Where thoughts go to think.

Been a long time otaku (if you use that word in a nice way), traveled to many exotic places, been shot at in at least two, and have a habit of writing short stories to pass the time.

Hang around a bit, you might find something you like.

For fun and gaming in one, try my Elder Scrolls: Oblivion adventure logs.

My Steam: HERE
I'm usually connected when I'm home.


Laffy Taffy!

Okay, now ya gots to hear this.

It was the day after new years and we were all still in a festive mood. One of my coworkers got a care package that had lots of candy, probably throw away stuff from Halloween. Well, one of the guys started to go around the hospital offering people candy- other coworkers mind you, not patients.
Anyway, here he comes, lankly walking into the radiology office given me and A-ko a stare. He reaches into his pocket and this is what he said, "Would you like a banana..." he lets hios voice trail, slowly taking his hand out of his pant pocket, "Laffy Taffy?" And BAM! he pulls one out, "They're warm from being in my pocket."
I just about busted out laughing. A-ko accepted the warm, soft, gooey, banana lafft taffy.
So, as the year gets back into the school days, I urge all of you to have a bit of pointless fun and the expense of other's sanity.

In other news, I'm so finally going to get a PS3. Then I'll be ready for FF13 and Ar Tonelico 3 and many other things that I want.


Here's to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold beer-and another one!

Ample Nacelles

Damn it's been a while since I last posted. So, what's been happenin'? Both A-ko and I have been signed on full for the next nine months or so. Meaning, I get to stay in Germany quite a bit longer, baring any change in strength regulation. ...

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The winter blues

Greetings from a chilled coffee shop!

When I started my long journey to become a X-ray Tech, I thought I knew all how the job worked. I mean, I've seen worse and me mum is an orthopedic nurse. But, I'll be damned if I didn't acknowledge that the winter season is freakishly busy with some of the dumbest accidents. Due to HIPAA I can't really go into great detail, but, even after all that I've seen and done, I still find things that remind me just how stupid the human race can be.

In other news, STAR TREK!!!!!! I freakin love the new movie. I just get so hot and bothered just thinking about it's sleek look. Since my childhood I've been a huge Trek fan. Watching reruns of The Original Series, Next Generation. Going to the theaters on opening day for the movies-when possible. There was even a time when I tried learning Klingon, but seeing as I am still fumbling German like an amateur grade school basketball player, it didn't turn out well. I think I still have the book around in storage.

I've been rereading the Harry Potter books and find that there was so much I missed the first time around. There is so much detail and wossname. If any of ya haven't read them, I do so recommend them.

Till next time! Same bat time, same bat channel!


Two things.
One, The hospital computers now block TheO, so that makes it quite hard to get on. I'll check when I can, PM if ya like to have some broken chat. If ya know my email, or want to email me, MyO page should have it. Granted that is the best way to reach me.

Two, Winter is a bitch out here. Goinmg into town for some wireless is a pain at the moment and the wireless here on base is something to be dreaded.

I've noticed that most of my time, free or otherwise, is taken up by work and hanging with A-ko. Don't get me wrong, I find all of ya loveable, but for the time I will be less frequent on here.
I've been around since before theO started, I should so be above an Otakuite++, but since I've been so inactive most of that time... What can a girl do?

Food, fun, friends and sun. A cat's dream for you all.

Day Three

Day one: a song Day two: a picture Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic Day four: a site Day five: a you tube clip Day six: a quote Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy Today I'm going t...

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