August - Art Monthly Challenge - Design a Candy Character

Type of Event: Monthly Challenge
Introduction: Using candy as inspiration, create an original candy character.
Instructions: There are several different candies in the world, all with their own flavors and textures. Using your creative eye, first study a wide arrangement of candy. Analyze how lighting and texture differentiate the different surfaces of candy. This will help you create a realistic candy character. You may incorporate candy into your character any way possible. The candy could just be their clothes, or the character itself can be made of candy. Get creative. I will provide resources for inspiration, but I would advise to not look at them for long. Often when artists look at something to get ideas, the image that they have studied will become stuck in their brains, and it'll limit their creative thinking. Do not let yourself become stuck on one concept. Experiment and have fun. Don't forget to name your character.
Resources: Concept Cookie Candy StudyCC Summer Contest (Scroll to the bottom for contest entries)WiR Sugar Rush charactersAT Candy People

