Name: Nikki
Age: 27
DOB: Nov. 24 1986
Height: 5ft roughly - What? I'm short
Believe in Love at First Sight: No.
Relationship Status: Single / Don't care
Here lately, I've come to discover, it doesn't matter whether I get married or not. It doesn't even matter if I stay single. Thing is, I may or may not be ready for it. What's important is being content with what you have.
I have a lot of favorite anime, but a few of them include: Code Geass, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist and Fairy Tail.
Favorite music: rock / hard rock / heavy metal, pop - I like things that people have said doesn't fit me.
My all time favorite band is the old Guns N' Roses. The new one sucked. End of story.

School vs. Work

So, I went to visit a school and they showed us around and told us all about their school and programs and told us about what financial aid I might be able to receive. I felt so happy that I could finally return to school and get my career started. I found a program that would only take nine months and would be at a reasonable rate. I even was able to figure out a workable schedule that would give me 27 hours instead of my current 32 to 33 hours. It's not that many hours less than what I work now, but the manager I talked to said not to expect to get it if that was all I could work, and because I was basically telling him what I could work. Um... yeah, that's kind of the point. I'm going back to school. Why wouldn't I tell you what I would be able to work? What? Do you expect me to work when I have class? Oh, and like I mentioned before, 27 hours is not much less than what I was already working. I could see if I lowered it to 15 or 20 hours a week, but come on...

The issue I have now is either going to the same store across town or in another town nearby or finding a completely different job. I don't want to have to sell my car so I can go back to school, but I will do what I need to if it means a potential better life than I have now, and building a life for myself. Hopefully, I will find someone willing to work with me.

Roleplaying the Right Way

Well, I had retired from the forum I roleplay on, but here a few days ago, I was asked to come back by a couple of my friends. Yeah, I could have just said no, but I thought well, why not? So, I'm back on the forum, but this time I'm just going to have fun. I'm not going to try to get too heavily involved and I'm not going to worry myself over post count. I'm not on the internet as much still, and I'm not on msn / skype all the time either. I think msn / skype was part of the problem. I stressed myself out too much. This time, I plan to do this the right way and only do it the way it was meant to be done and that is to have fun, and I am not going to worry about anything. I'm too busy to worry too much, lol. Welp, after watching an episode of Rosario+Vampire, I think I shall go to bed and hopefully enjoy my day off tomorrow.

Return to Anime

Here for a while, as I've decided to stay away from the internet as much, I decided maybe I wasn't as interested in anime, so I haven't been watching it. Finally, after depriving myself from anime, I've gained a slight interest in it again. I started watching Fairy Tail again, but I haven't picked up where I left off in the other anime I was watching yet. That will probably come slower. I still intend to not spend as much time on the internet. I have spent way too much time online in the past, and I've learned from my mistake. Yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. lol I have proof. Sadly, I happened to lose my interest for rock music for a while too. T.T What is going on here? I must have caught some deadly disease! D: Aside from that... my interest in things is returning. I don't know what brought all this on, but it was weird... I was even afraid of the dark for a while. o.O

Gonna Keep Going

Well okay, I got two rejection notices for potential jobs, one of which I would've turned down anyway - but I totally blew that interview, lol. Anyways, I refuse to give up. I'm still young, and I have time to get a better job. Even though I'd like to have one by the end of the year, if I don't get a better job, I'll keep going and tough it out. After all, perseverance proves your mettle and keeps you strong, right? Also, here lately, I have been not so stressed and I finally got my schedule changed at work which means I can't work later than 8:00 during the week, can't start earlier than 7:00 and I can't work later than 10:00 on the weekends. Thank goodness.

Oh, my sister moved into a house she and her husband will be renting, so because we were helping her out, my plans to visit some friends will be on hold, but that's cool. I don't mind.

I'm also not focusing on getting married. I have decided on my own that I don't have to have someone. If I get married, great. If not, that's fine too. I have learned to be content with what I have, even if I do complain about my job sometimes.

Less Time and a Possibility

I have a chance to maybe get a job in marketing / public relations, which is what my degree is in. It's for an electric corporation in my area. I hope I actually get the job, but I would be nervous as heck because I wouldn't know what I was doing exactly because I haven't done anything related to what I'd be doing since college. I hope I'd be working with someone or a few people. o.O Scary but exciting. Although, I don't know if I'll even get an interview, but I figured, it's worth a try.

Also, I plan to spend less time online. So, if it's a while since you hear from me, don't be surprised. I already retired from the RP forum I was on. I'm even on facebook less, and I decided I might be getting a little bored with anime, so I wanted to watch more TV and movies and go do stuff. I'm going dancing Thursday night (Valentine's night).

I have watched this scene in Code Geass over and over, and I wonder what if I died in front of a friend, or what if he or she died in front of me?