Bound By You kitabug69

Part 2

The next morning Light and Ryuk were walking back to school. Ryuk was hovering behind Light as usual, while Light walked thoughtfully.

When they made it to the school campus, Ryuk spotted Oki walking towards them.

“There she is,” Ryuk announced.

Light then looked up to see Oki coming their way. A smile came to Light's face and he stopped walking as Oki approached them.

“Good morning, Oki,” Light greeted her.

“Good morning, Light,” Oki replied, stopping to bow.

“So how are you feeling today?” Light asked.

Maybe Ryuk told him about me.” Oki thought to herself before responding. “I am doing well. Better than most days I must say.” She smiled despite thinking of her death for a moment.

“I am glad to hear that,” Light replied before smiling as her eyes caught the sunlight. “She seems so happy and looks healthy. I wonder how much time she has before she is gone.”

“May I walk you to your class?” Light asked her.

“Thank you Light I would like that very much, but I was heading to the library. My morning class was cancelled because the teacher had to leave for a family emergency. Maybe next time, perhaps” she said.

Light nodded, “Of course.”

“Alright then,” Oki bowed. “Well I guess I had better let you get to class or you will be late.”

Light looked at his watch. “I still have a little time.” Oki smiled, her eyes seeming to sparkle in the light of the morning sun. “Oki?” Light asked.

“Yes Light?”

“Would you have lunch with me today?”

Oki nodded, “I would like that.”

“Good, I guess we can meet at the bench where we met yesterday.”

“I will see you there at noon.” Oki said. Light gave her a quick nod before they both heard a voice call out, “Hey, Light!”

Light turned regretfully to verify the owner of the voice. “L? What the hell is he doing here?” Light muttered to himself.

Oki looked away from L over at Light. She asked in a disbelieving tone. “Is that the L that is looking for Kira?”

Somewhat shocked, Light realized his error and turned to explain. “Umm… forget I said anything about that,” Light told her with hesitation.

Oki looked back at L who was drawing closer to them, before turning her gaze to Light once again. “I need to be getting to the library.”

“Wait, we are still meeting for lunch, right?”

Oki stopped and looked up at Ryuk, Ryuk smiled at her. She looked back at Light, “Sure, I will see you there.”

Light nodded, “Alright, see you then.” Oki walked past L going toward the library. L turned his head to watch her walk by.

“What are you doing here, L?” Light asked.

“Is she a friend of yours?” L probed, while looking in Oki's direction.

“Yes she is.”

“She is very cute. What is her name?”

“What are you doing here, L?” Light asked again.

“Fine,” L sighed. “Well I came by to tell you that I needed to speak with you. I was hoping we could do this after school.”

Light turned from L and started walking away. “I will see you after school then. I have to get to class or I am going to be late.”

L quickly strode up next to Light. “So what is her name?”

Light looked over to L with a displeased look on his face. “Why does he want to know her name so bad? Should I tell him? Oki is clean from what I found on her, but who knows what L could dig up on her. However, I am sure he will only find what I found,” he thought to himself.

“Oki, Saito Oki.” Light told him.

“How long have you known Oki?” L asked.

Geez, can this guy be any more annoying?” Light thought to himself.

“One day. I met her yesterday here on campus,” Light said, clearly irritated.

“She is very cute,” L replied.

“Yes. Yes she is,” Light muttered as he walked towards the classroom. “Well, I guess I will see you later,” he added. And before L could ask anymore unwanted questions, he rushed into the classroom. L shrugged, still obviously pondering this mysterious new girl in Light’s life.


When lunch hour came around, Light headed to the bench where he and Oki had agreed to meet. As Light came near the bench, he heard two familiar voices chatting merrily. Light's expression turned sour when he saw Oki sitting with L. The two of them were laughing as Light walked into view.

“I know what you mean. Some people can be so silly sometimes,” Oki said in agreement to whatever ridiculous story L was telling her.

“Looks like, someone is moving in on your girl,” Ryuk chuckled.

Light shot Ryuk a dirty look, then looked back at L and Oki, clearing his throat as he did...

Oki looked Light's way. “Light, there you are. I was wondering if you were going to show or not.” Oki replied as she stood up to greet him.

Light walked toward them, “class ran late. Sorry for making you wait.”

“I guess these things happen. Your friend was keeping me company while I waited,” Oki told Light.

“Yes I see. Thank you Hideki,” Light said to L while trying to bore a hole into his skull with his mind.

“Anytime Light, I enjoyed her company immensely,” L replied.

L glanced over to see Light’s face contorting angrily.

“Weeeell, now that Light is here I guess I will be on my way.”

Oki nodded, “It was nice to meet you Hideki, maybe we can talk again sometime.”

“Yes, I would enjoy that. I have your number, so I will call you when I get some free time. I will see you after school, Light.” L then turned and walked away. Light, who was still quite perturbed, replied. “Umm... yes, after school.”

Once L was out of sight, he turned back to Oki. “So you gave him your number?”

Oki shook her head. “No I did not. I am not sure how he got my number. He called me and asked me to meet with him here.”

Light turned to look in the direction L had walked away as he muttered, “I do...”

“Look Oki, I do not want you to think Hideki is...”

“I know what is going on. L explained it to me.” Oki told him.

“He did?!” Light exclaimed.

Oki nodded, “I think it is great that you helped out with that.”

What is L trying to prove here? He tells me not to tell anyone about the Kira case, and then he turns around and tells Oki. What is he up to?” Light thought to himself.

“I guess he told you he's using the name Hideki Ryuga as an alias too?”

“Yes, he told me it was safer to do that because Kira wants him dead.”

Light nodded, Oki really had no idea how dead Kira wanted L. He took a seat on the bench. Oki sat next to him and looked up at Ryuk. “Light, can I ask you a question?”

“I don’t see why not,” Light answered.

Oki nodded, “how long have you and Ryuk been together?”

“You not only can see him, but you know his name as well?” Light gasped.

“Ammy told me Ryuk's name last night.”

“Ammy... is that a Shinigami's name?”

“Well that is what I call her, but her real name is Amaterasu. She and I have been together for four years,” Oki explained.

“Taking your time with the Death Note I see,” Ryuk butted in.

Oki looked up at Ryuk, “yes I am. There is really no one out there I want to kill. I have used my Death Note to help people, but I am not really the type to judge people and kill them for their crimes like Kira does.”

Light suddenly stood up. “But those people deserved to die. They were bad people that have hurt, tortured, and killed innocents and made all kinds of shady dealings while giving no thought to the lives of others.”

“So you really are Kira, aren't you?” Oki asked as she stood up cautiously.

Having realized that Oki could actually be positive of this, Light took a moment to gather his thoughts. “I’m not Kira. I’m sorry if I gave you the idea that I might have been Kira, but I assure you I’m not alone in thinking this way.”

“It’s just that,” Oki started, “when you said: ‘those people deserved to die,’ you said it with such deep passion and conviction what else was I supposed to think?”

“But it is true, and it’s not hard to find people who agree with that,” Light explained.

“Though you are right about their actions,” Oki stated very angrily, “those lives are still human lives and all life, good or bad, deserves to live.” Oki had managed to say all this without shouting, although her fists were clenched tightly.

“I suppose I won’t be able to change your mind,” Light began, “And I have no intention to. But if you had watched the news and seen and heard the terrible things people have done while you had the power to stop them, you would think of stopping them too. I will admit I have used my Death Note once or twice, and that alone saved the lives of dozens. However, what Kira has done is far more criminal than I could have thought to have done. I have put aside my Death Note now that L is trying to find Kira, I can’t be a hero anymore.”

“I guess you aren’t Kira then. And I suppose I can forgive you for using your Death Note if you were able to save the lives of the innocent. It does make you a hero, though – a tragic one like me.” Oki shut her eyes thoughtfully as she sat back on the bench.

“I help people with my Death Note. It’s very different from you or Kira.”

Hearing this, Ryuk floated closer. “I want to know how you can help someone. That is something I did not know you could do. The Death Note is used to put people to death, not help them.”

Oki looked up at Ryuk. “I help people that are sick and dying like me, the ones hurting and tired of clinging to life when it’s too painful to continue. The ones that know they would be better off in their grave than lying in a hospital bed suffering and waiting for the inevitable end.”

Light watched Oki as sadness filled his heart. “Is that how you feel Oki? Do you feel you are better off in your grave than alive?”

“Some days yes. When the pain gets to the point where all I can do is cry and curl up in my bed, then I wish I could write my own name in my Death Note. If I could then I would have surely written it there myself by now.” Oki told them.

“Well maybe I can help you out there,” Ryuk offered.

“And I will write your boy’s name in mine,” Amaterasu replied.

Ryuk merely laughed. “See if I care. After all, I would be helping Oki out since release from this world is what she wants. As far as writing down Light’s name, go ahead, I’m just here to have some fun.”

Light looked at Oki, “is Ryuk talking to Amaterasu?” he asked.

Oki nodded, “Yes Ammy is here.”

“Is there a way you can make it so I can see her, Oki?” Light asked.

“No. My Death Note stays locked up in my apartment, I hardly take it out.”

“Tell me Oki, when was the first time you saw Ryuk?”

“It was on the train about a year ago. A guy pushed past me and I bumped into you,” Oki explained.

“So I was right.”

“After I bumped into you, my hand touched a part of what must have been your Death Note. It was showing from under your jacket.”

Amaterasu floated up to them as they talked. “Ah, I remember you told me about that. So this is the boy you were talking about?”

“Yes, this is him.”

Oki looked back at Light as Light also looked at her.

“So tell me more about yourself,” they both said in unison.

Date Published
11/11/08 (Originally Created: 11/10/08)
A World of Fantasy
Death Note Fan Words
10 hugs hug
12 members Favoritefavorite
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