
Laffy Taffy!

Okay, now ya gots to hear this.

It was the day after new years and we were all still in a festive mood. One of my coworkers got a care package that had lots of candy, probably throw away stuff from Halloween. Well, one of the guys started to go around the hospital offering people candy- other coworkers mind you, not patients.
Anyway, here he comes, lankly walking into the radiology office given me and A-ko a stare. He reaches into his pocket and this is what he said, "Would you like a banana..." he lets hios voice trail, slowly taking his hand out of his pant pocket, "Laffy Taffy?" And BAM! he pulls one out, "They're warm from being in my pocket."
I just about busted out laughing. A-ko accepted the warm, soft, gooey, banana lafft taffy.
So, as the year gets back into the school days, I urge all of you to have a bit of pointless fun and the expense of other's sanity.

In other news, I'm so finally going to get a PS3. Then I'll be ready for FF13 and Ar Tonelico 3 and many other things that I want.


Here's to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold beer-and another one!
