Welcome to Creative Community!

About UsMembers ListRulesResourcesLessons • Event HistoryCritiquesJobsContact Us

This is a WORLD full of resources dedicated to the aspiring artists of theOtaku of all kinds. The term 'artist' is not limited to the categories on theOtaku. Art can range from sculptures, photography, writing, film, graphic art, and much more! We will have a collection of various tutorials and references to offer that will help you improve and learn new skills in whatever you specialize. However, in order to improve, one must also receive feedback on their work. The members of the Creative Community will be available to provide critiques and aid you on your journey as an artist.

Along with the goal of assisting other artists, this is, after all, a community, and we would like to also make this a place where you can meet new people that share your same interests. This is a friendly haven that will hopefully bring together the many members of theO.

If you wish to join this community, please subscribe so you can receive notification on when new things are posted and fill out an application. Members who have subscribed and sent in an application will be given the Guest Poster privilege, and will be able to ask for critiques on their work. To maintain Guest Poster privilege, please provide critiques to other users so everyone can benefit.

This site is designed to run without a lot of supervision. Features such as critiques and corrections depend on the activity of members. Administrators have the responsibility of coming up with events and updating the website every now and then. So please act appropriately and stay friendly.

Click here to join now!
If you decide not to, thank you for taking the time to stop by! :)

Administrative Team:
FUNimation - Founder & President
WyvernWings - Earl of English & Writing Aficionado
harvestmoonluvr - SHSL Harvest Goddess
KeybladeMewKasa - AMV Queen & Resident Grammar Nazi

Monthly Challenge: Create a Candy Character
Weekly Challenge: Life Drawing Study

Tag List
Special Thanks

Administrative Team

The Administrative Team is in charge of moderating the Creative Community and keeping it updated. Leaders have access to this account, can grant or remove Guest Poster privilege, come up with the Monthly and Weekly challenges, and provide prizes for challenges and contests. Admins are the only ones with access to the Community Backroom.

FUNimation - Founder & President - Send a Message
Hello everyone! I am the proud creator of this group and I'm excited to see what we'll provide for theOtaku community. I've been a member of this site for a very long time. I was part of the Version Redefined generation. As time went on and more of my friends left or became less active, it seemed to spread among the whole community. Even on my and my friends' silly 12 year old drawings, I would get a ton of comments. Nowadays, I've noticed, even the top eight have very few comments. I created this group in hopes to bring back some of that friendliness and involvement that I know and love about theO. This site has helped me grow so much as a person and I want many of the newer members to see what a great group of people are here. I would have never pursued art if it weren't for the feedback I got from my friends. "Awesome job!" and "Keep up the good work!" may have been concise and repetitive in the comments on many different artworks, but it still meant a lot to me, and I know it did for a lot of other people as well.

My contributions to this community will be mainly focused on coloring and drawing people, but I'm also knowledgeable on graphic design. Unlike drawing, I've taken graphic design classes for three years. I'm most familiar with Photoshop, and I earned my Adobe Certified Associate in PSCS6. I've had an internship with some local graphic designers; the knowledge I gained in my internship allowed me to also earn my Adobe Certified Associate in Illustrator. I'm willing to help anyway I can, and I always love talking to new people. So please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions over anything!

WyvernWings - Earl of English & Writing Aficionado - Send A Message
Ahoy! Upon seeing this world in my backroom, I decided to check it out as I've come to respect Fun-chan's work. I'm not sure what I expected, but such a promising invention exceeded anything I could have dreamed up. Though I've only been here for about two years, I've already come to call theO home, and I want to make everyone's experience here the best it can be. I've been a part of several RP worlds, (TheMCC and PGR to name the most active ones), and my writing has exponentially improved because of my participation. When I began, my posts rarely received comments, and I attributed that to my unsatisfactory skills. I wasn't a terrible writer per se, but I wasn't very good either. Over the years, I've gotten better, and even when my posts are longer than they should be (my record is 33 pages on Google Drive), people comment to tell me what they think. Normally, they offer praise, but I love all comments, criticism and hate mail included. I've been able to grow because my desire for improvement fueled my drive. Writing is my passion, and I hope to share my love of the art with everyone I can.

I will be contributing my assistance on all things writing. Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, poetry or novels, I hope to offer my experience and advice to those who strive for success in the art of writing. I have been writing since eighth grade, and in that time, I've written poetry, short stories, monologues, novels and scripts. My most recent script is going to be used by my high school in the curriculum devoted to igniting a sense of community and understanding among the students. My English teachers over the years have encouraged me to publish my fictional writings. As for nonfiction, I have been on the staff of my school newspaper for two years, and I've managed our online presence enough to garner the attention of a local paper. I've won third place and honorable mention for a statewide poetry contest, and I successfully completely NaNoWriMo the first year (2013) I attempted to conquer it. My involvement on theO has consisted mainly of writing communities, and I intend on continuing my participating as long as I can. If you have any questions or concerns with your writing, I will drop everything to help you. I love editing and critiquing work, but I am very willing to solely offer suggestions, too. If I can help in anyway, don't hesitate to contact me! Meeting people who are passionate about writing and what they create is a pleasure of mine, and I look forward to working with you!

harvestmoonluvr - SHSL Harvest Goddess - Send a Message

Greetings! My name is harvestmoonluvr, and I've been a member of theOtaku for six years now. I've come a long way thanks to this community. Over the years, I've seen a lot of otaku-friends come and go... so I'm pretty excited to forge new relationships with the members of Creative Community. We're all artists here, and I'm excited to share my experience and talents with all of you.

My specialties include Digital media, Photoshop, and basic Drawing and Anatomy. Though my Photoshop skills are self taught, I'm a freshman at the Art Institutes, and so far I've received formal schooling in design, life drawing, anatomy, and even animation. If you have any questions regarding these topics, feel free to ask! :)

Happy Drawing!

KeybladeMewKasa - AMV Queen & Resident Grammar Nazi - Send a Message

Heyo! As a member of theOtaku since 2007, this website is truly a place I call home. I've formed many great friendships here over the years, and I'm excited to help liven up the community again!

I like to consider myself a bit of a Jack-of-all-trades, but my specialty is video editing, also known as "vidding" or just "editing." I edit with various media--mainly anime, manga, and video games, but I've dabbled in live action and my own recordings/short films (read: school projects)--and have been doing so for seven years. I got my start with Windows Movie Maker, but currently edit using Sony Vegas. I'm hoping to encourage budding editors here to branch out, explore, and improve their abilities. If anyone has any questions about programs, downloads, effects, their videos, etc, please feel free to ask me!

Along with editing, I'm also a big writing fan, and hope to contribute to the Community in this area as well. My actual 'creative' writing abilities may not be the best, but I'm a pretty decent proofreader/editor. So, if you ever wanna fine-tune your work, don't hesitate to ask! I'm also a huuuge lover of worldbuilding, especially in fantasy stories. If you ever want opinions or ideas on how to bring your worlds to life, I'll do my best!

I also do various mediums of artwork, but on much rarer occassions, so I probably will not be contributing as much in these areas. Regardless, let's all show our creativity and share our love for the arts!

About Us

This is a information page that describes all of the features and benefits of the Creative Community. If you are interested in being a part of the Community, we encourage you to join! Feel free to message the Creative Community if you have any questions.

The Creative Community provides a friendly and inspirational environment to encourage the learning and growing of artists of all kinds, giving access to several artistic resources, such as tutorials, references, and constructive criticism from members. We want to advocate the coming together of artists to help improve each other's skills, encourage one another, and build connections and relationships. We believe that great things come from working together. The Community is designed to be beneficial without constant supervision, so artists are welcome to use our many features to their benefit.


Resources - Open to Everyone

The Resources page is open to everyone and serves as a database for artists to access several artistic resources. There are so many artist sites and tutorial pages out there, so the Resources help organise all of the sites so artists can easily find them. The resources are divided up into several categories in attempt to cover the many different forms of art. Inspirational artists are also included in this section.

Lessons - Open to Everyone

Lessons are a series of tutorials arranged to reach a specific goal or teach a certain subject. This can include things such as certifications (e.g. Adobe Certification Associate), learning different styles (e.g. Manga to Realism tutorial), crash courses on different media (e.g. Vector Diary's 30 Day Illustrator Crash Course), and more! Lessons are developed by members and provide in-depth explanations and/or tutorials for the benefit of other artists and is open to anyone. They can either use up several posts or be compiled into a single post. Whichever you choose, be sure to have at least a majority of it planned out for our members.

Events - Open to Everyone, but prizes and evaluations are member exclusive

Creative Community events are Admin run and focus on challenging our members and bringing together artists. Only Community members can earn prizes if they are offered, but we still encourage non-members to be involved in our events.

When are events?
Weekly challenges will begin on the Monday of the week that the month begins. The week will end on Friday with a Comment Day. Collaboration challenges will be the last weekly challenge of the month. Monthly Challenges will generally begin on the first day of every month and end on the last day of the month; contests can last up to three months.

Events include:

Monthly and Weekly challenges are designed to improve artistic skills and test artists' creativity. Monthly challenges have a general theme for all mediums of art to participate. Weekly challenges will have slightly more specific themes/subjects so artists can focus on certain skills. The last weekly challenge for every month will be a collaboration challenge where members will have to work together with each other. Any Community challenge will be recorded in the Event History page so artists can go back and try challenges they missed. Challenges are meant to be fun and creative, but some challenges may become contests to include fun prizes (at the discretion of the Administrative Team).

Comment Day
Comment Day is held once every week on Friday. Members of the Community will go out and share encouraging and constructive comments with theO community. Members participating in Comment Day are encouraged to comment on every submission in every section (or at least in their specialty section: Fanart, ecards/wallpapers, etc.). We want to encourage learning and creativity throughout the whole theO community. Members are also encouraged to welcome new members with the use of theO's New Member Introduction feature.

Community Evaluations
Community Evaluations, which is member exclusive, will be held at the end of the month and ask members for feedback on improvements that need to be made to the Community and suggestions on new resources and events. Member nominations are also included in evaluations and are used to recognize exemplary members in the Community.

Critiques - Member Exclusive

The Critique feature of Creative Community is dependent on member activity and is exclusive to Community members. Members can use their guest posting privileges to link to or post their art and ask for critiques from the Community. The Community provides positive and constructive criticism to other members in order to help artists improve their skills. Please comment on the piece itself rather than the post asking for the critique. The Critique feature also includes an analysis of other artist works to try to decide what techniques and skills other artists used in their pieces. With the permission and request of the original artist, other artists can draw over or redraw a drawing to identify the mistakes in the specific piece and show the artist how to correct it.

Jobs - Member Exclusive

Our Job page is a member exclusive feature that advertise artists offering commissions/requests/art trades and people looking for artists to complete a certain job. For example, people could use this feature to collect drawings of their own original character from different artists. This would allow artists to pick and choose what they want to draw. Requests and art trades are voluntary, but commissions involve money. Make sure you use the terminology according to this description to avoid confusion throughout the Community. If you wish to be advertised, please message the Creative Community for details. *Important!!* Jobs must be arranged between the artist and the client.The Job feature of the Community is only meant to advertise artists and opportunities. The Administrative Team cannot be held responsible for any miscommunication, failed transactions, or unkept promises. Please act appropriately, professionally, and responsibly.


We hope you consider joining the Community to share in our creative energy. If you decide not to, we still allow access to several of our features to non-members. Thank you for taking the time for learning about the Creative Community, and we wish you good luck in your journey as an artist!

Join the Creative Community!

Thank you for applying for the Creative Community! Please fill out the following form and message it to Creative Community. The application is designed to not only keep track of who's in the Community, but to also find ways to improve the community and get to know members. Applicants should receive a verification of their membership and guest poster privilege within three days after submission. If no reply is received or you're not included in the member list, please message one of the Administrative Team Members. Though it is optional, we also encourage you to introduce yourself to the Community in the comments of this post using your application as a guide.

Please read the rules before applying.

Nickname(how you wish to be referred as):
Specialty(list programs, media, tools, writing/drawing/sculpting, etc.):
Administrative member or normal member?
How do you wish to contribute to the Community?
What are you good at?
What skills do you want to improve?
(Optional)What tutorials/references/resources would you like to see more of?
(Optional) What experience do you have (any classes, internships, certifications, etc.)?
(Optional) Would you be willing to help create Lesson Plans based on assignments you've learned?

Submit your Application


Please adhere to rules of this community, even though there are not many. Those who do not follow the rules will eventually get their guest posting privileges taken. The Administrative Team has the right and power to add rules to this list. Please be sure to reread the rules if the Admins have updated it.

First Offence: Warning from the Administrative Team
Second Offence: Guest posting privileges will be taken
Third Offence: You will be blocked

- Please thoroughly read through the About Us page to fully understand the many features of the Creative Community.
- Show kindness to your fellow members. No badmouthing or name calling. Also, please refrain from cursing.
- Always keep comments constructive and positive. This community is dedicated to the encouragement of learning and growing of artists.
- Be professional. Offer help to other members and don't hide from your mistakes. Be accountable.
- Take criticism positively; it's directed towards your art, not towards you as a person. Avoid becoming offended and defensive against criticism that is meant to make you a better artist. Even if you disagree with a member, criticisms are suggestions. You don't have to follow what they say.
- Report anyone acting inappropriately so we can maintain a safe and positive environment.
- You must tag all of your posts so we can organize all the posts. Also, please tag any of your guest posts with your username. Please review the tag list to learn about appropriate tagging.
- If you have a job offer or you want to provide commissions, you must get the approval of the Administrative Team first.

Contact Us

If you need to contact the Creative Community Administrative Team, please feel free to message us at any time. If you don't hear back within three days, try messaging the members through their personal accounts.

Click here to send a message

You may contact the Team for the following reasons:
- Applying for a membership
- Reporting misconduct and misbehaving members
- Reporting a mistake with Creative Community content or a lack of updating
- Providing suggestions for future events or ways to improve the community
- Suggesting tutorials, resources, or new categories for the Resource page.
- Getting approval for request/job
- You have a question