The Famous W Academy- For Jenny

And now to get to the main portion of our story. The other part was merely an introduction to our characters. Today was Valentine’s Day at W Academy. All of the countries were hoping to give or receive chocolate. For some it was a day of dread, for France, this was the best holiday of the year. Being the country of love he enjoyed not only giving love, but helping his favorite couples get together. He was always busy giving love advice to all of the other countries and trying to help some countries gather up the courage to ask others out. This year he had a new challenge. He wanted to pair up all the states, provinces and regions. There was one problem…Their older siblings. America was very protective of his states. Canada would be easy to get past for France, but some other countries would be troublesome as well. So, Francis would need some partners in crime.

“TARGETS AQUIRED!” Jenny cheered.

“SHHH!!” Kiki shushed her.

Francis chuckled. He had picked his partners in crime properly. His cute little daughter, Quebec and the girl he had loved for a long time, New York. He gave her
a statue and everything, but America was protective of her.

Their first targets. Casa and Dino. Dino Cavallone Vargas, Sicily(I choose Sicily because the Mafia started there), was related to Romano. Francis thought his cute little Ohio should be with the Italian territory. Casa looked especially cute today in her aviator jacket and her shirt with her favorite presidents on it. (Birthplace of Aviation and Mother of Presidents)

“Alright~ Let’s use formation K,” Francis said.

Kiki nodded. She agreed to help, because Francis was her Papa and…she had another alternative motive. She had the plan to get France and New York together. Anyone could tell they were crazy about each other. There…was just one problem…

“Hell no! My cute little New York is not going to date that Frenchie!” Alfred said to Mocha, turning the page of his comic book.

America did not agree with them dating. So, Kiki was going to try and get the pair together while Mocha worked on the overprotective brother.

“Oh come on! Pleeeeasseee Alfiiieeee!” Mocha begged, “They are perfect for each other!”

“Dude, I said no.”

Mocha sighed, frustrated.

Jenny and Kiki took their positions. Francis took his spot as well. Casa was carrying a large stack of books, walking down one way of the hall, Dino was walking towards her with his hands in his pockets.

Jenny threw a banana peel in Casa’s track while Kiki put her foot out in front of Dino. Both went flying. Dino landed on top of Casa. He noticed the books flying, so he covered Casa, blocking the books from hitting her.

“Ahh! Are you ok, bella?” Dino asked, helping Casa up and hurrying around picking up her books.

“I’m fine, thank you…Sicily…” Casa said, blushing.

Dino handed Casa back her giant pile of books, “Bene. Please call me Dino…Um…Would you like to have some pasta with me later?”

Casa blushed and nodded, “I’d love to.”

“Formation Klutz was a success!” Francis cheered as the pair walked off, “Great
job, mes cherries!”

Kiki and Jenny high-fived each other.

Francis already spotted his next target. Indiana and Canto Region. Eve and Soshi were perfect for each other.

Quebec checked her phone. Alberta was working on Alfred, but needed back up. Kiki would need to beg DC for help.

“You two go on ahead, I got a message from Mattie. He needs a little help!” Kiki said.

“Au revoir~ Kiki” Francis said, pulling Jenny along with him.

Jenny’s cheeks were bright pink.