Hush, Love, Don't cry,
It'll be alright,
Hold me close,
As I administer the dose,
Listen to my lullaby of lies.

You Left Me With A Crying Disease...

Mood: Bleh...
Music: Blue October "X Amount of Words"

So, it's Day Three...Again, stolen from Waffuru...

Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip
Day six: a quote
Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy

So, for the book, I choose...Um...Wow, it's so hard for me to choose a book!! I'm going to have to go with:
Anne Rice's "Tale of the Body Thief"! I'm about halfway through it, but it offers such a refreshing point of view on one of the most famous anti-heroes of all time: The Vampire Lestat de Lioncourt.

Oh, and I have awesome news! Yesterday, Daku bought me an easel!! Now I can paint in my room!! I'm ecstatic!!

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Deidara: I've never understood the purpose of babies. They're little carbon-copies of their parents. It's pure vanity...
Sasori: What if Hugh Jackman was standing shirtless in front of you? What would you say then?

Huzzah For Cosplay!!

Mood: Squee! Music: N'Sync "Space Cowboy" Haha, I did some cosplay yesterday. Nothing major. I had to take my own pictures. TT^TT Anyways, I cosplayed as Sasori!! Thought I'd just post quickly and share the cosplay love... ...

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Mood: tired...
Music: Jet "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?"

Well, we didn't get out of classes today. They were just delayed until 10:00 am. We were out yesterday, though, so it's okay. We did get snow. I was up until 1:30 am or so. At midnight, it started snowing, and it made me happy inside. I love snow...It's so pretty...And white...And cold...I wanted to run outside and dance in it and catch snowflakes on my tongue, but I was already in my pajamas, and I wasn't going to change back into my clothes...

My plushie comic is going over well. I don't really have any ideas for the direction at the moment. Just whatever strikes me as a funny or interesting idea at the moment. I'm contemplating making Sasori and Deidara play DDR, but it's hard to make plushies stand up...Perhaps I could use string? Mwahaha!! I might just do that!! I could even involve their bedmate, Kadaj...

Well, not much else is going on. Got a tiny bit of homework, but it's just drawing a visual aid for Zero Reject (it means no child can be rejected from a public school) in my Families and Students class, and for that, I'm drawing chibis!! There's a boy in a wheelchair, a girl with a hearing aid, and a blind boy, and they're all smiling! I just have to ink and color it. And then I have to study some vocabulary terms for World Civ 2...I'll post the chibis when I'm done.

Stay classy, Otakuites!

~~While you're outside looking in, describing what you see, remember what you're staring at is me~~

Grand Theft Idea...

Mood: uber-hyper
Music: Madonna "Die Another Day"

Well, I've seen several of those photo-comic things, and I thought to myself, "Hm...Is it possible I could do one of those? I wonder..." So I looked around my room to see if I had some stars...And lo and behold, my eyes came to rest upon my plushies! So, as opposed to action figures (which I actually considered buying...), I will be using my plushies. Mainly Sasori and Deidara, but Kadaj might make a few guest appearances. Perhaps I'll steal Daku's Hinata and Itachi? I dunno yet. But I'll just change my Angel Tears world and see what I can do!

In other news, I officially passed my Praxis I Exam! So, I'm well on my way to becoming a teacher! Huzzah!

Oh, and some of my classes might get cancelled tomorrow, due to an ice storm. Cold weather season has finally arrived in my part of the U.S.!

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~"Danna! Danna! I need you to wake up, un!" "You can go to the bathroom by yourSELF, brat..." "No, I don't have to go to the bathroom, un." "Oh, then is it THAT kind of need? *evil grin*" "*glare* No, danna. I need you to wake up, un! You're sleeping on my hair!"~~


Mood: Urgh...
Music: Um...None...I'm converting some AVI files to WMV

So, yeah, when I got back from A2F, I discovered my Media Player would no longer play AVI files. I tried updating my Player, but it didn't work. Then I found a way to convert the files!! *insert Final Fantasy victory music here* So that's what I'm up to right now!

Hm...Oh! I'm excited about this week! I'll be getting 3 packages in the mail from! 2 of them are Daku's presents. I bought him a polyresin dragon box and a belt buckle with a Celtic design on it. The other package is for me...It's something I've been searching for, and yet haven't found...UNTIL NOW!!! It's the original Dance Dance Revolution for the PlayStation 1! HELLZ YEAH, BOIIIII!!!!! I can't wait 'til it comes in!! I'ma be up in mah room, playin' it aaalllll niiiiight loooooong....

External Image

That's about it for now...

Works In Progress
~Happy Thanksgiving! (Sasori and Deidara as a pilgrim and a Native American, 50% complete)
~Dragoste Din Tei (random doodling, 50% complete)

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~If we're supposed to be God-fearing, does that mean we're supposed to have Zeusophobia?~~