The Famous W Academy- For Jenny

Kiki made her way to Washington DC’s classroom. She knocked on the door.

“Come in!” he called.

Kiki slipped in.

“Oh…it’s you….Um….You’re…Who again? I know you’re a Canadian Province…” he said.

“It’s Quebec!” she sighed, frustrated already.

DC was known to be pretty self-centered, almost as bad as America himself.

“Yes yes…What is you want?” he asked, “I am pretty busy.”

“It’s Valentine’s Day…And…”

DC held up his hand, “Are you confessing to me?”


“Good…because I already have a woman I love...” he sighed, dreamily.

“Um…Alright. I need to ask your permission for New York to date France.”

Washington DC stared at Kiki and started to laugh.

“Sir…I fail to see what is so funny…” Kiki pouted.

“No way in hell would Alfred ever let one of his favorite states date France!”

“That’s why I am asking YOU! You have the most influence over him!” Kiki begged.

“Alright. I’ll help. If you help me get a date with your adorable sister, Alberta,” he said dreamily

“YOU DID WHAT?!” Mocha cried.

“It’s only one date! It’s for the greater good!” Kiki exclaimed.

“I don’t want to date that egotistical…self-centered…BLOWHART!” Mocha said.

“We can make it a double date!” Kiki added.

“Fine. But I get to choose your date.”

“Alright…I guess I deserve that…” Quebec sighed.

“You get Texas,” Alberta grinned.

“WHAT?! TEXAS? That gun toating!!….Fine….Ok…deal…” Kiki sighed.

Oh the things she did for her friend’s happiness.