Gonna Keep Going

Well okay, I got two rejection notices for potential jobs, one of which I would've turned down anyway - but I totally blew that interview, lol. Anyways, I refuse to give up. I'm still young, and I have time to get a better job. Even though I'd like to have one by the end of the year, if I don't get a better job, I'll keep going and tough it out. After all, perseverance proves your mettle and keeps you strong, right? Also, here lately, I have been not so stressed and I finally got my schedule changed at work which means I can't work later than 8:00 during the week, can't start earlier than 7:00 and I can't work later than 10:00 on the weekends. Thank goodness.

Oh, my sister moved into a house she and her husband will be renting, so because we were helping her out, my plans to visit some friends will be on hold, but that's cool. I don't mind.

I'm also not focusing on getting married. I have decided on my own that I don't have to have someone. If I get married, great. If not, that's fine too. I have learned to be content with what I have, even if I do complain about my job sometimes.
