Quiz Results samagirl

My Little Pony Personality Test!


What Mudkip Are You?


Awwww yeah!!!!

What Disney Villain Are You?

I have no Idea who this is

What Type Of Gamer Are You?

I do? Okayyyyy.......


Yay, I guess

Who Is Your Ouran Host Date?

Heck why not?

What Kuroshitsuji Character Are You?

Awww yeah! Peanut-butter Demon time!


What Role Do You Play In An Anime?

Two words. Heck. Yeah!

What Is Your Anime Eye Color?

Eh, Who cares at this point? I just would rather have Blue, I'm better at drawing that and it looks better

What Is Your Anime Hair Colour?

Whatever happened to 'Imma kill you if you mess with me'? Oh well, I like pink anyway

Which Furuba Character Are You?

Totally knew it! I friggin love picking fights whenever I can get my fists in there. I like knowing others think I'm strong, and, well, duh. Battle hungry and Defensive =^-^=

What Pokemon Are You?

Yus! I knew it! Just knew it!

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