'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'Confrontations' - Chapter Six


Arkham had long since descended the tower in search of our 'uninvited guests'. Though I hated to admit it, even I get bored. My mind wondered back to the little hellion that is also wondering the tower. I had the feeling that she and that angel were going to be more trouble then they were worth, especially if she was the one Arkham had spoke of as 'Hell's Angel'. She matched his description of her very well from what I had seen earlier, as had her angel companion. She didn't seem that strong, more of the type to let their power come more from their ability to strategize in a battle then their brute strength. Or at least I thought that until I felt a power surge from just below the top of the tower. It came from The Moonlit Mile. I had a feeling that she was the cause of the surge I felt, I had stumbled across the legend of Hell's Angel in my search for the tower's resting place and how to activate it. She never ascended the tower to return to Sparda's side during to Great War. He himself having sealed her into this world. From what I saw earlier, she had found her host. Her power would have completely broken free of the seal if she had made it to the top now, so she would had to have merged with her host in order to avoid killing it. That was Rykira's one weakness. She had a heart. One that lead her to follow my father in his efforts since she respected him greatly. The few depictions her I found were each very different, the only things each had in common was he constant presence of hellfire, blood red armor, red hair and eyes, a red scythe, and fiery wings. The woman's appearance in general was different in each one. Most female demons of such power are usually beautiful however, so I had my own thoughts on her appearance. Merging with a human girl however would allow a few of those traits to shine through, perhaps I would get to see this hellion angel and put my wandering thoughts to rest. But in the mean time, I sensed my brother rising through the tower quickly, I needed to be prepared to fight him when he arrived at the top.


Dante continued to stare at me, analyzing me and for one thinking before he spoke. His eyes spoke the worry that his mouth did not. I knew the two had merged, but I did not know if Ikira had made her move yet. the only thing she gained was Rykira's powers, not her state of mind. Ikira was reckless, she always had been. Now I just had to worry if she let the power go to her head. Vergil was waiting at the top of the tower for his brother, he had no doubt sensed Ikira's new power and I just prayed that he had not moved to extinguish it. If he did... I did not want to know the result. Rykira's power had made Ikira strong enough to hold her own if she stopped and thought about what she was doing as fought him. But this is Ikira we are talking about, she doesn't think! She rushes in and acts on impulse! The very thing that will get her killed if she fights Vergil! Stack that on top of the fact that she is not the most reserved person with her thoughts on appear-


Dante tore me from my mental rant and I noticed that the elevator had stopped. It was the same one that Ikira had disappeared in, so I knew we were close to her. I could also faintly sense a lingering energy. It was hers from when she tricked the gate into opening.

"Come on Dante. We need to get through that door as fast as possible, Ikira is as reckless as you. She is going to get herself killed if I don't catch her soon."

I stepped out of the carriage and headed straight for the door. I could still sense her, her energy only grew stronger as I opened the door. Dante and I stepped into the room and the door closed quickly behind us. Sins started to form all around us. Mostly Greeds but others as well. I pulled Midnight from her holster on my left hip and a second clip from my right hip. My Sei Rei rounds. I dropped the clip of normal bullets, or as normal as they could be considered, and loaded the holy rounds. I aimed the barrel straight at the head of the siren statue and told Dante to head for the door. A statue or not, if it can cry, it can scream. I pulled the trigger and the bullet hit directly between the eyes of the statue. The siren screamed. I rushed toward the door and fired off another shot, this time breaking the demon seal on the door that held us in, and blowing the door to kingdom come in the process. Dante rushed out of it and I followed. I picked up pace and tore around the corner, pulling out the skull and pitching it into it's place in the second spire. I could still hear the siren's scream, it hurt but it did it's job, the vibrations from the sound in it self tore the Sins apart. They are only made of sand after all. The chains on the door dropped and I rushed toward it, throwing it open and catching the attention of a pair of magma red eyes.


I had decided to wait here on The Moonlit Mile. I could feel Dante and Luken rising quickly through the tower's many levels. I also felt a much more ominess aura waiting at the top, as well as the aura of the insane old man that had spoken of me being Hell's Angel. I don't know why, but I think he was the one pulling all the stings, my self and Luken being the only two who didn't have a part in this... or at least so I thought.

I suddenly felt something barreling toward the door. I then felt the seal on the said door break. Call it instinct, but I quickly formed a fire ball in my left hand, that being the one that whatever was coming out of the door could not see. I remained in my current place and position, I'd wait and see what it was before I made my move. When the door opened, my eyes instantly snapped to see what it was. It was Luken and Dante. What I also heard however was enough to make me flinch. A Siren's Scream.

"Nice of you to arrive Luke. Welcome to the top. Dante. The same to you."

I stood and rid myself of the fireball in my hand before they could see it. They didn't need to know I was ready to light them ablaze if they were something else. Luke had a look that said something of relief and yet also curiosity. My eyes were still red from having gone through the merger, but other then that the only thing that was different was my new black streak and the red tint. As it stood now, I wanted to find out what was at the top, so I started walking that way. Not only did I have a promise to keep, I was curious as all hell. Dante stepped up quickly and walked to my right, Luke falling in beside him. The three of us made quick work of the distance and easily slid through the door at the end. Then I noticed it. It was raining, my newly acquired fire tricks would do no good if they never even hit their target. Beautiful.

Dante continued walking up to the top of the tower, Luke had stayed back with me. I wanted to go up, see what was there so I continued. Dante, however, had other plans. I found myself at the business end of Rebellion for the second time that day.

"Stay. This is my fight."

I didn't know why Dante wanted us to stay down here, then I realized how similar the auras I felt were. They were brothers. I stepped back.


Ikira didn't know just what she would be getting herself into if she stepped up on top of the tower. Luke knew. He knew why I didn't want her going up there with me. Vergil would kill her. Ikira was like my baby sister, I'd die myself if she were killed, especially if I could have stopped it. Luke walked up behind her, he too wanted to come with me to the top. No. I didn't want them hurt, or worse killed. Rebellion's edge was the only thing between me and her.

"Stay. This is my fight."

Ikira apparently noticed something with her now heightened senses and backed off. I offered her a small smile and turned to walk up the tower. I knew they would follow me up when the fight had started, they were too stubborn not too. But I had told Luke to not let Ikira get near Vergil. He would try to kill her, thinking she was my mate or the like. She could defend herself, that I knew. I just didn’t want her, or Luken to get in Vergil's attack path. I turned and walked up the stairs that lead to what would be my arena with my brother, only to see him waiting for me.