Evan Marks, Vampire

It was dark. People still roamed the parks. A lot of them too. I laid down on the bench and held the mirror in a way that nobody would notice. I looked at each person and then looked into the mirror to see if they were there. No Vampire yet. A hooded man ran towards a woman and kissed her all over her face and her neck. It was quite uncomfortable. The woman then went limp. I put the mirror up to realize the man wasn’t in the mirror.

I studied him and got in my car and followed him. He carried the woman over his shoulder and ran into an alley. I passed him in my car and parked on the side of the street. I went to pursue the vampire. I threw my teleporter onto the fire escape and went to it. I climbed to the top of the fire escape and threw my teleporter onto the top of the building, teleporting to the top.

I now had a birds’ eye view of my target. He proceeded forward and crossed the street. I jumped onto the next building and threw the disc across the street onto the other building. I teleported again and watched him. He entered an apartment complex. I jumped to it, rolling on impact. I performed a fire spell. It’s called Explosion. Guess what it does? I blasted a hole through the roof and dropped down into an apartment. I heard some noises that came from the bedroom.

Let’s just say they were getting intimate and I booked it out of there. I took the elevator to the third floor. I got out and pressed the up button for the opposite elevator. The doors slid open to reveal the vampire holding the woman over his shoulder. I walked in and stood next to him.