Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

my existence update...things have been bad and hard..

T -T

my internet decided to stop working as i was writing this post........and i lost everything i wrote....this always happens just when i don't need it...it's quite irksome...also, i will not being writing as much as i had because i already did and i don't feel like repeating myself T 3T

quick overview of my life since my last posts...i went through a terrible time, some might not agree as much as they don't understand but those that do will hopefully empathize with me. my first dog, phoebe, slipped into a very bad place and was essentially dying. it was very hard for us, we didn't know what to do as she wouldn't eat and we had to watch her almost 24/7 to let her out and check out her and try to feed her...we decided we needed to have her put down, something we all knew was coming but continued to hope for the best, and we finally set a date after two bowel movements of possible bloodiness...she was put to sleep on June 2. the three days leading up to this, the last being the day she passed, i had been on night patrol with her but had ended up being awake all 3 days with 6 hours of sleep, one two hour and one 4 hour, my meds were completely messed up and i was exhausted and upset and stressed and anxious with everything that this was very hard for me. at the time we had no idea what had been wrong with her, which made everything much worse because we didn't want to be prematurely having her put down when we could have done something to help her and so we requested a necropsy done by our vet. it turned out that she most likely had been suffering from Lymphoma, which is a type of cancer for those who don't know. eventhough it will always hurt and nothing will change what happened i think it helped to know that she was very sick and there was very little we could have done for her, she simply got sick and it had suddenly grasped her life and dragged her down and there wasn't anything that could have been done for her. we all miss her greatly, and she will always be our phoebe. we had her cremated and now she has a place of honor on our mantle.

we always had the intention of getting another dog, if not for us than for our other dog to have a playmate. we ended up getting her near the end june actually, and we made sure to get a dog nothing like our phoebe but a puppy that could play with our other dog, aragorn, and maybe help get his chubbiness down XP cuase he is a chub-a-lub-bub. we adopted a dog, just like we had aragorn, and strangely enough this dog was fostered by the same person who had fostered aragorn. anyways, she is a mix but is most predominantly basenji and german shepherd, we call her a "sherpenji" hehehe XD and we named her Luna, because she is a hyper, loony, lunatic *nodnod*

that is where we are now.

all sadness aside, the main reason i wanted to post originally was because in the last few days there has been a big influx of views to this world and now it is over 10k views! WOO! huzzah for me and you all, this is a strangely nice moment and i thank all those that have come to see this bizarre and pointless place :)

drawings are coming soon, nothing big or special as those are still not done, but things at least! *mini wave in celebration of me*

not much else is going on in my world...though i am trying to live now. it's so incredibly hard, i don't know how people do it. this is going to be a difficult and long journey. a part i'm dreading is telling my mom(and subsequently my dad, therapist, and pharmapsycologist) about my scars. but i need new clothes, especially before the 24th, because it's summer and it's hot and i just can't keep wearing jackets and long sleeves and long leggings (i have no pants that fit me right now because i am full of fat T-T) i knew i was going to need to and i have always known that and i have been trying for months now but there just is never a good time...bad things keep happening..T-T *deskslam*

WELL..that's all for now....must be off...and stuff...yeah

p.s. i have a headache............it's making me feel sick...- n-

My mother never helps me lift the whale!

I decided that due to so much going on, I simply had to come and post about it all! Oh, uh, my darlings...^-^

HA. So i'm sure many of you have noticed my sudden leap into the world of wallpapers lately. And that is due to coersion from Mero, but I do enjoy making them and hope to do more once I get caught up on my drawings a bit! SOO MANY TO DO! But i'm so thankful to the 3 subscribers I recieved from starting wallpapers! I soooo appreciate it!

I have, however, gotten my drawings updated a bit though! I have three of five drawings done, the other two are in progress. And yes, I have started Auxvita for you Avarice!! He pissed me off a bit last night but I got him to cooperate mostly....though his hands are still non-existent as they bugged me greatly. But I have big plans for the drawing, I hope it turns out they way I've invisioned it! ^-^

OH and Avarice I'm soo pleased for the drawing you did for me! ^-^ here it is for anyone interested! Her work is so unique and great!
External Image

Now for writings. For the Catalyst, I have finished chapter seven and it's revision and chapter eight has been finished and sent to Mero...who will have it edited after the accursed 4H work....DARN YOU!!!!!! *shakes fist* Then, i will put up chapter seven sometime today, so look for it! Tewoeklon still hasn't moved as I said it wouldn't until I reached the pausing place of The Catalyst. ^-^ Thanks to all who read my stories!!!
EDIT!!: Chapter Seven is up!!!!!!!!!!

Since I have finished getting all that information to you all, I now wants foodies. I haven't contemplated what I want much, but I think that I may have some spaghetti...for it is yummy to me^-^ And after that has been devoured muchly, as I am known to eat a three person helping, I will get to work on Auxvita! And he best be obediant this evening.

Toodles than!! ;P

more, more

I just put up another drawing. Sorry, though, that I didn't do anything over the weekend...I was at my dad's.

Anywho! The drawing is one I had forgotten I had, so the ES drawing count goes up to 8+ instead of 6+. Since I had found another one as well.

...sooo, that's my big thing...more drawings. Thanks to the people who actually viewed the one I put up three days ago and the two that commented! They were great comments, eventhough I don't entirely agree with them^-^

Thanks again! More soon. Everyday if I can remember.
