12 Days of Anime: Ef - A Tale of Memories

Episode 2 (Day 2)

I'm so sorry that I'm so far behind. Things came up and I got busy. However, I do plan on trying to catch up and finishing before Christmas.

So this one gave us a little more information about the characters and their relationships. However, there's still a little bit more that has to be revealed that I'm interested in...

But they did show the major premise of the show - that Chihiro can't remember anything for more than a 13 hours.

Honestly, I feel like not a lot happened other than that. That might just be due to my faulty memory (ironically) because I watched the first episode a while ago, but... I feel like not a lot happened to change the relationships between the characters.

On the side of animation and sound... they're both still absolutely incredible. The animation has started to show its artistic cuts, but at the same time, I noticed some shortcuts they had taken (but none too bad). One thing I noticed was when they were on a closeup on a talking character, the animation of the mouth followed the sounds a lot more than anime usually does, which is a nice touch. And we got to see the opening for the first time - it's a good opening, taking a simple approach yet having a fair amount of detail in the text. I like it.

So at this point, I'm a little less enthusiastic about this series, but I still do expect to enjoy it to a pretty strong extent.