Why hath my vegetation been devoured by zombinic slavish readers??

Yes, my dears, it is I. I am here with new works in my new style and news concerning current and future projects as well as chapter stats.

Well, as some of you know I have been un-new-art-ed for a bit now and that is because as some of you slavish readers know, I like to store up art while I work on more and more. It's stupid, true, but that's just how I do things on this side of the computer screen. ^-^

My new works consist of one portrait, one fanart, and two fun drawings--one with background and one with some color-- GASP! SHOCK! Yes, I know I know. I am trying to do a bit more in the background department though to go along with my new style. The portait is already up for viewage! It be a scribbled face of none other than MerokoYui4! Or Mero, as I call her. Continue to prepare for the new art each day as I know it is more indepth than most anything I have done...except the fanart one is a bit bland, though for reason. TE HE!

With completes aside, I have two currently in the making, one of which is almost done and I need to have ready by friday....so tomorrow. It is for a person...not really a friend but sort of...he is the guy I drew the knight for a while back. Anywho, in future productions there will be some fanart, mythical art(OOH!), and other things in there and perhaps another portrait just to mix it up even more! ;p

Now, children, it is story time. Gather. (HAHAHA!!--inside joke ;P) Writings are going well and also slow. Tewoeklon is still a bit stuck but I will smack it into shape and make sure to pump out chapter three and get going soon. I hope to get many chapters done this summer. The Catalyst is going quite well, chapter 5 is very close to being done...writing wise at least, not editing and what not. So those of you who actually care or enjoy these they are on their way! I am trying to keep my story update world Conduit as recent as possible. It should be up to date right now. Basically this summer will be a time in which I hope many chapters to be pumped from my brain...which reminds me I need to get that pump...0,o

Finals are almost done, after geometry tomorrow I have only two more on my last day and that is all! After friday I will officially be a senior. My joy is so immense and prominent I think it may hurt you if you get to close to it...oops now look what you did...getting blood all over the carpeting.

ANYWAY! Things and stuff are in the making and moving along despite the fact that I don't post my every breath here....(hint hint MERO!) Soooo byebye till next time!!

P.S. too lazy for tags and typo checks!
