'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'The Rise of the Tower, Re-encounter' - Chapter Three



"Yes, Ikira?"

My eyes shifted nervously around the room, settling on the angel at his computer, probably working on something to deal with his job. Though the fact that he had answered me properly told me that he apparently felt it as well.

"You feel it too, don't you? The lingering feeling of dread and uneasiness..."

My hands were crossed in my lap for once, instead of behind my head like any normal day, and my eyes shifted to stare at the said appendages. I was nervous, Luke could see it clear as day. We both could have felt the slightest breeze if the skies were not stone still. I heard him sigh irritably and he turned off his computer, obviously unable to work do to everything on his mind, and he turned to face me. He run his hand through his golden blonde locks and his blue eyes where clouded with what appeared to be worry. He knew more then I did about what was going on, that much I could tell, and I- for once- didn't feel like bugging it out of him. I then stood, taking one last look around, and departed for my room, upstairs. My mind was blank the entire way up, only one thing playing in my mind. A rhythm to a fast paced song that I rarely listened to, so I couldn't place the tune. Rykira was stirring in my mind again, as I saw flames start to dance to the beat of the song. My shoulders continued to itch, only increasing in severity as I watched the flames dance through my mind's eye. I shook myself from the images of flames that Rykira was sending me as I stepped into my room through the open door, closing it behind me. I sauntered over to the end of my bed and sat at the foot of it. I fell backwards and laid there, thinking and letting the images come to me again. I'd decipher what Rykira was saying to me through the flames and then I'd get dressed.

I watched each flame as it danced, slowly seeing a set of blades inside the flames. A katana of white and blue, and a blade I recognized as Rebellion. I saw a third blade in the distance however, a broadsword I think, but it seamed familiar. As if I had seen it in a picture or something. Then, I saw a few sparks of black between the blades; betrayal and lies. They were fighting for their owns reasons, but one was fighting for a second cause that they knew nothing of. Then I realized it. The katana. It was no ordinary samurai sword, that was the blade Yamato. The broadsword in the distance. It was Sparda's Force Edge. The three blades I had read about and been told stories of. I mentally smacked myself for not taking notice of the very blade my friend wielded. Dante had hidden the fact that he was a Son of Sparda, the youngest, from us. I'd figure out why later. I now knew what Rykira was saying, she was warning me of the ride to come...

I jumped up and quickly untied my combat boots. I shed them and walked over to the dresser across the room. I shuffled through the top drawer and pulled out two shirts, both black, and set the atop the dresser. I pulled open the drawer next to that one and grabbed a pair of Tripp skinny-jeans, throwing them with the shirts as well. I pulled open the second drawer on the right side and removed a pair of knee-high baseball socks and a second black bra. A lot of black, but with good reason. I then reached for my little black hoodie, but I stopped halfway. My mp4 was on the charger, and it was fully powered. I pulled it off of the charger and grabbed all of my gear. I snatched up the hoodie and took it with me to the bed as well as the rest of the garments. I sat them across the bed and stripped down to my undergarments.

I pulled on the second, rather tight, black bra. This one being a sports bra, only for the sake of pulling my assets closer to me, since they tended to bounce too much for their own good. I adjusted everything and then sat to pull on my socks. I pulled the up and then stood again. I pulled on the skinny-jeans and loosened the belts around the ankles, I'd tighten them around my boots. I sat again and pulled on the heavy combat boots, adjusting and tightening them as I went up the leg. I tied the laces tightly around the top of my leg, and then pulled the jeans down over them, tightening the belt around the bottom to fit snugly around the boots. I then noticed a scuff on the toe of my left boot, I'd have to polish them later. I stood and then pulled on the first of the black shirts, a skin-tight black under armor shirt. It fit like a second skin, showing the muscle beneath the skin and every curve of the flesh. I tucked the shirt into the still unbuttoned jeans and took the wrinkles out of the front of the shirt. I then pulled the second shirt over my head, a black shirt with long fishnet sleeves. There was writing on the front of the shirt that was smeared and colored to look like dried blood on black cloth; Hell's Angel. The sleeves where meant to go over the hands, so I slipped my thumbs into their respective places. I then walked over to the nightstand beside my bed. I pulled open the drawer and removed a gothic black choker, a gift from Dante for my last birthday. The almost vampiristic looking cross seemed to glow when up against my pale skin. I slipped the choker around my neck and latched it. I gripped the cross for a moment, remembering what Rykira showed me. I was worried about the little devil. I decided to forget him for the moment, and I reached for my tippless gloves. I pulled the gloves on and tightened the belts around my wrists. I grabbed my brush and let my hair down for a moment. I run my fingers through it and then brushed the fiery mass. I pulled it into a high ponytail and set the brush down. I rubbed the tattoo on my upper right arm, a phoenix wrapping around the muscles and resting it's head on my shoulder, Rykira's trademark. She wanted out, badly, but I couldn't allow that yet.I squeezed my arm and the released it and turned toward my door. I walked toward it and opened the door. I remembered my mp4 setting on the bed and fetched it, wrapping cord around it and shoving it in my pocket. I walked out the door and started down the hall, that is until Luke bulleted by me like a bat out of hell. He bolted into his room; I knew then that something was up, I turned and went back into my room as fast he did into his. I run over to the dresser and knelt to the bottom drawer. I pulled it open and grabbed my weapons of choice from it's shadows, my Zambak. The twin silver blades were a gift from Luken, given to me at the same time as the choker I now wore. I pulled one from it's sheathe and looked at the glistening blades, not a scratch or stain to be seen. I had never pulled them from their sheathe in defense or with a killing intention, only to gaze at the blades' edge. I slipped it back into it's protective case and pulled yet another belt and holster from the shadows, this time, a gun. Dante had jammed his guns somehow, and Luke convinced him to take them to a professional. We commissioned two guns from the man that made Dante's, mine being the blood red one of the two. I pulled Crescent, as it had been named complements of the black crescent moon on the barrel, from it holster and looked it over. I had not pulled her from her holster since the day she was brought home, sadly, I felt I would be getting a good use out of her soon. She, like her twin and Dante's Ebony and Ivory, had been enchanted so they would never run dry. I had a second set of bullets made however, that I had to switch clips to use. A set of Holy rounds. I carried three clips of these bullets, and three clips only.

I sighed and stood, bringing the weapons with me, and placed Crescent back in her holster. I brought her black belt up to my mouth and held it with my teeth. I then slipped my Zambak around my waist, their black belt pulled tight to keep them level. I then pulled Crescent’s belt from my fangs and fastened it to the first on the left and let it hang on the right. The second belt being secured around my waist, but loose enough to lean slightly to the side the gun was on, that being my right. I then pulled the mp4 from my pocket and slipped the cord up my undershirt, having left it loose enough to keep my shirt tucked in. I settled the cord between my breasts and then run it under my choker. I sat the head set around my neck and adjusted the cord so I could move and not undo anything. I wound up the rest of the cord and fastened it to my mp4 and then the player to my Zambak's belt. I turned it on, whatever song I left it on last time being what it was on this time, there being over 1500 songs on the little thing meaning that it could be any number of songs. I set it up so all I had to do was pull the headset on and press 'play'. I just hoped I wouldn't have to. I reached up and grabbed a small package then. Inside, were three darts, each a foot long and razor sharp. I slipped the package into my right boot on the inside and stood. I leaned back and turned, catching the fourth dart that was thrown at me by Luke. He had engraved it with a healing spell, so should I receive a wound that needed healing with him not around, one cut with the dart and the wound would heal. I knelt and placed it with the others in the packet. I then stood and walked over to Luke, I glanced around my room one more time. He and I then walked out of my room and I closed the door. We looked at one another and bolted for the door. His bo staff was fastened to his back and Crescent’s black-blue twin was fastened to his hip. Midnight was the same as Crescent except the color and the second round of bullets. His were Sei Rei bullets, meaning 'holy spirit', and they could seal a lesser demon if he funneled his energy into them, and render a more powerful demon paralyzed. He also had a small black bag on the other hip that contained any items he may need to heal or mend a wound. We were going and I then slipped out of the house and started down the road to Dante's home and office. We suddenly felt a tremor and braced ourselves for a larger one that shook the ground a second later. My eyes then followed the object rising in the air. A tower. The very tower that was only spoke of in legends of the Dark Knight Sparda. I was still from fear and surprise until I heard a voice I could never forget.

"So finally the day has come."

I instantly turned upon hearing his voice. I knew the voice like no other from out last encounter.

'So, Hell's Angel has returned to us?'

'What the hell are you talking about, old man?'

'Yes, she most certainly has. It seems the devil himself favors me with his fortune.'

I shook off the memories and glared at the maniacal man in front of us. He let a small malicious smile slip onto his scarred face before he darted off.

"So, he had a hand in raising the Temen-Ni-Gru. That makes him a prime target..."

I glanced at my cousin and noticed he was staring at the tower, apparently he hadn't seen the man standing there. I let it slid and asked him who he was talking about.
