12 Days of Anime: Ef - A Tale of Memories

Episode 7 (Day 7)


Well, looks like Kei wasn't really the attached one... well, we got some backstory and context behind Miyako, making what happened in the second half of the episode make a lot more sense... and can I just say that I loved the art direction (again) for that part? The way the animation and music went just added to the overall experience of that part...

But that actually wasn't my favorite part of this episode. The first half was... wow. We got to see Chihiro's memory defect start to get to Renji little by little, which ultimately resulted in his reaction to her asking him to kiss her. That... now that was impactful, and the way the animation worked was absolutely incredible... I mean, we've seen them be the couple who has no drama, no struggle, they're just cute and together... but once Renji's perspective of her changed (pushed, in part, due to the story that they're writing and Chihiro's desired left impression) from just a cute girl to a real life, struggling, broken girl, and when confronted with the results of that shift in perspective, he just started breaking down, and wow... I mean, I've been trying to tie in the story they're writing into their own story, and I couldn't quite do it until this episode... and I know I'm rambling a bit, but I absolutely loved that bit and I can't wait to see what happens between those two when we see them again... wow.

So this episode brought me back round to it. I'm back to loving it at full volume (well, what is normally full volume for me and romance), and it still may be one of if not my absolute favorite romance anime.