas to u too !! :] Blue Latte: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! SaxGirl: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!^___^ rosel D: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Too~! ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ Yakumo Star17: thx for the pic ♥ it~ ^_^ wuzzle320: For winning the quote of the day! NoirAngel: Thank you for the dedication ^_^ lapaperninja: Thank you so much for the gift  :D kita mikichi: Thanks for participating!!! Carbon Frost: coz i didn't knew myself!! XD KiKaiya: Thank you very much E-kun!! XD Carbon Frost: how did u know i was promoted?? Carbon Frost: hoooray for a spam gift XD SarahPatricia: Thanks for entering "A new beginning"! NoirAngel: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ^_^ ShiningHime: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :) SarahPatricia: here's a cookie for you too! PunkZilla: Thanks for the gift!!! :D Lilian Felix: Thanks! greenLeAfe: Thanks so much for the gift :D : Thanks for the gift ^_^ : Thanks for the gift.. wolfpupable: thanks big bro *huggy* belletoile: Thanks so much ♥ reichiinya: Here's your cookie! cheriblosomchibi: Thankies so much for the feedback!<3 ItachiSasuke: Thank you E-kun! Sushi for you! ^_^ beloved blood: <3~~*smoochy face* Carbon Frost: thanks :D ReiKiba: Nah, you are! xD Thanks 4 the gift! <3 : Thank you~ :3 : Thanks :D : thx!! :D ReiKiba: Thank you, E-chan! xD : Thankiez 4 da sub! *^^* Bleachic: Thanks a ton!!! *Hugs!* Morbid Dollie: On being the sweetest person EVER! <333 Morbid Dollie: Congratulations!! Morbid Dollie: For My Mikuo-Chan ^3^ Morbid Dollie: The panda is a little sweetie ^.^ Carbon Frost: Guess!! Carbon Frost: A brush :] for painting!! Carbon Frost: icecream in winter is the best!!!! Carbon Frost: clean ur room before u go out!!! Carbon Frost: look a bow !! *bows* Carbon Frost: gift spam time !! nyahahaha Morbid Dollie: *oink oink* The Piggy did it! Morbid Dollie: Aaa! Panda poke! :O Support KIRA: Ninja! Participation Prize! AlexaClyne: E-kun's such a pwnsome person! >w< Morbid Dollie: Hi Hi *waaaves* ^3^ tiggerola: For the awesome Lan Fan fan art :3 hanawa: A rose for your empty vase~! *winx* Carbon Frost: but sending gifts is cool!!! Carbon Frost: i really dont know what to say!!! Carbon Frost: sum moar gifts!!! XD Carbon Frost: mwahahaha!!!! Carbon Frost: a Rock/brick O.O Carbon Frost: here have a cukkie!! :3 Carbon Frost: yay .!!!! spam gift!!!! XD hanawa: Awwww don't be! Here, have a sushi~! ;) LightFykki: Thank you for sub!^^ Bleachic: Thanks for your participation, my friend hanawa: *hugs* Hey hey~! Keep up the good work! winterlionheart: Sorry for being such a bother :/ winterlionheart: you've been so awesome to me KiKaiya: Sorry it's late, Happy Thanksgiving! hanawa: A brush for my fav watercolor artist! =D Hunter Kaskura: Happy thanksgiving! Morbid Dollie: *GLOMP* E-CHAAAAAN! <33 Morbid Dollie: Aw, thank you! X3 *is embarrassed* Morbid Dollie: You're my adorable E-chaaaaan X3 NoirAngel: Thank you for the sub ^^ Star Crossed: Happy "Just Cuz" Day! :) ReiKiba: For the Undertaker, from Rei ;D ShiningHime: WelcomeBack! You've been gone 4 a while! : Thanks for the dedication <3 akatsuki15: Random! akatsuki15: THANX!!!!! Hunter Kaskura: Grats on 3rd place! Morbid Dollie: *poooke* cutexkawaii: ^^ AnnaKanda: Thanks for the sub~! XD belletoile: Thank you for subscribing ^^ Morbid Dollie: For winning 3rd place E-chan! <333 : first place!! :) : you've won the challenge! : congrats! FrozenRoze: DÅmo ArigatÅ (Thank you) Morbid Dollie: which is 3 PM your time ;A; Morbid Dollie: may only have til midnight my time...... Immortal Queen: Thank you for entering snow fun! Morbid Dollie: Have a banana, Mikuo! X3 Shizuki12: Belated Halloween?? XD Morbid Dollie: I <3 you! : thanks for the gift E- kun Morbid Dollie: I didn't mean to sleep D: Morbid Dollie: Forgive me, Mikuo-chan D: Morbid Dollie: Anytime, Mikuo-chan! <333 Morbid Dollie: Don't forget that! <333 Morbid Dollie: Even if it get's deleted! Morbid Dollie: Your work is always the best Morbid Dollie: Sorry about your wall Mikuo-chan! D: Kiiika: Happy belated Halloween!!! *-* TamaDoodles24: Happy BELATED Halloween!!! XD Ellenor Mererid: Happy Late Halloween sorry AlexaClyne: Tnx for joining & congrats on 2nd place! Bleachic: Happy Halloween, my friend!  Bwahahaha!! Quiet Noise: have a happy Halloween my friend! ^^ Xiu: Happy Halloween !! lilmekenny: Happy Halloween WOOO <-My ghost sound xD : happy halloween!!!! killerja3: Boo!!! Maw Ha Ha littlepooch: :D Thanks! Happy Halloween to you too~~ : Happy halloween! Candy!! :D saki 1234: Happy Happy Halloween! : treat will be then xD~ : Trick or treat? >D ahaha XD samgirl: :D happy halloween to you too! beloved blood: ^o^ Happy Halloween to u, too!!! XP ItachiSasuke: Have a wicked halloween XD : Boo! Happy halloween XD AlexaClyne: Happy Halloween too~!! ;P Cinnamon Sparrow: Thanks! Happy Halloween too! :D : Have a Happy Halloween ^o^ itemilicious: GYUHUHU~ HAPPY HALLOWEEN X3 Immortal Queen: Happy Halloween AxelleGRoulette: Happy Halloween SaxGirl: Happy Halloween to you too!XD wolfpupable: thanks reichiinya: Happy Halloween! KiKaiya: Happy Halloween too!!! Have Fun! :D LittleWiseOwl: Happy Halloween to you too sempai X3 envythejealous: Happy Halloween! :) Saerily: Happy Halloween to you as well!:D : Happy Halloweeen to you, too :D harvestmoonluvr: Happy Halloween! *nomnom pumpkin pie* ashio: have a spooktastic halloween! nin-chaz: happy halloween! aizome: Happy Halloween, nee!~ Ai-chan ^^ : Happy halloween 2 u 2oo :) FrozenRoze: Happy Halloween! IChiTa: Happy Halloween~ treat plz~~~ KrondorianV: Happy Halloween 2 u 2! ShiningHime: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :3 Cat14: Happy Halloween Carbon Frost: Happy Halloween!! :3 ReiKiba: Happy Halloween~!!! xD : happy halloween >w< Blue Latte: I want cupcakes even for Halloween XD Felcie: Happy Halloween !! 8D Quiet Noise: u2 my friend, have a happy Halloween!!! lapaperninja: ~Happy Halloween! to you too!~ :D inufluffy12: Happy Halloween!!! :3 Morbid Dollie: Happy Halloweeen! <333 Morbid Dollie: sleep well? X3 SarahPatricia: Happy Halloween ;)) ShiningHime: Because you are such an amazing friend. Morbid Dollie: Ignore rude comments! Your walls rock <3 Morbid Dollie: Cheer up! Kids are brats....sorry.....:3 Morbid Dollie: *pooke*? Morbid Dollie: Did I send too many? xD Morbid Dollie: Can't wait to see ya tonight! Morbid Dollie: waah! I hate not talking to you! Morbid Dollie: Cause you're my adorable E-chaan! <3333 Morbid Dollie: For being more adorable than 60% X3 Morbid Dollie: Oh wait! That's everday! Silly me! Morbid Dollie: Cause it's "E-chan is awesome day" X3 Morbid Dollie: *huggles* Morbid Dollie: Cause you're E-chan....<3 Morbid Dollie: Sorry for flooding you all the time X3 Morbid Dollie: Sorry about disappearing again X3 Morbid Dollie: I'm sorry we never talk much anymore! Morbid Dollie: E-CHAN!!!!! <3333 rosel D: Nice Wallies ^_^ rosel D: Nice Cards ^_^ rosel D: Nice Arts ^_^ IChiTa: Thanks for the multiple panda~~~ IChiTa: Thanks for the quote~ and multyple PANDA Morbid Dollie: My adorable E-chan! <333 mickyodragon: Thank you for being my Friend AlexaClyne: You're just so awesome~<3 Morbid Dollie: Just for being my E-chan....<333 KiKaiya: Thank you Very Much!!! :D *bows* : Thx for participating!!!! ^-^ wolfbabyable: happy b-day srry its late IChiTa: for E-san awesome watercolor~ IChiTa: For e-san~ Thank you for all the support Morbid Dollie: For the greatest friend ever <33 Morbid Dollie: For you, E-chan.... : =] Carbon Frost: happy B'DAY :D!! yann0: happy birthday!! =w= ashio: for not saying HAPPY B-DAY on time :) : Happy (belated) Birthday =3 lilmekenny: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Bleachic: Another one...just b/c 'twas your b-day! Bleachic: HAPPY *belated* BIRTHDAY! *^^* gabyukie: Harry Birthday! ^o^/ : Happy birthday Oppa!! sorry if its late CrimzonN3k0 z: Happy birthday-sorry I'm a day late ShiningHime: Happy B'day My Fwend <3 SolemnSerpent: Happy belated birthday. <3 : happy b-daY!!!!! :) wendy218: Happy B-Day!!! =D Cat14: Happy Birthday!!! Morbid Dollie: Happy Birthday E-chan!! <333 KiKaiya: Happy Birthday! rosel D: Happy B-day,keep on making awesome art~ reichiinya: hope you enjoy your birthday pocky! : Happy B-Day!!! hope it's awesome! Morbid Dollie: Good hunch! X33 : HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxPockyAddictx: Happy Birthday!!!<3 zero guardian: HAPPY BIRTHDAY E-Chan! KrondorianV: Happy B-day!!! ^_^ Quiet Noise: I wish u to have a happy b-day!! ^^ saki 1234: Happy Birthday!~♥ TamaDoodles24: who doesn't love a puppy on their B-Day? beloved blood: ~Happy Birthday!! O.O *wats in the box?* Kiba051095: Happy Birthday!!! -kiba Felcie: Happy B-Day !!! >__< liveeverysecond: From 1 of ur biggest fans, Happy Bday<3 vmpgrl: HAPPY B-DAY! HAVE SOME POCKY! aizome: Happy Birthday! ~Ai-chan kara desu =^w^= envythejealous: Have an AWESOME birthday!!!!!!! :) :) LoveKouichi: Happy Birthday! //_^ ReiKiba: Happy Birthday! xDD janeknowsbest: Thanks for the sub! :D SaxGirl: Happy birthday!:D *throws confetti* nin-chaz: happy birthday itemilicious: happy birthday!! >v< Ellenor Mererid: Happy Birthday!!:) Saerily: Have a very happy Birthday! : Happy Birthday ^_^ stinamuffin: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D Shizuki12: Happy Birthday~~~ Morbid Dollie: How did you know I love strawberries? XD Morbid Dollie: Those gifts prove you're sweeter! Morbid Dollie: To the highlight of my whole day <33 Morbid Dollie: You're such the sweetest person ever!<33 ReiKiba: You're very welcome!! xD ty for da gift! ShiningHime: Cuz your drawings are like.. *O* ShiningHime: Cuz your hungry! Hehe ^^ Morbid Dollie: I have never had a friend so wonderful! kita mikichi: Congrats on winning 1st place! Morbid Dollie: E-CHAAAAAN!!! <3 *GLOMPLES* nin-chaz: thanks for the gift and sub Morbid Dollie: You're more epic!! <33 Morbid Dollie: For being sooo sweet to me! <33 gabyukie: Thanks for the sub too! ^u^ : me! : thank : to : need : no : featured! : was : fandom : your : congrats! : I cant blve tat I hv rch nxt lvl! lilmekenny: Box of Pocky for you awesomeness ^_^ TamaDoodles24: just for being made of awesomeness! XD kita mikichi: Congrats on Your Promotion! rosel D: Same Here~!we're otakuite++ now~! yay! saki 1234: thank you for the gift, so here's your's Momiji Fangirl: A cupcake for winning my challenge! Momiji Fangirl: A gift for winning my challenge! Bleachic: Thanks for the faving! A gift for you! : Congrats on the Featured Fandom! Ellenor Mererid: Thank you for the member dedicaion!!:) wawhy: congrate ^^ [challenge] Blake Jack: Thanks for your 2nd and 3rd entry XD liveeverysecond: Nice guys don't always finish last! ^_^ Ellenor Mererid: Thank you for the gift! :) : :] Thank-you :D lilmekenny: Woah I got a promotion?O-o... Cookie ^_^ Blue Latte: Thank you XD rosel D: thanks for the ecard ~^_^ FrozenRoze: Thanks for subbing me! =D Blake Jack: Thanks for your entry^^ Lavender Girl: Run kitteh!Th dog is comin ta getcha! :O : cupcake 4 u â¤0â¤!! Lavender Girl: Oh noes! Kitteh get it back.! Lavender Girl: Ice cream is teh best, dontcha think? ^^ Carbon Frost: thnx for subbing bak :] : thx 4 da help!! :) silverwolfmist: here a pie for you liveeverysecond: You're Welcome! ^_^ : oh! thx a lot!! :) njoy ice cream : thx 4 da poke!!! :) zero guardian: Hey, always know you are super cool! AxelleGRoulette: thanks for being a great artist! hah. hanawa: You'll soon be a Legend, too! ;D hanawa: You'll soon be a Legend, too! ;D SarahPatricia: Thank you!!!! Here's a cherry! 1dev13: Thank you for all the nice comments! ^-^ mickyodragon: For the guy full of great ideas Blue Latte: Congrad! You're otakuite+ now XD wolfpupable: hihihhhihihihihihihhih love you : Your wellcome! wolfpupable: you still have not messaged me wwwhhhyyy wolfbabyable: thanks for the gift bluerosewolf: thank you for the panda zero guardian: Thank you for the Panda! wolfpupable: thankyou Lilian Felix: problem! SarahPatricia: Thank you also for subbing back! jerryabistado: what art request do you like?^_^ jerryabistado: congrats for winning 1st price hanawa: An ice-cream for you! ;D wolfpupable: aww you sweet love you wolfpupable: i love you thank you Shizuki12: I'll be watching you..=w= SolemnSerpent: *spreads some love* Thank you as well! : thank-you for the sub! :D : Thanks!!! To a new friend!!! Lavender Girl: Your pictures are awesome~ -^w^- Quiet Noise: u'r welcome, it was my pleasure!! ^____^ mickyodragon: For the next Mangaka!! mickyodragon: I know you like water color! :) clueless101: You're Wlecome!!! ;D narutofangirl8: heres a gift for a friend!^^ Blue Latte: Thank you for you gift!!^^ sasoriofredsand: Thankies and no problem ~ : No prob!^^ crayon skwibblz: cute panda! hanawa: Hey congratz on the promotion! *hugs* sasoriofredsand: thanks sasoriofredsand: thank you for everything ^^
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Winner - Challenge: GLEE Fest Winner - Challenge: The Wonderful World of Disney Music ~ Contestant - Challenge: Chibi Characters!! Contestant - Challenge: My eyes can\'t take it anymore!!!! Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: Let There Be Light Winner - Challenge: Mix and Match Winner - Challenge: Retrospect! Contestant - Challenge: I want something REAL!!! Contestant - Challenge: I heart theOtaku! Contestant - Challenge: animal KINGdom Winner - Challenge: remake Creator - A word Winner - Challenge: ~~Your Friend In Anime~~ Contestant - Challenge: Explosion of Imagination Contestant - Challenge: PURE [Innocence] Contestant - Challenge: Tough and Beautiful Winner - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Winner - Challenge: Instramental Contestant - Challenge: Reindeer Games Contestant - Challenge: Super Heroes Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: [inspiration, magic, hope] Contestant - Challenge: Don\'t Judge A Book By Its Cover Winner - Challenge: Mad Hatter ! Winner - Challenge: Anime(ATE) Yourself Contestant - Challenge: Spread the <3 Contestant - Challenge: Simple yet Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Dedicated To Friendship! Winner - Challenge: Ranma 1/2 Fun! Winner - Challenge: Mother Goose- creepy-style... Winner - Challenge: For the Mods Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Winner - Challenge: Celebrating Chinese New Year!! Contestant - Challenge: I Can\'t Believe I Made This Contestant - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Contestant - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Winner - Challenge: Sins and Virtues Winner - Challenge: Splatters Contestant - Challenge: Reminders.... Contestant - Challenge: WHAT A PRETTY FACE. Winner - Challenge: Myth/Fairy Tale Winner - Challenge: Anniversary of Final Fantasy! Contestant - Challenge: The Art of Reality Contestant - Challenge: ANYSOMETHING! Contestant - Challenge: Winter Wonderland Contestant - Challenge: Merry Christmas!! Winner - Challenge: Synthesizers Need Love Too >3< Winner - Challenge: Kuroshitsuji XD Winner - Challenge: Snow fun Contestant - Challenge: Letter Q is for queue!! Contestant - Challenge: 4- Black Rock Shooter Creator - Your OC with their OC! Contestant - Challenge: A new beginning Winner - Challenge: Brotherhood Exclusive Winner - Challenge: in the spirit. Winner - Challenge: OC Challenge Winner - Challenge: Design Tomi! Winner - Challenge: **KIMONOholics** Contestant - Challenge: Fall Fun Winner - Challenge: Winter Madness!! Contestant - Challenge: All Things Creepy! Halloween Fun. Winner - Challenge: Your Interpretation Contestant - Challenge: Comical Wallies! Contestant - Challenge: Ninja! Contestant - Challenge: Romance Contestant - Challenge: Grimmjow -VS- Ulquiorra Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Contestant - Challenge: The Great Imitators Winner - Challenge: I remind you of who? Winner - Challenge: Imaginary Friends! Winner - Challenge: Wonders of Life Winner - Challenge: Opposite Gender XD Contestant - Challenge: *GREEN* With Envy! Contestant - Challenge: You Remind Me Of......Katty! Winner - Challenge: You remind me of..... Winner - Challenge: CD cover for your own album omgosh :D! Winner - Challenge: Halloween Monstor Awaken Winner - Challenge: Draw my Quincy~ Winner - Challenge: Your OC's Premier Movie Poster!!! Winner - Challenge: TheO Loves You! Creator - Oh heck..wrong costume? Contestant - Challenge: for my 15th birthday :) Winner - Challenge: Designing~ Winner - Challenge: trick or treat - トリックオアトリーï Winner - Challenge: FMA Favz <3 Contestant - Challenge: Strike a Pose! Contestant - Challenge: Fantasy Contestant - Challenge: A page of Calendar Contestant - Challenge: A page of Calendar Winner - Challenge: Your Own Trading Card! Contestant - Challenge: t o u c h  the S.K.Y. Contestant - Challenge: Words from the heart Contestant - Challenge: ♥Kimono Girl♥ Winner - Challenge: ÞrØj∑cT::--::cØv∑r Contestant - Challenge: Show me the Ladies. Contestant - Challenge: Show me the Ladies. Winner - Challenge: Voices in My Head Contestant - Challenge: Lyrics Winner - Challenge: Draw your OC CONTEST!! Winner - Challenge: Black and White Winner - Challenge: The Underground Winner - Challenge: THEMES!!! Contestant - Challenge: Out of my Mind - OC Challenge Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: ABCs Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: ABCs Contestant - Challenge: Self-portrait (: Contestant - Challenge: Self-portrait (: Winner - Challenge: Twins love Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Be sexy in the PHOTO<3333 Contestant - Challenge: Draw some love~ Winner - Challenge: Painting Lyrics Contestant - Challenge: Full Metal Comedy Contestant - Challenge: Full Metal Comedy Contestant - Challenge: Full Metal Comedy Contestant - Challenge: The Promise of Summer Contestant - Challenge: Bloom ! Winner - Challenge: Emotions Contestant - Challenge: Hit Me With Your Best Shot! Contestant - Challenge: omg... RAINBOWZ!!! Contestant - Challenge: In the Shadows Winner - Challenge: Personification Winner - Challenge: Those Hidden Members. Winner - Challenge: OC Pirate Crew Winner - Challenge: Modest is Hottest

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