Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]


oh my sweetest darling dears...
now, i most certainly do realize it is late in the day, but midnight has not yet passed and so this posting shall be applicable; enjoy my moment of relatively timely wishing upon you of dayness that is this one

and therefore...

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i am aware many are not fond of this little holiday, or prefer the nice alternative of singles awareness, or perhaps yesterday's parks and rec inspired galentine's day... HOWEVER some do enjoy it, even if ironically, and it also makes for a decent excuse to post something and revive the fact i still exist despite the loss of scanning abilities; if i had them i probably would have posted something somehow valentine's related...i even had one in mind that would have been nice, though it is more sweet and romantic, but, whelp, that can't happen *le epic sigh* it's okay, i know you are sad as well, but we shall push through this >:C

have this valentine's short of a humorous nature, made by the classic and beloved Overly Attached Girlfriend on the best of days for her particular brand

enjoy my ever so sweet minions, you know i love you <3

Why are you so adamant on eating my various potted plants? They are my only friends!

TA DA! Low and behold a brand new post for you to read! So be happy. BE. HAPPY. ^-^

Sooooo here I am with news of funness.

Ok I have two chapters finished, The Catalyst chapter five has already been finished, sent, edited, and sent back to me for the revision...which I have yet to do though. Hehe. ALSO I have finally gotten around to working more on Tewoeklon chapter three and last night (technically very early this morning) I finished and sent the chapter to my editor, Mero (MerokoYui4). I'm so glad that I got back to that story, I missed it and i'm happy I was able to delve into it again^-^ Yeah, woohoo! I hope to write some more relatively soon.

EDITS: Chapter four of The Catalyst is up and ready for reading!!! I have also recieved and revised chapter three of Tewoeklon as well! HAPPYNESS! I should be getting done with chapter five of The Catalyst's edits right after this!--which I did!! ^-^ I also put up chapter four of Blade, eventhough it's discontinued I thought what the hell...OH! and I decided to put up chapter three of Tewoeklon as well! So YEAH!

In my little corner of doodles, I have not done a whole lot at all -_-. I still have a commission drawing that I need to finish for someone at my school...which is out(has been for a week now)...0,o hehe ^-^ So bad am I. Then I have a work in progress as well; otherwise all the ideas I have for drawings are still swimming around in my brain waiting for a release. Poor littles possibilities!

Oh and lucky you in the world of the true existence of me, I have decided to have my ears pierced again! I is excited. Unfortunately the place we were getting it done, no longer does cartilidge piercings, which I thought so, however their sign says otherwise...freakin sign... -_- Anyway, I was able to get the other one I wanted though. I got a third piercing on my right ear and will get a cartilidge one on my left ear, however I can;t do that know until my 18th birthday in september. The is mostly because the place my mom likes, a parlor, does not pierce or tattoo anyone under 18 years of age. Kinda annoying but yeah. I don't to much, it's only a few months. ^-^ Plus my mom knows the people there and they know her, she has three tattoos...soon a fourth once we get some more money for stuff like that. Hehe, yes my mom is seriously awesome.

WOW, don't you people feel so special and fuzzy to know that about me! Cause you should. You should. Yes, yes. Mmmhmm.

EXCITMENT THEN, HUH!? well....yeah that's really all I have to say....yup...yeah.

the rock is back and the moss is gone^-^

Guess what! I have almost finished the first draft of Blade chapter eight^-^ I’m so happy! I just started writing little bits and suddenly this one that I was working on led me to more ideas and I was able to keep working with some thought of what was going to be happening later on^-^ YEA! Aren't you all just bursting with joy?

Anyway that was the big news. And I actually like how it's going. You'll be able to become more familiar with some characters and it’s connecting to some ideas I had for later on. And it's just...yeah^-^ I'm SOOO happy. Things are going better, finally!

Those of you who like my story, just keep waiting for updates on Infinity and when you see that Conduit update you'll know it's finished and up on the site^-^

I'll annoy you all soon!

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: You know the saying "a rolling stone gathers no moss"? Well I was a rolling stone for a while, and then I become a static stone. Just sitting there with annoying clumps of green growing all over me. But then I got a push and now I’m rolling again^-^ Hence the title!
