'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'Angels' Choices' - Chapter Eight

~* Luken *~

I was watching Ikira and Vergil fight. I knew she would open her mouth in reference to his appearance eventually and she proved me right. He wasn't complaining either from what I could tell. I saw Ikira tap into Rykira's flames at the start of this fight. She knew she wasn't going to hit him often, so she might as well hit hard while she could. Nice mindset for a fight. Bad for Ikira, and especially when she is going against Vergil. Ikira had major stamina issues; she sucked at going on for a long time in a fight or anything for that matter. Why was this bad for her in this case especially? Vergil had the stamina of an ox. He could go for days if it was needed at full capacity. Ikira, and Rykira now that I think about it, could only go for short bursts of extreme power and speed. I continued watching, and healing Ikira's wounds from afar. She needed all the help she could get since she had rushed into fighting him. I couldn't do much from where I was, and I was no fool. He could tear me apart and he knew it. I finally saw something I could do. I sent her a little Midnight blue present. She apparently saw it coming and grabbed it. Then I realized I had left my normal clip inside the tower. She could tell too. The weight of the gun is different depending on the clip in it. She grabbed the gun from the belt and, surprising while dodging Vergil's attacks to some extent, she switched the clip in he gun to her Holy Rounds. She was going for a one shot kill. Thankfully, Vergil let up a bit after noticing the second gun.

~* Vergil *~

The girl was a descent fighter. She was skilled but the fact that it was raining was working against her manipulation of fire and her footing. She was a rhythm fighter so that was a very bad thing for her. I had sliced almost every bit of loose clothing to bits and I had landed a few hard hits to her sides and legs. Her boots made it rather hard to remove the blade since leather shrinks when wet. There was an innumerable amount of minor cuts and gashes along her body and face. She was bleeding heavily and even I could see she was on the verge of blacking out from blood loss. I had noticed that her angel friend had dropped a second gun. Her's seamed to be red while his was blue. I noticed the writing on the sides. 'Midnight' and 'Crescent'. The guns had names and apparently second clips. She was taking the opening I gave her as an opportunity. Her breath was ragged and she knew she was about to go out, so she lined up her guns for a shot. I could visibly see the demon energy she was putting into her guns. She would black out after this shot. Then, she pulled the triggers. Both bullets flew at me faster then I had expected, but my blade caught them. Or two of them rather. She was clever. She had pulled the trigger twice and sent a second set of bullets toward me. The second set hit their target. Both bullets hit me in the chest and flew right threw the bone to embed themselves in my spine. Then I felt it. One was a holy round, and the other was a sealing bullet. I locked up completely. Then she fell, just as I thought, she had used up to much energy and the blood loss got to her. I smirked slightly then doubled over. One of the bullets was a late release; the damn holy round was starting to take effect. Thanks to my demon blood, it was like fucking acid. Arkham knew what these damn bullets were doing and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. A certain angel could however...

~* Luken *~

Ikira had finally passed out from blood loss. Moreover, I knew Vergil wasn't too far from a pain black out. Two types of holy rounds straight into the chest? He was screwed. Those bullets would seal away the majority of his power, enough to make him useless here in the tower. I heard Dante begin stir behind me. I glanced down at Vergil. I had a choice. Help him, resulting in my possible death unless I made a deal with him. Or. Stay where I am, which could result in a dead Vergil and a dead me if I wasn't careful around Arkham. Either way, as Ikira would put it, I was screwed. I sighed and felt my cheek split open. Vergil had sent one of his 'Phantom Swords' at me, and it had hit its target. He knew I could help him. I turned to look at Dante. He'd wake and come down eventually. I stepped off the edge and dived.

~* Ikira *~

I was in pain. Everything hurt. I blinked my eyes and slowly both my sight and hearing came back. I heard voices so I feigned sleep and listened in.

"We need her blood to open it. She carries the blood of Hell's Angel who was sealed along with the tower. He used his own abilities to bring her to the girl-"

"The girl has a name. Her Name is Ikira. Use it. I may have let Rykira into this realm but I can take her out just as easy, thus removing the blood you so despretatly need. Don't tempt me any further to do so, though I might anyway just to settle this issue."

That was Luke's voice. Ok, so I did play a part in all of this. Joy.

"Do so. I'll take your head and use a pure angel's blood to pry open the gates. You know as well as I that it can be done. And we both know how. Doing so will defeat the purpose unless you are willing to take your own life as well. And I don't think my dear brother would like that now would he?"

I heard a sound that could easily send even the fiercest hellion running. An angel doesn't growl for just any reason, but when they do, it is a sound that strikes fear into any being's heart. The sound of a book closing followed.

"We don't need him. Only the girl. However, we need the exact blood to open the gate. We need her tainted..."

Nope. Not Happenin'. I instantly shot up and broke out running. I reached the door and was pinned to it by a sword being flung through my chest.


I heard a sound that clearly said Luken was now unconscious. His body hit the floor with a dull smack. I pushed myself away from the door and along the blade a bit before I received a boot to my lower spine that pushed me back against it.

"Running won't help you. Trying to resist won't either. Give up. I can easily taint your blood right now in many different ways. Don't tempt me to take the most obvious route by fighting me."

I stiffened. He had a point. He had two actually. One, there was more then one-way to do that. Two, I was stuck in this until the end. I growled and he pressed his boot tighter into my spine. Most men couldn't keep their leg in that position for so long, so I thought he would have taken the pressure off at least. No such luck. I gave him too much credit since he was Dante's brother. He had no heart, and that fact was only reinforced in my mind when he roughly ripped the blade out of my chest.

I gasped and felt blood come up my throat. He had cut a lung with that move. He apparently smelt the blood as well. I heard foot steps come toward us.

"Vergil. I'll leave you to this for the moment. I have a few things I wish to take care of before he open the gate."

"Very well Arkham. Do so, and make it quick."

Arkham disappeared out of the room and I felt a hand slide around my throat from behind. I was pulled against him and I felt his other arm wrap around my waist. This was not looking good for me. I fought for only a second, as I felt the hand around my throat tighten. I muttered out a muffled 'Damn you' and received a chuckle in return.

"I see where Rykira's traits have shown through on you. Quite the interesting combination. Strength from Rykira. And Beauty from you. I saw you before the merger when you entered the tower. I have to say, from what I saw there, nothing changed except your abilities. That's a good thing in my book."

I didn't know what was going on, his voice was saying one thing, one hand said he'd kill me if I moved, the other whispered dark promises against my skin through my second shirt. I knew what he wanted but I wasn't going to give it to him, either of the things he wanted. He would not taint me in any way, and he would not get my blood to open the gate. I felt around with my energy and noticed Arkham as I know knew his name to be had taken Luken out of the room.

So, I was flying solo with a crazy half-breed that could kill me any minute. Yeah, this sounds promising.

... Though his hands were speaking of a different kind of 'promising' ...