Bound By You kitabug69

Part 3

Two months had past and Light and Oki had become close friends. Not only was Oki and Light’s friendship growing, but so was the intensity of the Kira case as new evidence was brought forth.

It was lunchtime as Light walked through the campus grounds. Thoughts running wild in his head as Ryuk followed close behind not saying a word.

As they walked, a couple of bubbly girls walked past, speaking in that unnaturally happy manner that teenage girls somehow manage to pull off.

“...this weird guy? Why would somebody confess to the Kira killings? How stupid is that?!” said the taller girl. They both giggled.

The shorter girl added, “he's gotta be some desperate otaku with no life and no girlfriend. HEE-HEE! This is probably his screwed up way to...”

The girls had moved past earshot, but the nature of the conversation had been clearly apparent to Ryuk, and therefore must have been to his companion as well. Ryuk looked over at Light, expecting to see some form of a reaction on his calm cool face. He was disappointed, as Light did not seem to have even noticed the girls or their conversation. Ryuk felt he could not let the incident go without at least acknowledging it.

“Light, what are you going to do about this other person claiming to be Kira?” Ryuk inquired of his companion.

Without answering, Light walked along looking for a place to sit and enjoy his lunch.

“If I were you, I would really start thinking about the Shinigami eyes. They could come to be an advantage for you when the time comes.” Ryuk told him. “Sure they have a price... but sometimes it’s a price worth paying. In your case, it’s a price that’s worth paying twice.”

Light took a seat at the bench he and Oki had been sitting at for the last eight weeks. Ryuk, who had been hovering above the ground, stepped down softly before coming to rest in front of Light.

“Well what are you thinking about?” Ryuk inquired.

“I am thinking about what an annoyance you have become ever since we learned about this other person claiming to be Kira. You have not let it rest.” Light retorted as he opened his box lunch to see what his mother had fixed for him.

“Well it is not like this guy is going to just disappear. He has to finish the Death Note...” Ryuk managed to say before he was interrupted.

“Yes, I know, but I am sure I can find him or her.”

“You think the false Kira might be a girl?!” Ryuk asked incredulously.

“At this point and time I cannot overlook that possibility, Ryuk.”

Just then, Light saw Oki approaching them. He quickly got to his feet with a cheerful smile on his face.

Oki stepped up to Light hugging him. Light could feel the stress of the day and of the case lift slightly as he held Oki in his arms. “You look as stressed out as L, Light. The Kira case must be getting to you guys.”

“So I take it L told you what was going on?” Light replied, pulling away from the hug slightly.

“He did not have to. It was all over the TV last night. I have to say I am a little scared for you and L. This guy is a real freak,” Oki said.

Light slowly pulled Oki back to him resting his cheek on top of her head. “You have nothing to worry about. I will be fine.”

Oki hugged Light again. “What about L? Kira wants L dead and now with the second Kira. L is likely going to be discovered.”

“As long as L stays out of sight he will be safe,” Light told her.

“I hope you are right, Light. I really do.”


As the time passed, Light, Oki, and L all became close friends. The three of them spent great amounts of time together since they first met. Oki also began to notice that the two boys competed over her friendship constantly. But due to the interference of L, Oki had been unable to get Light to touch her Death Note, so Light had not yet met Amaterasu.

As the school day passed, Oki noticed Light was absent and started to wonder what might be going on with him. It was not like Light to miss a day of school.

Even when the school day was over Light was still firmly on the forefront of her mind. Oki had a hunch L was drawing closer to finding out the identity of the Kira’s and she was getting nervous. But while Oki walked home she smiled. “I finally have a plan to get Light to meet with Ammy...” she thought to herself.

Later that day, Light arrived at the Kira investigation headquarters, and found L sitting with the other investigators around the coffee table. They were talking about the newest evidence in the case.

“Ahh... Light, there you are. Oki called me today wondering if I had seen you. You know you two really need to exchange numbers,” L called out.

I bet that made his day. Oki called him asking about me and not him,” Light thought to himself with a smile.

“You can go now and thank you,” L said as he motioned for everyone’s dismissal. L stood from his seat and went over to Light.

“I was not feeling well today. I think I had a slight cold,” Light told L.

“I am sorry to hear that, Light. I hope you are feeling better now.”

“Yes, after getting some rest, I feel much better.”

“Good, come over here,” L told him as he walked back to his chair. Light took a seat on the couch.

“So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?” Light asked.

“In a slight hurry, Light?”

“Yes a little, I have fallen behind in some things because of my cold. Also, I have plans to meet Oki for tea tonight. I still have things to do at home and for school, so time is short,” Light explained.

L took a moment to gather his thoughts then asked, “Light, did you know Oki was dying?”

“Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?” Light said, shocked.

“Well I was wondering if you knew this. I noticed you and Oki were becoming quite the couple here lately,” L told him.

“Oki and I are friends and that’s all. And yes, I knew Oki was dying. I have known...”

L interrupted him, “it is good that you know,” he said. “Her doctor told me she has little time left here with us.”

“Don’t tell me she is under investigation, L” Light replied angrily.

L gave Light a shocked look. “Well, no... She doesn’t have the personality traits I would expect for her to be a viable suspect.” L looked at Light, “you checked up on her as well, right?”

“While we are on the subject of the investigation, why, when you first met Oki, did you tell her your identity? And why did you tell her I was working on the Kira case? I thought we were keeping these facts secret to protect ourselves,” Light said slightly agitated.

L shrugged his shoulders, “you bring this up now after two months have passed…?” He paused and shook his head, “well… I thought she could be trusted with that bit of information. And besides, she’s cute.”

“So if Kira, or the impostor Kira, happens to be some really cute girl. Are you going to give her the names and pictures of the entire investigative team in hopes that she will go on a date with you?” Light asked.

“Why are you getting so upset, Light? I was only trying to befriend her. After all, getting to know your friends tells me a lot about your personality. I am still trying to clear you from my suspicions,” L replied. He casually picked up a piece of chocolate from the table and put it in his mouth.

“I had just met Oki,” Light retorted.

“Umm… That is true,” L confessed while still chewing on the chocolate, “in all reality Light, I thought she was cute and I wanted to get to know her.”

Light got to his feet, “well stay away from her. She does not need to be concerned about this investigation. She already has enough to deal with, on account of her illness.”

“Well now, Light, you are a little overprotective to be just friends,” L replied.

“I am telling you this, L, because Kira wants you dead. If she is friends with you and Kira actually does end up killing you, it will only put Oki through more pain,” Light said.

“Don't you think that is a choice she should make for herself? After all, she is still going to be your friend and you are also working on the Kira case. How do you know Kira has not targeted you as well? He has targeted other investigators. What makes you so special?”

“I don't know if Kira has targeted me or not. He may have, but no one but us, and now Oki knows I am working this case. So it is very unlikely I am being targeted by Kira,” Light countered.

L looked up as he chewed on the tip of his thumb and thought to himself. “Of course Kira does not have you targeted. Why would you target yourself?” He looked over at Light, “umm... yes, you do have a good point there Light. However, Oki can pick her own friends.”

Light just looked at L as he sat there, choosing to say nothing in return.

“Well Light? Shall I take you to look at this newest evidence?” L asked as he got to his feet.

“Yes, let’s get this over with quickly. I need to hurry and get back on schedule before I have to meet with Oki tonight.”


Later that evening Light headed for the front door of his house. He was finally on his way to go meet Oki. In a hurry, he grabbed his jacket before calling out to his mother, “I will be home in a couple of hours!”

“Have fun Light and be careful,” came her reply from somewhere inside the house.

“I will mom. I am only meeting a friend for tea,” Light paused to look at his watch. “And I am late,” Light muttered.

Once at the café Light spotted Oki in a booth and headed her way.

“Late again I see,” L said standing behind Light.

Light turned to the sound of L’s voice. “L, what are you doing here?” he demanded.

“I wanted something sweet and I remembered that this place had the best sundaes. To my surprise when I arrived I found Oki, and she told me that she was waiting for you to show up, but that you were terribly late. So I decided to sit with her so she would not have to wait alone,” L walked past Light toward Oki’s booth. Light followed behind him.

Oki stood as she saw L and Light approach the booth then looked down at her watch. “Where have you been Light? I was starting to worry about you.”

“I am sorry Oki. I was too ill for class this morning, so I had to catch up in my schoolwork. But now I’m here,” Light explained.

“I’m glad you are feeling better.”

Light smiled at her, “you do not need to worry about me so much,” he said.

“That’s right, Light is a big boy he can take care of himself,” L chimed in.

“You can go now, L. I think I can pick up where you left off.”

L looked at Light with a confused look. “We are still waiting for our sundaes; they have not brought them out yet.”

Light sighed heavily. “We? I thought you said you came here to get something sweet.”

“Well I did, but when I saw Oki here all alone I thought I would buy her one as well,” L explained.

Why is L doing this?” Light thought to himself. “Why can't he just go away? Oki is never going to be able to bring out her Death Note at this rate.”

Date Published
11/11/08 (Originally Created: 11/10/08)
A World of Fantasy
Death Note Fan Words
10 hugs hug
12 members Favoritefavorite
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