'Angels' - VergilxOC Series (T)

'Blood Promise' - Chapter Nine

~* Ikira *~

There was no doubt in my mind he'd kill me if I fought him, he'd probably kill me if I refused him too. I now have another choice. Go balistic and fight until my bloody end, or submit and break several promises.

I never went back on my word, so the first one it is.

Now, I just needed to do this without dying...

Wait. Idea just clicked.

This might work, it might not. I just have to pray for the later.

~* Luken *~

I had a spliting headache and I couldn't see a thing. My memory was blurred for a moment, then I remembered the events just before I was struck. Damn him!! I have to get to Ikira! I hurled myself off of the table I was laying on and noticed an emblem in black ink across my stomache.

Oh shit...

It wasn't an emblem, it was a seal. I knew this inparticular seal very well. It was a smaller version of the same seal used on Rykira.

"And just where are you planning to go? I'm not finished with the seal for one, and two, you have no weapons, you'll be killed as soon as you step out of the door."

He had a point. But he was wrong on one thing. The only way that I managed to get Rykira's soul into Ikira was through a single ability I was given at my downfall. I could call on a soul and use it to my will. There were numerous demon souls in this tower that I could use at any time. I decided it best not to let him know this fact however, so I sat back down on the table.

"Point made."

I already knew he was the pulling the strings. It was obvious to someone who would open thier eyes. I watched him work, walking around in the library gathering things. I decided to ask a few questions.

"Tell me, Arkham. Why are you going after Sparda's power? It's obvious to someone outside this whole mess that you are the one pulling the strings. I won't tell, I'm just curious."

The look he gave screamed of a malious intent. I knew the scars on the side of his face all to well. No one knew it but, I used to be one of the best in the business at supernatural killings. If they couldn't find a human or animal killer, they sent me after the murderer. I had seen this a few times before. Black magic and a mortal sacrifice used in an atempt to gain demon power. It never works because you need fricken 'divine intervention' to stop it from corupting the soul to the point that nothing can save it. And that counter acts the spell for some reason, thus leaveing them with nothing more then a demon's intentions and a bunch of scars. I threw the look right back at him, since I couldn't go anywhere with out breaking out my trump card so I might as well gather some information while I was here.

"My motives are none of your concern Luken Moric. Don't ask me again."

Well that atempt was shot down. Fine. Let's try a different attempt.

"What is she to you? I know Mary is your daughter, but Ikira has some relation to you. What is it?"

"Ikira? She's my second daughter. Mary's sister. I always knew she'd become a great help to me later on, I just never knew how much of one. Now, she is the key to my dreams. I truly was blessed as a father."

Now that was news to me. I didn't know this, I don't even think Ikira knew it. She never met her father, as she was sent to live with her mother's best friend at a few weeks old. Now I knew why she had such a dark mind with so many thoughts that even startle me when she starts throwing tourcher threats...

~* Ikira *~

A dance of blood and blades.

Of dripping lies and hidden betrayal.

My blades on his.

We were very similar, yet completely different.

I had found out who my father was, my gain.

He had drawn my blood, my loss.

He had found someone that understood him, his gain.

He had given up many secrets, his loss.

I now knew why he was after this power.

He knew why I was ascending the tower.

He was my superior in blade skills.

I was his superior in movement.

He had earned my respect.

And I, his.

This battle was drawn out.

We had found our centers, our hearts.

They were with our blades in our hands.

I understood now.

Why I could never win before unless the person was weaker then I.

I couldn't find myself.

He had found me.

For this I was grateful, but I could not let him win this battle.

I rushed at him again, slashing at him and slowly pushing him back. I finally managed to hit him hard enough to push him to the ground. I couldn't kill him. I don't why but something in my head told me not to. I had won, but I felt that I had to let the gates be opened. I knew this would end up alright in the end. I knealed down and drew out my darts. I pulled free the one with the healling spell ingraved in it's surface. I stood and brought my hand back so I could throw it at him. A look of hurt crossed his eyes as he laid there, tired and bloody. I was in the same condition. I tossed the dart into the air and allowed it to peirce my hand when it came down. I pulled it free and threw it at him, he caught it and it knicked his hand. That was just enough to heal him completely, as he also now had my blood and a bit of a pure angel's as well.

I knew one thing from the look on his face as he stood. We both changed in the past few hours. I had a had made a promise as well. An unspoken promise to stay with this until the end. And damn my poetic mind if a poem didn't pop into my head at that thought...

I will not let you down.

I will fight on.

If it is Destiny to open the gate.

Then let Destiny be.

If it is Destiny to fail.

Then I shall rewrite Destiny.

If it is Destiny to live.

Then let Destiny be.

If it is Destiny to die.

Then I shall rewrite Destiny.

I will not let you down.

I will fight on.

Now was my chance to prove that. I held out my hand to retrieve my dart and placed it to my hand gripping it tight enough to draw blood from his own and pressing it tight enough to draw from mine. He too understood the events to come. There was nothing we could do about them, but we could make sure the other came through it in one piece.

A Blood Promise made on one's life.

And I wasn't about to break it.