Hush, Love, Don't cry,
It'll be alright,
Hold me close,
As I administer the dose,
Listen to my lullaby of lies.

Underwater Friends...

Mood: Bleh...
Music: None (watching South Park)

So, I've been pretty busy lately. Classes are kicking my butt...I'm quite literally battling all the work for my classes. It's cool, though. I'll go to Valhalla if I die in battle. Haha.

I don't think I'll have time to do any of the challenges I said I'd do. I've lost my will to draw anything other than Toki at the moment...It's pretty sad. I will try to work on any challenge entries I said I do, but I'm making no promises. I know I should have time for that one of just drawing an OC. That challenge isn't over until December. As for the Hayao Miyazaki and Halloween '09 challenges, I'm making no promises. I'm really sorry...

The good news is that I should have some new fan art to post this week. Most of it is class doodles of Dethklok (mainly Toki). But one of them I drew and colored earlier tonight. It's Toki. *sigh* Yeah, obsession, I know...But anyways, I drew him and colored him with colored pencils. It's been FOREVER since I colored with those!! He came out very freakin' adorable and lovable. I'm not keen on Metalocalypse slash, but I can safely say that the other members of Dethklok might just not be able to resist little sugary-sweet Toki. HE'S TOO CUTE FOR HIS OWN GOOD!!! And geez, that frackin' innocent act!! If you've seen the episode called "Bluesklok", or any episode that shows Toki shirtless, you'll know that he is RIPPED!! Gah, it drives me nuts!! How can one so smexy be so innocent?!

*cricket cricket*

Anyways, sorry for the fangirl rant...

Haha, I've recently been picking up a little Norwegian. I decided to set all my Facebook statuses in Norwegian today, and it's pretty cool. My future mother-in-law told me I should "stop liking my own viking" earlier. I think I'm gonna keep up the Norwegian status thing. It's fun. And it confuses people.

Celeste has all my plushies in her lap...

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Banana stickers ams TOTALLY metals!~~

It Tickles...

Mood: Meh...
Music: None (Celeste and her Netflix...)

So, it's finally Day Seven of this crazy posting thing...Stolen from Waffuru...

Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip
Day six: a quote

Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy

So, what tickles my fancy? Hm...What, indeed? Allow me to indulge in my obsession one last time:
I give you --- TOKI WARTOOTH!!! Some pictures and a YouTube clip...
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Yay for weird dreams!!

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Ain't he cute? Freakin' adorable...Yes, he's like, the most innocent one in the band...

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He's Norwegian...And slips in and out of diabetic comas when he eats a lot of candy...

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The blonde Swedish guy is Skwisgaar...According to Toki, "He is dildoes."

The video is long, but awesome!

And just so you all know, I was kind of scarred when I looked up the pictures...EVERY FANDOM will have slash, no matter what kind of fandom it is...I hate uber-stupid fangirls who think that just because there are no female main characters, it means they have to make slash pairings...
*chunks bricks at fangirls*

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!!

~~Candy tastes like chicken, if chicken was a candy.~~

If I Just Lay Here...

Mood: Eating...
Music: Muse "Supermassive Black Hole"

Day Six...Stolen from Waffuru...Enjoy...

Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site
Day five: a youtube clip

Day six: a quote
Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy

So, my quote, because I'm still on my Metalocalypse/Dethklok kick, comes from *long, exaggerated drum-roll* METALOCALYPSE!!!
"Toki Wartooth: What's this place called?
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: This place, I believe, is called 'food libraries.'
Toki Wartooth: Fooood... libraries...
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Fooood... libraries...
Pickles the Drummer: It's called a grocery store you douchebags! I'm sorry about douchebags, I got... I got low blood sugar."

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!



Mood: Nationally Socialistic...
Music: None (Celeste is watching Law & Order)

So, it's Day Five...Stolen from Waffuru...

Day one: a song
Day two: a picture
Day three: a book/ebook/fanfic
Day four: a site

Day five: a youtube clip
Day six: a quote
Day seven: whatever tickles your fancy

Because I've recently been on a Dethklok/Metalocalypse kick (read: OBSESSION), I'm going to post a clip from Metalocalypse!! Yay!!

Yay, it's Toki!! He's my favorite...He acts like a kid!! I actually drew him as a chibi today in class...Along with his teddy...

So, other than this, I've recently been forced into a creative explosion due to the looming critique in 2D Studio...It's tomorrow...Lucky me...I've got 3 1/2 pieces to show. Most of them are "negative" emotions...For example, I've got Rage, Despair, and Guilt completed...The one that's half finished is Freedom...I'm going to finish it later today...I will post them soon...

Well, stay classy, Otakuites!

~~Skwisgaar Skwigelf: This is a complete and total, you know, sausage
Toki Wartooth: I love sausage festival!
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: What?
Toki Wartooth: Like in Vienna.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: No - no, Toki, that *was* a sausage festival.
Toki Wartooth: Yeah, that was good.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Yeah. It was the Vienna pork saus - um, no, this
means that theres no good-looking ladies to put you-know-what
intoside of them.
Toki Wartooth: The sausage?
Skwisgaar Skwigelf: [short pause] Yeah. Anyway, what were you talking
about, like, a second ago? Im sorry I cut you off.~~