Help Wanted!!

Mon Jul 20, 2009, 5:14 PM

* Mood: Embarrassed
* Listening to: "Australia"-The Shins

I want to start doing commissions, small ones like rough/clean sketches and the occasional line art, but I don't know how to go about it. Is there someone out there that's willing to help me and walk me through the steps on how to do a commission? I won't charge for it, and the person that helps me gets to keep whatever I worked on for the mock commission.

My reason for doing this? I'm not allowed to get a regular job, such as working at a store and such--and even if I could I wouldn't be able to make it to work since I've yet to get my permit(I'm actually supposed to have my license by now) and since my parents never really let me explore where I live, I don't know my way around my neighborhood. Ride a bike you say? Never learned =D Rollerblade? Sure, but the roads are too bumby for me to get around safely. Walk? Not allowed. I also feel bad when my parents give me money, and we're not exactly in the situation where I can get spare change around here. So, my best option was to do commissions since they don't interfere much with my schoolwork(dammit IB Programme).

If you know anyone that can help, or if you can help, please do =( But please note...I'd rather not do any nude scenes...DX

