Evan Marks, Vampire


“Hey, it’s me Braden. You want to come to my party tonight?”

“When is it?” I asked.

“Eight o’clock.”

“Sorry man, that’s way past my bed time.”

Braden laughed. “C’mon all the ladies will be there. We could get asked for Twirp!”

“No. It’s alright. I’m not feeling too hot right now. Maybe next time.” I said.

“Fine man. You’re going to miss out.”

“I know. See you.”

He hung up and I continued to read my books.

“Evan! It’s time!”

I jumped at the sound of my mom’s voice. I put away my reading material and went downstairs to the piano. I pressed the button and went through the passage way. I got into our Marks Cave. I took my shirt off and replaced it with some durable armor and put my shirt over it. I put on my throwing cross belt and put a knife into each slot. I then put the two handed sword on my back. I loaded Hellfire bullets into my pistols and put them in my holsters. I put four wooden stakes shaped as crosses into my jacket pockets. I took some Holy Water and some religious symbols on a necklace. David’s star, a Crucifix you name it, it was on there.

I also took a Hellfire shotgun just in case. One shot with a hellfire bullet and you light on fire from the wound. I took two remedies and took my car to the park. I took a mirror and left my guns and sword in my car. Nobody knew I had knives in my stylish belt. I walked through the park and waited on a bench.