Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

...who would leave a perfectly good head lying around?

Now I know I have been a naughty one by not posting sooner....but well, that's just to be expected of me really. XD

However, now that I have FINALLY gotten around to writing it, here are all the wondrous updates I have deemed you worthy to view!!

Special Bulletin: I have brought you three brand spankin' new chapters!!

There is one for Tewoeklon and two for The Catalyst! And as an added bonus, I have already started the next chapters of each, so be tremendously excited!!!

To the slightly more repetitive and not as interesting part of this journal, I not long ago put up most of the drawings from my horde. BUT I currently still have about 3 in-progress drawings in my folder, two of which are older and I really REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to finish already!!! Honestly I’m surprised that Avarice hasn't tried to kill me yet...0,o...makes me wonder... *looks around with paranoia* Then to add to this bundle of mine, I have two drawings that are promised to someone on Gaia and my friend, Mero. All of this not including the several that I have in my mind which wish to be free! OOHHH!!! *puts hand to forehead in dramatic position*.....I weep *turns head down*.

In other absolutely fascinating news, lately I have been working a lot for ShojoWorld, which if you remember is the site that my friend, Mero and I run which centers primarily on Shojo anime and manga, although a Shonen Corner will be added later on. The podcast is what has really been keeping me busy! And now here is some more information that I will shove down your throats in relation to that! PLEASE READ!

My friend, Mero --MerokoYui4-- and I (Itsuma) have recorded our second podcast! You can find us on iTunes by searching Sho-Rant (click on the feed that has the little picture I drew--you know the one called Sho-Rant Logo?? yeah that one --, the other one is wrong and evil and Mero is trying to delete it), or using a direct download found at: Link. It's basically all about shojo and then...well ranting..., but we have SOOOO much fun while doing it!! She should be posting this latest episode later today (9/14/09) with MUCH better quality than the last, and as an added bonus my sister and our permanently, though randomly, reaccuring guest, Kika --Inu--Yasha-- shall be there. Things are still a bit rough right now, but we will figure everything out soon enough. We hope. D: AND WE REALLY NEED NEW MICS!!

If you do happen to end up listening to our cast and like/LOVE --the latter would be preferred ^-^-- what you hear, we would hope you can take a moment of your time and vote for us on podcast alley: Link. It would be so very much appreciated!! And helpful!

School is still being school-ish...soooo not much to say there...But OH, I forgot, Homecoming is next week, so that will be enjoyable^-^

I did recently get about 6 volumes of new manga! And last night I wacked out 3 of them^-^ Really glad that I got to reading those...and yet also sad as I want more now. But I do also have several older ones that I haven't read yet and I need to, otherwise I might forget and that would be SOO SAD! ...MOURNFUL!

But anyways, my anime watching life should be interesting with the podcast now up and running and then with all this going on I still continue to have my backed up list of ones I have yet to finish...AHH what to DO!

...well I suppose that's about it actually... TOODLY ODDLIES! ^-^

My mother never helps me lift the whale!

I decided that due to so much going on, I simply had to come and post about it all! Oh, uh, my darlings...^-^

HA. So i'm sure many of you have noticed my sudden leap into the world of wallpapers lately. And that is due to coersion from Mero, but I do enjoy making them and hope to do more once I get caught up on my drawings a bit! SOO MANY TO DO! But i'm so thankful to the 3 subscribers I recieved from starting wallpapers! I soooo appreciate it!

I have, however, gotten my drawings updated a bit though! I have three of five drawings done, the other two are in progress. And yes, I have started Auxvita for you Avarice!! He pissed me off a bit last night but I got him to cooperate mostly....though his hands are still non-existent as they bugged me greatly. But I have big plans for the drawing, I hope it turns out they way I've invisioned it! ^-^

OH and Avarice I'm soo pleased for the drawing you did for me! ^-^ here it is for anyone interested! Her work is so unique and great!
External Image

Now for writings. For the Catalyst, I have finished chapter seven and it's revision and chapter eight has been finished and sent to Mero...who will have it edited after the accursed 4H work....DARN YOU!!!!!! *shakes fist* Then, i will put up chapter seven sometime today, so look for it! Tewoeklon still hasn't moved as I said it wouldn't until I reached the pausing place of The Catalyst. ^-^ Thanks to all who read my stories!!!
EDIT!!: Chapter Seven is up!!!!!!!!!!

Since I have finished getting all that information to you all, I now wants foodies. I haven't contemplated what I want much, but I think that I may have some spaghetti...for it is yummy to me^-^ And after that has been devoured muchly, as I am known to eat a three person helping, I will get to work on Auxvita! And he best be obediant this evening.

Toodles than!! ;P

Why are you so adamant on eating my various potted plants? They are my only friends!

TA DA! Low and behold a brand new post for you to read! So be happy. BE. HAPPY. ^-^

Sooooo here I am with news of funness.

Ok I have two chapters finished, The Catalyst chapter five has already been finished, sent, edited, and sent back to me for the revision...which I have yet to do though. Hehe. ALSO I have finally gotten around to working more on Tewoeklon chapter three and last night (technically very early this morning) I finished and sent the chapter to my editor, Mero (MerokoYui4). I'm so glad that I got back to that story, I missed it and i'm happy I was able to delve into it again^-^ Yeah, woohoo! I hope to write some more relatively soon.

EDITS: Chapter four of The Catalyst is up and ready for reading!!! I have also recieved and revised chapter three of Tewoeklon as well! HAPPYNESS! I should be getting done with chapter five of The Catalyst's edits right after this!--which I did!! ^-^ I also put up chapter four of Blade, eventhough it's discontinued I thought what the hell...OH! and I decided to put up chapter three of Tewoeklon as well! So YEAH!

In my little corner of doodles, I have not done a whole lot at all -_-. I still have a commission drawing that I need to finish for someone at my school...which is out(has been for a week now)...0,o hehe ^-^ So bad am I. Then I have a work in progress as well; otherwise all the ideas I have for drawings are still swimming around in my brain waiting for a release. Poor littles possibilities!

Oh and lucky you in the world of the true existence of me, I have decided to have my ears pierced again! I is excited. Unfortunately the place we were getting it done, no longer does cartilidge piercings, which I thought so, however their sign says otherwise...freakin sign... -_- Anyway, I was able to get the other one I wanted though. I got a third piercing on my right ear and will get a cartilidge one on my left ear, however I can;t do that know until my 18th birthday in september. The is mostly because the place my mom likes, a parlor, does not pierce or tattoo anyone under 18 years of age. Kinda annoying but yeah. I don't to much, it's only a few months. ^-^ Plus my mom knows the people there and they know her, she has three tattoos...soon a fourth once we get some more money for stuff like that. Hehe, yes my mom is seriously awesome.

WOW, don't you people feel so special and fuzzy to know that about me! Cause you should. You should. Yes, yes. Mmmhmm.

EXCITMENT THEN, HUH!? well....yeah that's really all I have to say....yup...yeah.

the future is promising

alright! Well, chapter one of Blade is up on the Blade world for those curious. Chapter two and three with be coming soon.^-^

YES! I just got the edits from my friend editor on chapter eight back! That means I can have the chapter up sometime tomorrow^-^ Here are the exact words from my editor as a comment. (In the black there is something refering to the chapter's content --spoiler-- ...so if you don't want to ruin it for yourself don't read it!!!! It's not important to the flow of the comment.)

The chapter was awesome! I loved how dialogue heavy it was, as I love that kind of stuff. I don’t why, I just feel like the more dialogue there is, the more real it feels. The memory erasing stuff is very interesting, I’m excited to see more about how all that works. Some of the phrases you used were cool, I pointed out at least one in my editing. Great job as always! This has to be one of the best chapters yet, I just felt it flowed wonderfully and quickly.

So yeah!!! Chapter one is up on the Blade world, two and three are coming. Chapter eight is coming to fictionpress tomorrow!


HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: it says this because one we have all this good stuff coming and because based off meroko's input and my feelings about the chapter, things are going well with Blade.^-^
