Hush, Love, Don't cry,
It'll be alright,
Hold me close,
As I administer the dose,
Listen to my lullaby of lies.

You Left Me With A Crying Disease...

Mood: Bleh...
Music: Blue October "X Amount of Words"

So, it's Day Three...Again, stolen from Waffuru...

Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip
Day six: a quote
Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy

So, for the book, I choose...Um...Wow, it's so hard for me to choose a book!! I'm going to have to go with:
Anne Rice's "Tale of the Body Thief"! I'm about halfway through it, but it offers such a refreshing point of view on one of the most famous anti-heroes of all time: The Vampire Lestat de Lioncourt.

Oh, and I have awesome news! Yesterday, Daku bought me an easel!! Now I can paint in my room!! I'm ecstatic!!

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Deidara: I've never understood the purpose of babies. They're little carbon-copies of their parents. It's pure vanity...
Sasori: What if Hugh Jackman was standing shirtless in front of you? What would you say then?

Meet My Maker...

Mood: Ecstatic!
Music: None...

So, I have an update for my Sophomore Review........


I'm so excited about that one! My professors were actually impressed with my work! I'm thinking about posting a gallery specially made for the Review pieces...I don't know...

I have most of my papers and other assignments completed for my Education and History classes. I've got maybe 2 or 3 more things to do. Also, I will have a job beginning July 1st! So I think I'm just going to remain on campus for the summer. During the month of June, I'll probably just do community service to get free summer housing. When I start that job, it will be work study, so I should get free housing for that, too.

Unfortunately, I've only got two more weeks of classes, and then May 11th begins Finals Week...Ugh, the dreaded Finals!! Hm...Let's see, I know I'll have to take the Yoga final (some of which contains Sanskrit), the Theories of Human Learning final, and the World Civilization 2 final...The Families and Students in a Diverse Society final is optional, but you do have to take it if you want an A in the class, so I'll probably go ahead and be an overachiever and reach for that A...Besides, if I do poorly, it can't hurt my grade...In both Sculpture 1 and Figure Drawing 1, I will only have a final critique, so no pressure there.

The day after Finals are over, I get to move into the on-campus apartments! And then that Monday, Maymester begins. It'll be 3 whole weeks of nothing but Education classes...I'm actually excited about it because I'll be working side-by-side with an art teacher at a junior high school. I've already met her and she seems really fun!

Oh, and at Room Selection on Tuesday, Celeste (my roommate and self-proclaimed twin) and I got into the on-campus apartments! It's a big thing because they're MUCH nicer than the dorms...In the apartments, we will share a bathroom with only 2 other girls, who we both know and love! And our other neighbor will be Mantha, whom I've known and loved since 8th grade. The apartments also have a full kitchen! The dorms only have a tiny, crappy, useless one...Anyways, we also opted for the 7-meal-a-week plan. We plan to take full advantage of our culinary skills and that full kitchen...We're also going to learn to buy in bulk...I'll probably end up just finding my way to the nearest Sam's Club and signing up for a membership card. My mom's got one, so I'll talk to her about it more later.

Speaking of my mother, I don't think she's too thrilled that I want to stay here for the summer. She's always had a bit of a problem with me being independent. But I'm 20 years old, and I think it's time to continue cutting on that umbilical cord! I began the process 2 years ago when I came to this university, which is a 3-hour drive from my house...At least it's in the same state! Well, I do feel bad about not visiting my parents very often, but this is how life goes! Parents have child, child grows up and learns from parents, child moves off from parents to lead an independent life. I'm at that third and final step of being a child...Though, I still plan to visit my parents over the summer. My mom's having that "empty nest" syndrome. I'm the oldest of 2 kids. My younger (I don't say little because he's bigger than me...) brother is a Senior in high school this year. Fortunately for mom, he's planning to attend the local community college for the first 2 years, meaning he'll be living at home. Then he's transferring to a state university. I'm currently attending a private university...Anyways, yeah, mom's got the "empty nest" syndrome...But she'll be fine. She'll come to enjoy the peace and quiet...Not to mention the amount of control she'll have over the remote control! My dad's a trucker, so he's only home on weekends...

Okay, now, for a complete and utter change in topic! I'm going to an anime convention this weekend! My boyfriend, 2 of our friends, and I are all leaving tomorrow afternoon, around 2:30 or so. I'm utterly ecstatic!! My fiance and I were going to go as male and female Ranma, from "Ranma 1/2", but his wig still hasn't come in, and if it doesn't come in by tomorrow, he's going as Kakuzu, and I'm going as Sasori, both from "Naruto". One of our friends is going as himself, as he is a character all his own. Our other friend will probably borrow whichever costume I don't use, as she's relatively the same size as me.

Oh, by the way, feel free to color my latest lineart!

Well, that's it for now! Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Laughter is always the best medicine...Unless your ribs are broken...~~

Huzzah For Cosplay!!

Mood: Squee! Music: N'Sync "Space Cowboy" Haha, I did some cosplay yesterday. Nothing major. I had to take my own pictures. TT^TT Anyways, I cosplayed as Sasori!! Thought I'd just post quickly and share the cosplay love... ...

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Mood: tired...
Music: Jet "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?"

Well, we didn't get out of classes today. They were just delayed until 10:00 am. We were out yesterday, though, so it's okay. We did get snow. I was up until 1:30 am or so. At midnight, it started snowing, and it made me happy inside. I love snow...It's so pretty...And white...And cold...I wanted to run outside and dance in it and catch snowflakes on my tongue, but I was already in my pajamas, and I wasn't going to change back into my clothes...

My plushie comic is going over well. I don't really have any ideas for the direction at the moment. Just whatever strikes me as a funny or interesting idea at the moment. I'm contemplating making Sasori and Deidara play DDR, but it's hard to make plushies stand up...Perhaps I could use string? Mwahaha!! I might just do that!! I could even involve their bedmate, Kadaj...

Well, not much else is going on. Got a tiny bit of homework, but it's just drawing a visual aid for Zero Reject (it means no child can be rejected from a public school) in my Families and Students class, and for that, I'm drawing chibis!! There's a boy in a wheelchair, a girl with a hearing aid, and a blind boy, and they're all smiling! I just have to ink and color it. And then I have to study some vocabulary terms for World Civ 2...I'll post the chibis when I'm done.

Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~While you're outside looking in, describing what you see, remember what you're staring at is me~~

Grand Theft Idea...

Mood: uber-hyper
Music: Madonna "Die Another Day"

Well, I've seen several of those photo-comic things, and I thought to myself, "Hm...Is it possible I could do one of those? I wonder..." So I looked around my room to see if I had some stars...And lo and behold, my eyes came to rest upon my plushies! So, as opposed to action figures (which I actually considered buying...), I will be using my plushies. Mainly Sasori and Deidara, but Kadaj might make a few guest appearances. Perhaps I'll steal Daku's Hinata and Itachi? I dunno yet. But I'll just change my Angel Tears world and see what I can do!

In other news, I officially passed my Praxis I Exam! So, I'm well on my way to becoming a teacher! Huzzah!

Oh, and some of my classes might get cancelled tomorrow, due to an ice storm. Cold weather season has finally arrived in my part of the U.S.!

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~"Danna! Danna! I need you to wake up, un!" "You can go to the bathroom by yourSELF, brat..." "No, I don't have to go to the bathroom, un." "Oh, then is it THAT kind of need? *evil grin*" "*glare* No, danna. I need you to wake up, un! You're sleeping on my hair!"~~