Return to Anime

Here for a while, as I've decided to stay away from the internet as much, I decided maybe I wasn't as interested in anime, so I haven't been watching it. Finally, after depriving myself from anime, I've gained a slight interest in it again. I started watching Fairy Tail again, but I haven't picked up where I left off in the other anime I was watching yet. That will probably come slower. I still intend to not spend as much time on the internet. I have spent way too much time online in the past, and I've learned from my mistake. Yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. lol I have proof. Sadly, I happened to lose my interest for rock music for a while too. T.T What is going on here? I must have caught some deadly disease! D: Aside from that... my interest in things is returning. I don't know what brought all this on, but it was weird... I was even afraid of the dark for a while. o.O
