Less Time and a Possibility

I have a chance to maybe get a job in marketing / public relations, which is what my degree is in. It's for an electric corporation in my area. I hope I actually get the job, but I would be nervous as heck because I wouldn't know what I was doing exactly because I haven't done anything related to what I'd be doing since college. I hope I'd be working with someone or a few people. o.O Scary but exciting. Although, I don't know if I'll even get an interview, but I figured, it's worth a try.

Also, I plan to spend less time online. So, if it's a while since you hear from me, don't be surprised. I already retired from the RP forum I was on. I'm even on facebook less, and I decided I might be getting a little bored with anime, so I wanted to watch more TV and movies and go do stuff. I'm going dancing Thursday night (Valentine's night).

I have watched this scene in Code Geass over and over, and I wonder what if I died in front of a friend, or what if he or she died in front of me?

