Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

let me stroke your beard...

soooooooooooooooo, friday morning i was subjected to the experience of wisdom extraction

yes, you thought correctly dear minions, i am now no longer a bearer of wisdom teeth, i am without the toothy sagacity that one will later spend their entire lives trying to achieve once more, growing out the long beard and mustache for the stroking and twirling whilst in thought, eventually reaching such a maximum amount of inner power with which you can regrow your oral bones


i seem to have been given the magical power of minimal to no pain whatsoever, merely the occasional dull aches... it would seem, though unsurprisingly of course, that my immense awesometastnicity has counteracted the normally imminent doom of continual days of oral agony, BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:D
Bow down to my power! Flail your limbs as my wondrousness fills your body!

the only downside that i cannot avoid regardless of my greatness, is the stomach clenching hunger which cannot be satiated due to my still withheld ability to eat normal foods...and therefore i have been living on milkshakes and water since the morn of surgery and i am certain a few more days shall pass before i can eat much food food... my mastication desires are saddened…SO FULL OF WOE *dramatically puts hand to forehead* although, due to the fact i have been sleeping most of the time, i have not been awake too much to experience the starvation pangs as of now *nods*


WELL, now that my current life change is out of the way, i have something else to announce! YES, what is that strange statement you read? it is something for which announcing is relevant! :D

*ahem* i do believe i have mentioned before that for a while now i have been obsessively enjoying watching youtube videos of people playing the game minecraft--if not, then there you go, i have told you and you feel special--...because yes, i am one of those pathetic creatures who watches other people play games XD

for a long while i was maintaining my denial of wanting to actually purchase it as i am not particularly fond of computer games...all those keyboard combinations to know, blehblehBLEH >:U but, happening to get my friend merokins into the fascination with the game, she began to urge me into buying it with her so that we could play together and epically fail at our noobness, therefore, WE BOUGHT MINECRAFT!

we have only been playing for a bit more than a month now, and as we often get into the fleeting desires to be some of those awesome people online who do things that are popular amongst the masses, although us likely becoming the ones nobody will ever care about, but we want to do so anyways cause maybe who knows not really yeah...and, after this small amount of actual play, we decided to go ahead and try to start making our OWN youtube vids of us playing the lovely minecraft! *obnoxiously disturbing dance*

things are still a bit slow and bugs are desperately needing to be worked out, but we have begun and it shall hopefully become more interesting as time progresses, and we figure out the sound issues which are often turn offs to any potential watchers *nodnod* yesyes indeeds

Having told you of this joyous addition we have bestowed upon the virtual world, i link here the first two parts! they aren't overly great and sound quality fluctuates a lot, but tis a beginning, a thing with which all must endure!

NOW, LOVE THEM! LOVE THEM LIKE YOU MEAN IT, and like the video, comment, view it actually ON youtube—you know, i will just give the URL link and you shall have to make the effort to click it in order to see the vids...doooooo it--...make us feel important in the most minuscule manner possible o 3o

We are links:
Quest for the Ocelot: Part 1
Quest for the Ocelot: Part 2

I always knew I would have a hand in the apocalypse...


I have finally gotten around to creating my world for my newest story The Catalyst, which you have seen art for already I hope. I also put up the prologue and chapter one...however I didn't post the next three, which are finished, because I want to create a little suspense :P I really really really would love some feedback on my stories, this one especially! So PLEASE COME ON!! Sooooooo...that was my main reason for posting the post of posts in postesness. (thanks to editor Mero--MerokoYui4--who FINALLY finished my edits a while ago and stuff..yup uhhuh yes...)

I suppose I could also mention that I am still working on this AMAZING drawing of mine, which is taking a while...though I am only working on it randomly. It is, however, turning out incredibly well! I am very excited to see how it turns out. ^-^ *shakes with anticitation*

Oh, and as mother's day is coming up I am going to try to draw something for my moomoo(yes I do really call my mother that and it's awesome so :P) I am going to try to do a realistic one of me and my sister for her, but I have no idea how that will work so wish me luckses!! ^-^ (marshmellows, yeah!!---inside joke with myself...0.o what of it?)

Anywho with those things aside I must say that I have stumbled upon a new anime that has intrigued me greatly! Unfortunately it is not only new for me but for everyone as it only has 4 episodes out. Though it is also a series of light novels and possibly manga. (if it has manga I WANTS THEM!!) Well, that's all. No I'm just kidding^-^ Yes...I know you werent't surprised...shut up...-,- It's called Earl and Fairy. If you have any knowledge of this new light novel/manga/anime then please tell me! I would love to know, especially if it's in regards to the manga^-^

Ok, now it's the end.
