the rock is back and the moss is gone^-^

Guess what! I have almost finished the first draft of Blade chapter eight^-^ I’m so happy! I just started writing little bits and suddenly this one that I was working on led me to more ideas and I was able to keep working with some thought of what was going to be happening later on^-^ YEA! Aren't you all just bursting with joy?

Anyway that was the big news. And I actually like how it's going. You'll be able to become more familiar with some characters and it’s connecting to some ideas I had for later on. And it's just...yeah^-^ I'm SOOO happy. Things are going better, finally!

Those of you who like my story, just keep waiting for updates on Infinity and when you see that Conduit update you'll know it's finished and up on the site^-^

I'll annoy you all soon!

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: You know the saying "a rolling stone gathers no moss"? Well I was a rolling stone for a while, and then I become a static stone. Just sitting there with annoying clumps of green growing all over me. But then I got a push and now I’m rolling again^-^ Hence the title!
