'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'Fiery Rebellion' - Chapter Two


I slipped off of the couch and walked over to the desk that was close to the center of the room. I took a seat in the chair and set my boots on the desk. It was tempting to fall asleep, but I decided against it when Dante walked over to me and picked up Rebellion. I cracked one eye open and seen him holding the blade.


I flipped backwards and took the chair with me. Apparently Luke had told Dante something involving my being impaled, because he was smirking like there was no tomorrow.

'You evil little son of a ... Your ass is mine Luken!'

I glared at my elder and flipped back so that my feet hit the wall, from which I pushed off and rolled over Dante's desk and the blade that was now resting where my legs once were. I landed on the ground in front of his desk and spun around just in time to fall into a back-bend in order to avoid a blade that would have taken my top half off.

"Luken, your ass is mine when we get home. But in the mean time..."

I smirked at the thought that crossed my mind.

'Time for me to teach Dante a thing or two about fighting something smaller then you.'

I flipped my legs over my head and landed gracefully, I was a dancer in my spare time so maneuvers like that were easy for me to do. I shifted my position so that I could move in any direction at anytime and I braced myself for an attack, be it from me or Dante.


I sped off to my right to avoid Rebellion's blade once again.

"You better start loosening your fingers for sewing up wounds, cause Dante is going to need some serious stitches when I am done with him!"

I knew Dante healed fast enough for the wounds to not matter, but I planned to put enough on him that he would probably die of blood loss if he wasn't a half-demon. I grinned when he stated that they wouldn't matter, he'd heal. Dante then, in a stupid move, brought his blade down as he was going to cut me in half long-ways. I knew it was possible, if one was fast enough, to catch a blade in their bare hands. That is what I did. I then flinched slightly when I realized I had let my right hand move slightly faster than the left. The blade had cut into my palm slightly, just enough to make a nice scar across it when it healed. Though this was considered training by the three of us, so I knew I had no time to nurse the wound. I pushed the blade to the left of my head and reached for the hilt, my arm extending up the blade to grab the skull at the end. I locked my fingers into place and slipped out from under the blade. I slid my feet into a braced stance, and then place my left hand just below the skull on Rebellion's hilt. I pulled the blade from Dante's hands and kicked him away from it with my right foot, the boot leaving a red mark on his chest. I flipped the blade around so that I could wield it properly and pulled it up into a defensive position, glaring past the blade to its rightful owner. This maybe training, but I play no games in a fight, of any type. Dante stood there slightly shocked that I managed to get the blade out of his hands, then he rushed me with his fist drawn back for a punch. One that wouldn't connect. I pushed the blade up and out, quickly returning my feet to their braced stance as to absorb the shock of the crossbreed's body hitting it.


The blade went right through his stomach and skewered him. My eyes flashed a brilliant red and I pulled the blade toward me, where my left foot connected with his stomach just above the wound and forced him off of the blade. With Rebellion now removed from his body, I landed my left foot and spun on it. My right foot rising off of the ground and allowing me to spin with blade in hand. I extended my arms and closed my eyes. I heard the blade slide through Dante's flesh and the blood that fell to the ground. I then heard a flame flickering. I opened my eyes and looked at Dante. He was holding the wound in his gut with his right hand and was staring at me with wide eyes. I noticed something then, Rebellion was covered in flames. Blood red, hellion flames.

"Congratulations Ikira. You've managed to tap Rykira's powers. I'm impressed."

I looked over to Luke, he was standing and a small smile had slipped onto his face. From him, that was either a bad sign or a really good one, this time it was the later. Rykira, my hellion angel half. She was my second soul. I had met her when I was 9; I stared into a candle flame too long and blacked out. She woke up that day and has been with me ever since. My conscience if you will. It was by her that I was related to Luken. Luken Moric. A fallen angel. He refused an order and was punished to live among humans and never to set foot into Heaven again. Tragic really. But I have to thank Micah for asking him to something he refused to do. If he hadn't, not only would I be a dead little girl, I would never have met the 23 year old that I now call my cousin.

"Hellfire? Remind me not to piss you off. That shit hurts."

I laughed and stared at the now fiery Rebellion. Rykira's face flickered over my mind's eye and then disappeared. I waved the blade in the air and the flames disappeared, just as I wanted them to do. I handed Dante his blade, and then walked over to the loft above the couch. I had slipped a first aid kit behind one of the crates, for any injuries that I didn't need healed. I pulled it out and sat on top of the crate. Luke followed me up and bandaged my hand for me, seeing as it would be rather hard to do so by myself. He finished the bandaging and then wrapped a thin layer of black bandaging around it, so it looked like a glove and didn't attract as much attention. I slipped everything back into the kit and placed it behind the crate again. Luke walked down the stairs and back to his seat; I just jumped off of the rail around it and landed like a cat. They both looked at me and shook their heads, probably thinking I was going to kill myself doing crap like that one day. Oh well, I'd enjoy my time here while I still had it. I looked at the time via the watch on my wrist that I kept under a black terry-cloth band with three anarchy symbols on the lower half of it. Time flies with your having a good time. I had things I had to do, I loved playing here, but duty calls.

"Luke, time."

I held up my watch to emphasize my point. He sighed and walked toward the door. They never really did anything that I saw, though if I wasn't the room chances are they would have done something before saying goodbye. As for me, I walked over to Dante and hugged him again. I motioned for him lean down so I could reach his head. Him being six foot five like Luke, I had to jump to reach his head, being only five one. I ruffled his hair and pushed it back so it spiked. He leaned back up and instantly shook it out. I stuck my tongue out at him and started to walk off. I called out a 'goodbye' to him and waved my hand over my shoulder. Luke was waiting by the door for me.

"Adios, Ikira!"

Luke and I walked out the door and closed it behind us. We turned and walked down the street towards our home. I lived with him and helped with bills and such. I worked at 'Love Planet' on the weekends as a bartender, I refused the other job they offered me, and at 'Bull's Eye' on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays as a bartender. Luke was working as a doctor to take care of everything else. We walked into the house and I got that feeling that said something was about to go wrong. My shoulder blades started to itch as well, why I didn't know, but something told me it was about the feeling in my gut. Yeah, something was about to go wrong... terribly wrong.