School vs. Work

So, I went to visit a school and they showed us around and told us all about their school and programs and told us about what financial aid I might be able to receive. I felt so happy that I could finally return to school and get my career started. I found a program that would only take nine months and would be at a reasonable rate. I even was able to figure out a workable schedule that would give me 27 hours instead of my current 32 to 33 hours. It's not that many hours less than what I work now, but the manager I talked to said not to expect to get it if that was all I could work, and because I was basically telling him what I could work. Um... yeah, that's kind of the point. I'm going back to school. Why wouldn't I tell you what I would be able to work? What? Do you expect me to work when I have class? Oh, and like I mentioned before, 27 hours is not much less than what I was already working. I could see if I lowered it to 15 or 20 hours a week, but come on...

The issue I have now is either going to the same store across town or in another town nearby or finding a completely different job. I don't want to have to sell my car so I can go back to school, but I will do what I need to if it means a potential better life than I have now, and building a life for myself. Hopefully, I will find someone willing to work with me.
