Raindrop23 (Fan Art Portfolio) The Tooth Fairy (REMAKE)

The Tooth Fairy (REMAKE)
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Okay, you guys are probably looking at this and thinking, "why, why, Taylor, you stupid piece of idiot, do you consider this special; you've already uploaded this piece before, haven't you?" To that I answer, "yes, I have, dear viewer, but if you look in my scraps, you can compare this piece with the old one... quite a difference, eh? I like to think so."


The Tooth Fairy, once but just a old fairy whose teeth had begun to rot out, recently discovered the rich accessibility of children's fallen-out baby teeth.

With this newfound discovery, he's taken up the title of "The Tooth Fairy," because of his midnight rounds to the houses of children of the world, where he plucks up their fallen teeth from underneath their pillows and then deposits them in the place of a rotted-out tooth. Of course, he leaves each child with a little compensation, usually ranging from ¢5 - $1.25.

Because his mouth is now full of children's teeth, though, it's only logical that he's developed quite a hefty sweet tooth. Sooner or later (usually sooner), his new teeth rot out from too many candies and cakes and deliciosities, and he goes on the hunt for more baby teeth!

And so the cycle ensues.


This is my own explanation of one of my favorite fairy tales, the Tooth Fairy. It started out as a mere art project, but quickly evolved into a beloved piece amongst my friends, family, and peers. Today, I found out that this piece was selected as one of 20 studio art pieces to be featured in the Young Masters Invitational Exhibition at the Dallas Museum of Art!

Basically, my art is going to be hung in a museum. THE Dallas Museum of Art. It took me a few hours to digest this after my teacher told me; I nearly pooped my pants when I realized how amazing this is.

I really, really hope you guys like this new version!! I love you all very dearly, and I hope that each and every one of you is having a wonderful first 2 weeks of the new year. :) (I know I am!)

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