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God, I'm Stupid

Sun Aug 9, 2009, 2:41 PM

* Mood: Moving on
* Listening to: Japanese Conversation
* Eating: Corned Beef and Rice
* Drinking: Tang and Water

I was watching anime(what else?) and I had my headphones on, but I never plugged the headphones in. So, halfway through the episode I realized why the sound was kind of muffled and I went to scratch my ear and the headphones were in the way (x_x). I think the lack of physical contact is getting to me.

Doing a quick job today in about 2.5hours--moving furniture again for my divorced cousin for $20--it's not much, but it's something.

Fought with my parents a li'l while ago about moving. My mom went on about how my neighbour/friend moved in with her boyfriend after she graduated. I told her I didn't see the problem with it and started accusing me of moving in with a boyfriend after I graduate. I told her if I have one and it's convenient for school or work, then I would and she started going off on me and saying how I shouldn't expect any money from them for school or rent if I do that--for cripes sake, I haven't done anything yet and i'm getting in trouble. Blew off some steam at Josh's, will blow off more moving furniture 2-3x my size.


Help Wanted!!

Mon Jul 20, 2009, 5:14 PM

* Mood: Embarrassed
* Listening to: "Australia"-The Shins

I want to start doing commissions, small ones like rough/clean sketches and the occasional line art, but I don't know how to go about it. Is there someone out there that's willing to help me and walk me through the steps on how to do a commission? I won't charge for it, and the person that helps me gets to keep whatever I worked on for the mock commission.

My reason for doing this? I'm not allowed to get a regular job, such as working at a store and such--and even if I could I wouldn't be able to make it to work since I've yet to get my permit(I'm actually supposed to have my license by now) and since my parents never really let me explore where I live, I don't know my way around my neighborhood. Ride a bike you say? Never learned =D Rollerblade? Sure, but the roads are too bumby for me to get around safely. Walk? Not allowed. I also feel bad when my parents give me money, and we're not exactly in the situation where I can get spare change around here. So, my best option was to do commissions since they don't interfere much with my schoolwork(dammit IB Programme).

If you know anyone that can help, or if you can help, please do =( But please note...I'd rather not do any nude scenes...DX


Anime Moment

Wed Apr 15, 2009, 7:27 PM

* Mood: Happy
* Listening to: "Summer Song"-YUI
* Reading: the TUJ brochure
* Eating: pizza and yogurt...Mm...
* Drinking: grape juice

I'm getting over whatever was making me sick-I can eat again!! 'Cept cuz of the sudden weather changes(gotta love Florida), I've been getting nosebleeds =( (it's normal in December because the blood vessels in my nose are weak or something; hereditary). Awkward that I'm getting them in Spring, though. Actually, yesterday I was laying on the floor(was I napping or dozing?) and my nose started bleeding and I couldn't really get up or else I'd get blood all over the laundry I was supposed to be folding, so I just lied there 'til it stopped a bit-but I couldn't help but think to myself "I look like the male lead in an anime after he has the shit beaten out of him or after he sees the female lead's panies XD" cuz it was like a puddle...gross, but kinda cool at the same time(not that it was blood, but that it reminded me of anime)...gosh, I'm such a geek XD That's okay =3

So, a couple of weeks ago I went and requested for a brochure for Temple University-JAPAN CAMPUS. It's an American campus in Tokyo, Japan. The main campus is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I find Japan to be more accepting of creative media, which is what I want to get into(developing cartoons or advertising). This is the first video that got me thinking about it. It's kinda old. Then this one just got my attention. Here's a vintage-looking one that's really spiffy.

If you think about it, these involve both psychology and art(in the vids I links, specifically anime)-and I have a great love for both(maybe Japanese advertising holds a job position for me?) Or game art is definitely a want for me =/. I WAS more interested in child psychiatry, but I can't see my short-temper helping anyone. =(

And...that's about it. I'mma go through my TEMPLE UNIVERSITY JAPAN CAMPUS AIRMAIL/PRINTED MATTER now =3 (so cool!)

