The Famous W Academy- For Jenny

The next day was the first day of class. Jenny looked around at her fifty siblings. Fifty?!

“For the last time, Puerto Rico! Until congress votes on you…You are not a state!
So, please go home!” Washington DC, the teacher, lectured.

“But! But!”



Jenny laughed and shook her head.

“Jenny!!!!” A voice called, as a body glomped onto her.

“GACK! OHIO! GET OFF!” Jenny cried, falling to the floor with her half-sister.

The curly haired brunette with brown eyes clung onto Jenny.

“INDIANA SAVE ME!” Jenny cried.

Indiana, a girl with dark brown hair and caramel colored skin walked over and
plucked Ohio off of New York. She set Ohio down and patted her.

“Casa, what did I tell you about tackling people without permission?” Eve asked.

“UMMM…..To not?”

“Correct,” she said, Indiana could not believe that Ohio was older than her.

“Can I glomp Tennessee please?” the brunette asked.

“Hug. Not glomp,” Eve said.

“Oh come on! You know you want to glomp people too! What about a cute boy?”

Eve blushed, “I do not want to ‘glomp’ boys. I want to squeeze their butts! There is a difference!”

“Are you ok, Wifu?” Tennessee asked Jenny, helping her up.

“HUBBU!” Jenny cheered hugging her dear friend, Danni aka Tennessee.

“Alright everyone! Settle down and get to your seats!” DC lectured, “Welcome to W
academy. Listen closely to these rules!”

DC pointed to the chalk board, “You all are States of America. You are to conduct yourselves as proper examples of our country. So, here are the rules.

1. Always respect Big brother Alfred and do not bother him with trivial issues. That goes for bothering Canada and England too.
2. No fighting, only proper debates.
3. Do not engage in a romantic relationship with ANY country, unless approved by myself or Alfred. We do not want a country to “take over” you. You are a part of the United States.
4. Respect any country you meet, they are above you in status. It’s best to avoid them.
5. The Provinces are NOT invisible. Please don’t ask them who they are.
We’re tired of having depressed Canadians

Jenny nodded and pretended to listen to the rules. Casa wrote down the rules with haste. She was going to be such a teacher’s pet. Eve checked her nails while
Danni was asleep on her desk.

When class finished for the day, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee and New York all decided to explore the school.

“But, we’re not supposed to bother the countries!” Casa complained.

“We won’t bother them!” Jenny said.

“We’ll just annoy them!” Eve explained.

“Or bother them!” Danni cheered.

Casa facepalmed as she followed her friends.

Jenny poked her head around a corner, Danni, Casa and Eve joined her.

Standing ahead was Canada/Matthew talking to two of his younger sisters/provinces. Casa’s eyes lit up as she recognized her half-sisters. Ohio was part French which made her related to the Canadians as well. Indiana was also part French, but was not as enthusiastic as her sister.

“Kiki! Mocha!” Casa called, running over.

“What was that Ohio said about not bothering other countries?” Hime asked, pointing to Canada who was there, “She said not to and now she is going to bother Canada without us.”

“Who?” Jenny asked.

Danni laughed.

Casa hugged Quebec and Alberta, “I’m happy that the provinces are attending W academy too!”

“Yes! It’s good to see someone we know. Kiki was worried that we would not know anyone except our sibling,” Mocha said.

“I was not!” Kiki whined.
“I see you two have found someone you know,” Matthew said.

Casa smiled and nodded at Canada, “I’ll take good care of your sisters, Canada, sir.”

WHAM! The three girls and Canada turned to see a pile up. Danni on the bottom, Eve in the middle and Jenny on top.

“Oh~ What do we have here? A pile up?” a voice questioned.

A hand reached out to Jenny and she took it. She looked at her savior and blushed a little.

“Thank you Mr. France,” Jenny said.

The French country nodded and was about to help Hime and Danni too, but was tackled by a ball of blonde energy and brunette energy.
“PAPA!” they both cried.

Francis laughed and hugged them both, “I see you two arrived safely~”

“Oui!” the two provinces cheered.