The winter blues

Greetings from a chilled coffee shop!

When I started my long journey to become a X-ray Tech, I thought I knew all how the job worked. I mean, I've seen worse and me mum is an orthopedic nurse. But, I'll be damned if I didn't acknowledge that the winter season is freakishly busy with some of the dumbest accidents. Due to HIPAA I can't really go into great detail, but, even after all that I've seen and done, I still find things that remind me just how stupid the human race can be.

In other news, STAR TREK!!!!!! I freakin love the new movie. I just get so hot and bothered just thinking about it's sleek look. Since my childhood I've been a huge Trek fan. Watching reruns of The Original Series, Next Generation. Going to the theaters on opening day for the movies-when possible. There was even a time when I tried learning Klingon, but seeing as I am still fumbling German like an amateur grade school basketball player, it didn't turn out well. I think I still have the book around in storage.

I've been rereading the Harry Potter books and find that there was so much I missed the first time around. There is so much detail and wossname. If any of ya haven't read them, I do so recommend them.

Till next time! Same bat time, same bat channel!
