Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

Why hath my vegetation been devoured by zombinic slavish readers??

Yes, my dears, it is I. I am here with new works in my new style and news concerning current and future projects as well as chapter stats.

Well, as some of you know I have been un-new-art-ed for a bit now and that is because as some of you slavish readers know, I like to store up art while I work on more and more. It's stupid, true, but that's just how I do things on this side of the computer screen. ^-^

My new works consist of one portrait, one fanart, and two fun drawings--one with background and one with some color-- GASP! SHOCK! Yes, I know I know. I am trying to do a bit more in the background department though to go along with my new style. The portait is already up for viewage! It be a scribbled face of none other than MerokoYui4! Or Mero, as I call her. Continue to prepare for the new art each day as I know it is more indepth than most anything I have done...except the fanart one is a bit bland, though for reason. TE HE!

With completes aside, I have two currently in the making, one of which is almost done and I need to have ready by friday....so tomorrow. It is for a person...not really a friend but sort of...he is the guy I drew the knight for a while back. Anywho, in future productions there will be some fanart, mythical art(OOH!), and other things in there and perhaps another portrait just to mix it up even more! ;p

Now, children, it is story time. Gather. (HAHAHA!!--inside joke ;P) Writings are going well and also slow. Tewoeklon is still a bit stuck but I will smack it into shape and make sure to pump out chapter three and get going soon. I hope to get many chapters done this summer. The Catalyst is going quite well, chapter 5 is very close to being done...writing wise at least, not editing and what not. So those of you who actually care or enjoy these they are on their way! I am trying to keep my story update world Conduit as recent as possible. It should be up to date right now. Basically this summer will be a time in which I hope many chapters to be pumped from my brain...which reminds me I need to get that pump...0,o

Finals are almost done, after geometry tomorrow I have only two more on my last day and that is all! After friday I will officially be a senior. My joy is so immense and prominent I think it may hurt you if you get to close to it...oops now look what you did...getting blood all over the carpeting.

ANYWAY! Things and stuff are in the making and moving along despite the fact that I don't post my every breath here....(hint hint MERO!) Soooo byebye till next time!!

P.S. too lazy for tags and typo checks!

I always knew I would have a hand in the apocalypse...


I have finally gotten around to creating my world for my newest story The Catalyst, which you have seen art for already I hope. I also put up the prologue and chapter one...however I didn't post the next three, which are finished, because I want to create a little suspense :P I really really really would love some feedback on my stories, this one especially! So PLEASE COME ON!! Sooooooo...that was my main reason for posting the post of posts in postesness. (thanks to editor Mero--MerokoYui4--who FINALLY finished my edits a while ago and stuff..yup uhhuh yes...)

I suppose I could also mention that I am still working on this AMAZING drawing of mine, which is taking a while...though I am only working on it randomly. It is, however, turning out incredibly well! I am very excited to see how it turns out. ^-^ *shakes with anticitation*

Oh, and as mother's day is coming up I am going to try to draw something for my moomoo(yes I do really call my mother that and it's awesome so :P) I am going to try to do a realistic one of me and my sister for her, but I have no idea how that will work so wish me luckses!! ^-^ (marshmellows, yeah!!---inside joke with myself...0.o what of it?)

Anywho with those things aside I must say that I have stumbled upon a new anime that has intrigued me greatly! Unfortunately it is not only new for me but for everyone as it only has 4 episodes out. Though it is also a series of light novels and possibly manga. (if it has manga I WANTS THEM!!) Well, that's all. No I'm just kidding^-^ Yes...I know you werent't surprised...shut up...-,- It's called Earl and Fairy. If you have any knowledge of this new light novel/manga/anime then please tell me! I would love to know, especially if it's in regards to the manga^-^

Ok, now it's the end.

Make outrageous statements like "I invented the question mark" or "Chesnuts are lazy&

Alrighty, so here's the deal.

I have now finished putting up all the blob doodles I have done and uploaded for my fan comic The world of Blobs. I am going to make more, currently I have to in my head which i must get down on paper before I forget them...and i'm sure I can start spirting out several new ones after that. ^-^ I want to thank all of you who have viewed, favorited, or commented on the comics I appreciate it so very very much!!! I'm glad I could rot our mind with pointless, disturbing, and occasionally morbid humor.

I finished loading my big batch of drawings and put up my four which I did after those, currently I have two of those up and I still have two to go, one that I'm currently working and one that is in my brain. I can't wait to get them all up for you too see, I would greatly enjoy some comments on them!! If you don't want too that's alright, I'll just send an ill-tempered, mutated sea bass to devour you whole. (yes, I made an Austin Powers reference....they make me giggle:P Especially Dr. Evil--hint the title is a paraphrased version of Dr. Evil talking about his father, the entire quote, for the most part, "He would make outrageous statements like "I invented the question mark" or "Chestnuts are lazy"...)

Now, on behalf of my story The Catalyst, I have finished chapter four and it has been edited, though I need to speak with my editor, MerokoYui4, about some of it...anyway what I am here to speak for my story since it recently had plastic surgery and is unable to move its lips, it is annoyed to a great length at the fact that Mero has yet to edit the prologue and chapter one so that itsuma may create the The Catalyst world and load the chapters so that they may be read and loved...0,o So COME ON WOMAN!!!!

Currently watching/listening to the hysterical movie Tropic Thunder while waiting to nap and then head off to see friend(s) in and at the school play, A MidSummer Nights Dream. But first I must use the restroom and think up more doodle ideas for the wondrous world of Blob.

P.S. if you ever feel the need to contact a banana flavored lima bean, I warn you they have a nasty temper and terrible manners...

Who the hell keeps putting dead people in my flower bed!?

The world is over!! The end is nigh!! Kiss your loved ones!! Eat your leftovers!! Kill your irritating neighbor!! Yes, yes it's true!! I have now posted a second time in the same month!!

Please, if you have followed my instructions, make sure you don't bury that neighbor in my yard. I hate having to re-dispose of corpses...completely ruins my 'no dead bodies in yard' total.

Anyway, the main reason for this entry is to mention my excitement in the creation of Infinity's new set up!! I absolutely love it. I have always loved the anime Spice and Wolf and I was recently renewed with my flaming passion for the adorable Horo^-^ So I simply had to start a new layout style in honor of her. I also have a new avatar and comment/PM style; All for Horo from Spice and Wolf. Someday I hope to get my hands on an English translation of the manga:P

Second anyway within this notice, I have been working on uploading my stock pile of drawings and blob doodles for the comic set called "The world of Blob". Hehe, I think them quite hysterical...if you don't that's alright. Though I may have to kill you. ^-^

Oh, and another thing! I will soon be starting my new world The Catalyst for my new story...The Catalyst. Yeah. I shall also begin chapter four relatively soon, possibly later this, well night^-^ I am still waiting for the chapter edits for the prologue and chapter one...which my editor most likely forgot to do again. In the area of fiction worlds, I will try to get all the existing chapters of Blade put up for any who care. Plus, still working on Tewoeklon chapter 3.

So, that's about all I have to say about crap and stuff.....and if I find your neighbor in my yard, I will be somewhat peeved with a hint of mild irritation, so get yourself a corpse remover.

would it be terribly inconvenient if I were to remove your various appendages? No? Thank you.

My, my, my. It would seem I haven't really been too active with my posts lately, which was brought to my attention by my friend, MerokoYui4. I was always aware that I didn't post that often, but the conversation caused me to go and view my older entries. Upon such nostalgic memories, I realized I had not mentioned some things that had been decided weeks and even months ago. GASP!! Of course I was stunned and startled and amazed and smacked with several fish. SOO I have come to say, hello, goodbye, I will, I won't, that's mine, and don't touch that! Normal statements which would usually come up while I type. ^-^

Now, my first important announcement is one that will probably effect very few of you poor readers, but I will say anyway since yeah. That would be that I have officially discontinued my story, Blade. I know, I know, you are all heart-broken. Well, suck it up. I simply don't think the story was well written or presented, and it's not catching long term interest either. So, it is finished and I will not be posting chapter nine unless for some odd reason I get bored and type it up. Which I doubt will ever happen. I may still post the chapters in the world that I have yet to do, but that is all. Sorry.

Second!! I have stupidly started a new story!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...*ahem* While this was a very stupid idea considering my past history with two stories at once, but I don't think that past will become my future. I have fallen in love with this story and its characters. It has been dubbed with the title The Catalyst. I will have a world created for it and post chapters as they come. A wondrous joy for you to now cushion in that large open area within your skull. For my tale, I have written three chapters completely, plus a prologue. And I intend to begin chapter four after I have posted this and replied to a message from a friend. Of course we both know what happens when we take too long to reply to each other's messages. Haha...I don't want to lose my head. 0.o

For the fanart section. I actually do have some fanart (GASP) and several other drawings! Yes, several. About 14 in total, one however is still in the works. Those of you familiar with my affiliation with MerokoYui4 may know that I am currently drawing a cover for her new story All My Emotion, which I edit and would highly recommend. With that promotion aside, the others are art from my story The Catalyst (3), art from my story Tewoeklon (3), 1 drawing referenced from a person’s self portrait photograph, 1 random drawing, 2 fanart (ouran and full moon), 2 fanart sets of 2 -chibi style, and 1 nude female drawing (this drawing however will not be posted here but on my other site, DeviantART). I will repost this later with the link to the female nude drawing for any curious readers. ^-^

Then I have one thing I must mention for the shear torment of my friend, Merokoyui4 or as I call her, Mero. I have made or been creating a surprise for her, which she only knows has to do with her new fiction, All My Emotion. If you read this and are friends with her, please bring it up in conversation whether it be messages, chats, posts, forum posts, anything. Even if you aren’t friends, sign her guestbook with the mention or send her a kind message with the hint. I would greatly appreciate it. ^-^

EDITS: I have posted one drawing and three of my blob comic doodles...I will continue until I have all 63 up here^-^ For those curious about the drawing I mentioned that I had which had female nudity and I couldn't post here, well this is a link to my other art site DevaintART: In This Moment...