Evan Marks, Vampire

“I’ll do quite well in gym class.” I mumbled.

I threw my car up and grabbed it by the side and lowered it safely to the ground. I was covered in grease but decided to go and run. I was sprinting at at least fifty miles an hour. I jumped and dove forward, propelling myself at least twelve yards, rolling back into a run. I jumped at a house and kicked off of it, and grabbed the roof of the house. I pulled myself up with ease.

“Yes!” I yelled.

“Some one’s on the roof Bob!” yelled a female voice.

Almost forgot. I sprinted to the edge and jumped, clearing their lawn and landed on the grass safely. A man walked out of his house and looked at his roof. “There’s no one up there Carla.” The man walked back into his house and continued his activities. I looked down and noticed I had a shadow still. Good. A lack of shadow means that I’ve lost my soul. I haven’t lost my soul to evil so I was safe. I have to suck the blood of criminals and demons to stay alive. Easy. Kinda nasty but I’ll live.

I ran home and took another shower and washed my greasy pajamas. I got on some jeans and a graphic T-shirt which just had a lot of wavy lines that were all the colors of the rainbow. I got into my car and drove to the mall. I went into the giant mall and watched the hordes of people that scurried around with shopping bags and cell phones to their ears. Speaking of cell phones, my phone just beeped.

I took it out to see Kelsey had texted me. I popped open my phone and read it.

“What r u doing right now?” she asked.

I typed away saying :At the mall.

I waited a few seconds and received another text. “Me too! where r u?”

I looked at my surroundings and said, “Food court,” and sent it.

I waited when I was suddenly bear hugged from the side.

“Evan! How are you?” It was Kelsey. Sneaky girl.

“Good! How about-” I turned to see Christian with her. “You?” I finished.

“Christian and I just decided to come to the mall to hang out!I know this sounds weird but I noticed you’re feeling muscular. Working out?” she asked.

I looked down at my self and decided to say “Yeah.”

“I can’t see you as a person that works out.”

You couldn’t see me as a vampire either.

“Yeah, I just decided to work out because I need to be healthier.” I lied.

“Well that’s a surprising turn for Evan Marks!” she laughed gleefully.

I laughed along and realized Christian wasn’t putting in any input. His eyes were analyzing me like a test subject.

“Hey Christian! I’m sorry what’s your last name again?” I asked sorta embarrassed.

“Christian Ula.” He said shaking my hand.

Ula.Was that...Indian, Asian?Whatever.

“So, what should we do? It’s twelve forty-five and I haven’t eaten anything yet.” said Kelsey.

“Then let’s have lunch!” exclaimed Christian.

“Okay. Let’s do that.” I agreed surprised at Christian’s over reaction about food.

We decided to eat some Jimmy John’s and we put our food on a nearby table. We unwrapped our sandwiches and partook of it’s goodness. I took a sip of my drink,amazed that my taste buds tasted more than blood.

“So,” I asked, “any homework?”

“Nope.” said Christian licking his fingers. Pig.

“Me neither.” said Kelsey.

“Well, that was a short topic.” I mumbled.

“So uh, Evan what did you do this morning?” asked Kelsey.

“I sat outside for a while.” I said.

“Interesting.” chuckled Kelsey.

“What did you do last night?” asked Christian.

“Uh, I played some parkour and went on an elevator ride.” I said. Partly true.