The Famous W Academy- For Jenny

Le Time Skip…Brought to you by….England’s Eyebrows

The end of the week was something to look forward to. It was club rush. All of the new students were invited to try out for all the different clubs on campus.
Eve in particular had her eyes on a certain club.

“Why are you reading a cook book, Indiana?” Jenny asked.

“I REALLY want to join the gourmet cooking club.”

“I didn’t know you could cook,” Casa said.

“I can! I just don’t…” Eve admitted.

“What kind of club are you going to join, Casa?” Jenny asked.

Casa closed her eyes, “I thought I would try out for all of the clubs!”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Ohio?” Eve asked.

“It’s a brilliant idea! I mean…they don’t call me the Buckeye state for nothing!” she laughed.

“What does that mean?” New York whispered to Indiana.

“It means she is self-centered…” Indiana whispered back.

“I heard that!” Casa whined.

“Where’s Danni?” Jenny asked.

“I think she was trying out for the socc-er….FOOTBALL team…” Casa said.

“Ahhh. That makes sense.” Jenny said, “I already have chosen my club. I’m going
to join our Big Brother’s HERO Club!”

“So…you can stare at Loki?” Eve teased.

“That’s not the only reason!” Jenny protested.

Not too long after the girls went their separate ways to try out for the different clubs. Ohio tried out for the Chorus, but failed due to being tone deaf, though New York was welcomed…Stupid Broadway… She tried out for the Dark Magic club, but was kicked out when they realized she only wanted to watch Harry Potter. Even the Siesta Club would not allow Ohio in because she was too wired with energy.

And then the gourmet club.

“Is this the Gourmet club?” Eve asked, poking her head in.

"Why yes, we are the gourmet club. We pride ourselves in making delicious food, eating it, and admiring it!” France said, “By the way, England is barred from this club."

Casa snickered at the comment about England. France looked over his two possible new members. He read their names.

“Ohio: Cassandra J. Jones and Indiana: Eve J. Bonnefoy.”

Francis pouted, “Why did my lovely Ohio change her names to Jones?”

“After I had that war with Michigan over Toledo…I decided I needed a change…
Sorry, Papa…” Casa said bluntly, “Besides…Pennsylvania kept making fun of me and calling me a fake state…”

“I was just too lazy to change my name,” Eve admitted.

France continued to pout, “Normally China and Turkey would be helping me with tryouts, but they had to help out at other clubs. When you are ready~ Make a food sample for me to try. Ready? Go!”

Casa and Eve went straight to work. Casa hummed to herself as she cooked. Eve
worked with precision.

Casa finished quickly and set her plate in front of France.

“I cannot wait to try the food ma petite made for me to try~”

Casa watched in anticipation as Francis took a bite. He frowned and pushed the plate away.

“What do you call…this…interesting dish?” he asked.

“It’s Cincinnati Style Chili(Chili on top of spaghetti covered with shredded cheddar cheese)…What? You don’t like it?” Ohio pouted.

“It’s not that I don’t like it! It’s just not up to our standards!” Francis explained.

He really should have held onto Ohio until she learned how to cook from him rather than America, who was almost as bad as England.

Eve set her plate down in front of France. She had made a fancy French dessert that she could not even pronounce. Francis looked at the dish hopefully. He took a bite and smiled.

“Indiana~ This is marvelous! You have an official invitation from our club!”

Eve cheered, “YES!”

The next club Casa visited was the Canada Club. She was not allowed to join, because she was American. Quebec and Alberta joined it. They got very mad when Texas, who was looking for a club didn’t even see Kiki and Mocha….and he asked who Canada was.

Casa was a bad swimmer, so the swim club was out. Danni joined the go straight home club. Casa avoided that mostly because Switzerland scared her and Romano was being all whiney.

Casa pursed her lips together and went on to the last club she could possibly try out for. The News Paper club. She poked her head in and saw Italy sleeping, Japan reading a manga and Germany typing something up. She knocked.

“Excuse me? I would like to join the New Paper club?” she said.

Italy woke up and hurried over to her, “Bella~ Of course you can a join! A beautiful lady such as yourself! What is your-a name?”

Casa blushed, “Cassandra Jones.”

“Itary…I wourd be wary…if I were you. She is America’s rittle sister,” Japan warned.

“Vell, Fräulein…Do you have any writing experience?” Germany asked, looking up at her.

“I hold the US’s largest Children’s book fair every year…Um…I like to write in my spare time,” Ohio said.

“Vell…You do have more experience than some members. You can join,” he responded.

And so…the state that said she would join all of the clubs ended up in only one of the clubs. Lessons we learned? Sometimes you just got to keep trying!