The Famous W Academy- For Jenny

“Dude! Francis!” America called.
ance stopped where he was. He looked at Jenny, “Excusez-moi, ma cherie~”

France slipped away and joined America.

“Yes? What is it? I was in the middle of-”

“Dude….I know you have the hots for my sis, NY,” Alfred said.

“Q-quoi?! I-I…”

“Dude. Your face is red!” he laughed, putting his arm around Francis’ shoulder,
“It’s ok! DC and I talked it over. You can date little Jenny. Just know that if you break her heart I’ll break your fancy face! HAHAHAHA!”

France winced as America walked away laughing.

He took a deep breath and pulled out the small box of gourmet chocolate he had made from his pocket. He walked over to Jenny who was watching Danni and the man she was with.

“Jenny?” he said.

Jenny turned around. Francis’ face was all red.

“Excusez-moi…would…you… être mon Valentin?” he asked, holding out the small box
of chocolates to her.

Jenny blushed brightly, “…Can…can you say that in Engish?”

France seemed to struggle a little bit, “Would you…be my Valentine?”

Jenny nodded repeatedly.


Ah…Love was in the air at W Academy. Well…for almost everyone.

“AND THEN BANG! I got that wild caiii-yoat. He’ll never visit my ranch again! Y’all should have seen it!” Texas laughed.

Kiki banged her head against the table over and over.

“You ok there, Little lady?” Texas asked.

“Then I told him that we were going to fall of the fiscal cliff if he didn’t
listen!” Washington DC explained.

Mocha groaned, “Can we please just order the food?!”

WELL JENNY I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS.....I HAD FUN. I may bring these characters back. ;)