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I'll do art for you: read on please!

Hey guys--because of the hurricane, my flea marketing opportunity won't be possible this weekend. That said, I'll be accepting commissions--I can do portraits, cartoons, whatever you want. I need to make $100 by Wednesday, so if I get 5 $20 commission slots, I'll be good. Help me out here!

Otaku Status?

So I got a message in my inbox, saying

"Congratulations! You have been promoted to Otaku Eternal status. This unique position lets you CUSTOMIZE your own title."

Last time I checked, I was pretty sure "Otaku Legend" was the highest status I could get. Apparently I get special perks with this new one, but what do they mean by customizing my own title? What title? Can someone help me out here?


Degree in Comics--WHAT?!!

Sat Nov 21, 2009, 8:16 AM

* Mood: Eager
* Listening to: the keys stick together as i pound on the keyboard

I've been up since 7am, don't ask me why 'cuz i dunno either--it's Saturday DX. A msg to Mo, Cal, and Sandro--dad has my laptop and my phone, so there's no use trying to contact me this weekend; I'm using his computer while mom and dad are out flea-marketing...his keyboard is disgusting...the control key is stuck down from something caught in between the keys and the down arrow key is just stuck...and ther's coffe stains everywhere and ew I'm just gonna stop talking about it.

Anyway, I was in art class yesterday and Kevin and I were going through these books from art colleges. I happened to stumble upon a college I've never heard of--SCAD--Savannah something...ANYWHO I happened to stumble across some photos of people getting their comic on in the section called SEQUENTIAL ARTS. I was like "what?" and actually read the whole section, which most people don't do because they're browsing just to look at pictures or to waste time. I got really excited and started talking to Maria about it and she said "go for it" so I went home and jumped on the computer to "research" (actually, it was around 8 when i finally got on the computer since he took my shite last night right when we got home at 6) what colleges offered far, I've only found SCAD appealing =(

The field of sequential art encompasses graphic novels, comic books, comic strips, children’s books and storyboards for animation and film. Sequential artists combine words and pictures to form entertaining and effective narratives.

That's from the SCAD website.

I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED. I didn't know this existed!! I know I'm gonna major in art, but really? Comics?? What do you guys think? And for those of you in college already--help me! I'm already a junior! >_<


Help Wanted!!

Mon Jul 20, 2009, 5:14 PM

* Mood: Embarrassed
* Listening to: "Australia"-The Shins

I want to start doing commissions, small ones like rough/clean sketches and the occasional line art, but I don't know how to go about it. Is there someone out there that's willing to help me and walk me through the steps on how to do a commission? I won't charge for it, and the person that helps me gets to keep whatever I worked on for the mock commission.

My reason for doing this? I'm not allowed to get a regular job, such as working at a store and such--and even if I could I wouldn't be able to make it to work since I've yet to get my permit(I'm actually supposed to have my license by now) and since my parents never really let me explore where I live, I don't know my way around my neighborhood. Ride a bike you say? Never learned =D Rollerblade? Sure, but the roads are too bumby for me to get around safely. Walk? Not allowed. I also feel bad when my parents give me money, and we're not exactly in the situation where I can get spare change around here. So, my best option was to do commissions since they don't interfere much with my schoolwork(dammit IB Programme).

If you know anyone that can help, or if you can help, please do =( But please note...I'd rather not do any nude scenes...DX


What does food really taste like?

Thu Apr 9, 2009, 12:05 AM

* Mood: Pain
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic"-Ikimono Gikari
* Eating: more like regurgitating =(

I haven't eaten a substantial meal for a while now. This started last weekish-I first lost my appetite. Then slowly I started to withdraw from food cuz it started to make me feel sick after I ate. Now, just the thought of food makes me want to throw up and almost anything I put in my mouth I end up spitting out because I can't swallow it-my gag reflex gets in the way. I've been eating mainly apples because they go down easier than anything else. I can't get a good night's sleep either-four hours tops. I stayed home from school yesterday because I had a painful headache and I felt like I was gonna throw up(I threw up a little after trying to eat cereal). So I went to sleep for a couple more hours, tried to eat again but it didn't happen, slept some more. The try-eating-then-sleep thing was repeated all of yesterday, with random emotional break downs in between. Am I transforming into an emo? Do butterflies go through this? Am I turning into a cutter-fly?? *shot* Nah, I'm not a cutter. I just hope none of this has anything to do with my now ex-boyfriend. That'd be pretty stupid if it were-he shouldn't affect my biological needs. The crying maybe, but that's gone(I think), but my food? I love my food. I miss my food. Can I have some food? Oh, wait, nevermind; don't wanna throw up on y'all. =/
So, have any of you gone through this before? D'you know how to fix it? I don't want to shrivel up and die yet. I'll do that when I'm, like, 100yrs old. =P