Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]


Geez, you naughty little peoplebites. So rowdy sometimes.

*ahem* I know, i know, i know, i am technically too late to do a halloween post ON halloween...but i have been so busy the last few days, scrambling like succulent eggs to do and finish things and then get some of the previous stated things up in time. XP But despite my chaotic attempts of an eggy fashion, i still didn't get one of those i wanted to be posted on halloween, actually posted on halloween... I need to stop saying halloween every few words, it's bad for your mind-controlled brains..err..your precious growing brains, yes..yes. *more ahems* Now, you shouldn't go and fret my dears, the piece is posted now, it's just a little bit later than i had wished unfortunately.

You should go and check out that freaking drawing that has run me ragged the last couple of days. Granted, i did procrastinate far too much and thusly screwed myself in the end, BUT, we are ignoring that logic and shall instead focus on the insanity so that you may sympathize with my greatly tumultuous days of sleepless constant workery. Yes. Eggcellent. ... Hehe, you see what i did there? I continued the egg humor. ... Why aren't you laughing. You should be laughing. Laugh. ... Did you laugh? You had better, or else. Or else what? I don't know. It's ten a.m. and i haven't slept yet...after having my two hours of sleep before i had gotten up for this increasingly long day that is still halloween feeling for me..because...not with the sleep yet have i been. Or something. ... I need to shut up.

Anyways, go and love, or...uh...something...again.
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also! have this beautiful piece of magicalness to tickle the now passed holiday back into your soul

WHOOPS, I forgetted to say...

Oh my dear dear darling sweetlekins...

I realized i completely forgot to post here that, for any interested, the rest of my old The Catalyst chapters are up on its world now. Also each previously posted chapter was updated with minor edits, except the prologue which i totally revamped for no real reason other than it bugged the hell out of me the way it was. XP

Should you be one of the few beings who enjoyed said series, regardless of the fact it will never be updated and is in hiatus to undergo major reworking, you can still view all of the completed fourteen chapters. Head on over by clicking this linky here: the Catalyst, page one of three Scroll to the bottom to get started.


ANYWAYS, now that that is aside, i am here to say greetings. Been a little while hasn't it, my lovelies? Not too long, but still a bitty bit, though much less bit than i have been before.

I am certain that some of you shall have already seen any of the pieces i have posted since my last update here. If not, then why the hell are you still reading this? Get over there and bask in your master's works. But you had best make sure you get back here and finish devouring this post.

As you may no doubt notice now that your eyeballs have absorbed all there is to see, my latest drawing indicates the marvelous coming of Halloween! Yes, that's right, your dear leader is quite the fan of the holiday. So i shall of course be posting a few pieces in celebration, for such is the way. You all know the way. If not, you should really get on that.

Other than the previously mentioned doodle...
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A few other pieces were posted since my last update, a few of which i am in fact a bit proud of, so check those out as well. Dooooooooooo it...
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Now, is all that shameless self promotion? Yes. Yes it is.


Turning away from the past and returning to that glorious Halloween mentioning, do know that i hope and intend to get a few more such pieces posted for all you loyal beings. *cuddles your face obnoxiously*

The main of which will be a currently in progress SessKag piece. The WIP is barely started, and the basic idea is still a little fuzzy, however i believe it shall clear up as i go. If you'd like to view the WIP, head on over here: SessKag Halloween piece WIP Other than that i have one idea for a little thing, but nothing else yet.

Whelps, i believe that is all for now!

Please enjoy this kind of halloween-esque nonsense for being such good nuggets

i babble inconsequential things

soooooo...i have a few things to mumble at you all because i felt i should reassert my presence as not dead as well as fill all you delicious minions with new information to add to your lists of me . u .

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topic numero uno
--not to be mistaken with the pizza or game--

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**ignore my ugly fingers XP **
the last few months I have been making a lot of these little crochet hearts, they are easy and cute, and keep my fidgety hands busy whilest i watch things; perhaps one day i shall get a few more pics of those...

anyways, this particular hearty i made as a valentine's gift for one of my dear friendlekins, who DESPISES valentine’s day…so, of course, i sent her this purple heart o 3o <3

after i had taken these, i did decide to sew in a loop of yarn at the center dip of the heart bumps so that it could hang for i knew that she would inevitably loose it in the chaos of her room, but i then spaced on taking a picture once i finished it T - T i can sense that you are likewise feeling the pain as this oversight, never fear, someday, after extensive and costly therapy, you shall be able to move on...but only with the help of heavy medication *nodnod*

Now, this pattern is NOT MINE!!! It belongs to Pepika.com where i found this adorable thing ^-^

….granted, i very rarely can seem to get it exactly like the instructions, so i ‘add lib’ as i go XD sometimes they look pretty nice, as i believe this one does, and sometimes…eh…not so nice *cough* now, i do know it is hard for you to understand that i could be so minutely incapable of perfection, but do not worry, that aforementioned therapy will allow you to come to grips with it, yesyes *nods like a thoughtful bearded rabbit*

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subtopic numero uno
--again, stop thinking this is pizza for playing, that would be messy and ruin the tastey wonders of the pizza--

following along with the prior crochet talkings, i have another current piece for, in fact, the exact same hooman being :U subdue your amazement for me to continue...

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as hard as it may be for you minions to believe, this is the first headband i have made in years, therefore the reason it looks so much bigger band-wise, seeing as my stitches have become much tighter since that once up on a time the band does not stretch nearly as much and so had to be larger to fit properly *nod*

she is particularly fond of cats, an immense love that borders on creepy and off putting at times... but she is my dear friendlekin and obviously must be off her rocker in order to be able to withstand my sparkling insanity o 3o
this is why i tried to do a cat-like image for the decorative feature of the head piece, i am not that fond of how it turned out --calm your panic attack-- however she seems to adore it and whence she slips it on her brain case it will surely imbue her with the magical power of my marvels *throws legos like confetti*

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el topico numero doce..o

several nights ago i was working on doing some more character concepts for two OC's of mine which had yet to be given a face, and as i made the small circles for where i wanted to put the eyes... i. could. not. stop. myself. from seeing this face ' o 3o '

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thus, i added a temporary little pair of duck lips and took a pic in order to amuse my future self, something i am sure you unwitting followers take much enjoyment from, so i shall take a moment of silence for you to bask


relatively sufficient now? excellent excellent.

now, of course, it is even more humorous due to the fact such a small, goober face is on a clearly masculine and not cartoony figure…at least, this would be my opinion to myself... *nods to nonexistent, yet still quite dapper, mushroom on my shoulder*

but i must regretfully inform you all that this once marginally decent bust turned into a mess of horrid ugliness that i cannot in all consciousness, and a little less consciousness, show any living being without suffering physical turmoil... -___ -

oh, hush hush my lovlies, no need to get your panties depicting me in a bunch, these things do happen with such sketchy pieces and i let it flutter past me as much as possible...yes, indeed, yes yes..yesssss T 3T

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o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o //==========// o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o
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that is all for the time being my dears, and so, i leave you with this glorious gif to soothe your woes and grow your mounting destabilization of common sense and sanity :D


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yo mah homegoobers, what be hangin

greetings minions.
what you up to?
i am not up to much, never am, le sigh...

oh my dear dear misguided hooman zombies, your all encompassing leader of humble narcissism is in the depths of the depths of despair...tis such a woeful state, sucking up everything and everyone, because being a whirlpool of entropy is makes perfect sense that random bystanders would be helpless to the maelstrom of myself since they are all obviously standing obnoxiously close to me o-o

i am trying, even though i truly do not want to and yet do...
drawings and writings are buzzing around my head, yearning to live..LIVE...i am the doctor frankenstein of artistic inspiration, the adam of my labors is a great creature in my brainses *flails pitifully*

the holidays have passed and your master did not wish anything upon you nor express any sort of things with regard to my own times and presents and suchness...because i am a lazy mistress of procrastination...

SO, have this belated piece of merry humorousness to ease your sorrows o 3o

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this adorable piece was by Dale Anderson

such generalization..not enough majorization T 3T

well my unwitting minions...

...thought, since it had been a while i posted anything, i decided to give you a quick generalization of what i have been doing lately..........................

so the other night…..

i spent over four hours drawing….

and ended up…..

with a piece of crap…..

T 3T

…feels like my life.

